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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What do people around you think about the wii?

^ you think 360 is starting to suck or they do?

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
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Most of my friends (20-30 year old gamers/programmers) hate Sony. More to the point, anything non-Sony is good, anything Sony doesn't get a mention. I wouldn't say they're Wii fans, but fans of non-Sony consoles. The 360 and Wii are pretty much in equal standing as far as that's concerned, but more of my friends own a Wii than a 360.

Some of my older friends and relatives have come over my place to check out the Wii. Everyone who's seen it has been interested in it. Most of them consider it to be the next PlayStation or at least liken it to one. For them, it's a different kind of PlayStation. New. Unique. Different. Those are the selling points for them. It offers a different experience to the old PlayStation 2.

60% of my town is 360
30% of my town is PS3
10% of my town is Wii

The few wii owners either have a second console, and are very hapy with both, own one and are happy(ME!!), or own one, and don't like it.

65% of people in my town who have a wii are happy with it.
30% have a wii and aren't happy with it.
5% have two console and are happy.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

Almost everyone I know absolutely loves the Wii. There is one guy who does not love it, but thinks it is pretty good all the same. I know no one in real life who has a Wii that collects dust, or thinks it would collect dust if they had it. Mostly my friends are old hardcore PC gamers though so that probably skew the demographic. We all got tired of updating our rigs to keep up at various points (I dropped first I think) and now all of them are into console gaming in one way or another.

Oddly there are next to no PS3 owners in my social circle. The 2 people that do have it are diametrically opposed in their views of the console. One of them is a hardcore PS3 fanboy who does his best to bash anything 360 or Wii related but has recently had to give uo Wii hating due to love of Brawl. The other one uses his PS3 exclusively as a PS2. He hooks it up to a SDTV as well so there is no upscaling being used. I really don't know why he bought a PS3, but he certainly seems to hate all the games out for it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Griffin said:
Renar said:
zackblue said:
lemieux-rules66 said:
ok the Sony fanboys who own a wii say its great, the sony fanboys who don't own a Wii say's its crap, the 360 fanyboys who one say. Its amazing, the 360 fanboy's who don't own one say its a terrible piece of sh*t. And all the Nintendo fanboy's who own it say it is teh greatest thing ever. And my teachers who own a Wii say's its the most amazing thing ever made.

Fanboys are idiots, they dont know what they are talking about most of the time therefore ignore there posts, also its strange that your teachers own a video game system.

So the irony is kids wanting the PS360 to be adults, but adults wanting the Wii to feel young again.

 No one is buying a PS3/360 to feel like adults, the wii has no good games compared to the other consoles and thats why they want the PS3/360.  I also find adults suck at games so they feel that the wii is easy to get into becasue they cannot compete with their kids at other games.

 *cheers* more trolling, I guess your avatar and sig is a good sign of why you can't find any good games for the Wii, you don't even know what a good game IS much less know how to spot one when you see it. 

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000