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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%
Cleary397 said:
o_O.Q said:
Cleary397 said:

You're so right.

I garuntee he did not listen to the audio provided, or follow the transcript. He posted a reply 14 minutes after i supplied it to him, and given that the speech is 25 minutes long its impossible for him to actually have listened and analysed the evidence.

But then again.... the illuminati are real! its a conspiracy because a guy on youtube says so!!


sigh... that you actually have no idea that he did make a speech about secrecy even though you claimed to have looked into this is depressing


here you go:


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."


those were the words of kennedy before he was assassinated

and i'd liketo draw attention to this portion "that relies primarily on covert means"

this process is not direct and overt it is subtle and that's part of the reason why people find it so easy to dismiss it so easily

Can you provide the date and location of this speech given?

I like to verify evidence as best as i can.


Edit: Verified myself, the speech you provided was given on April 27th 1961. NOT "Weeks" before he was assassinated.

This is a classic case of misrepresenting evidence to make it fit a pre-concieved idea/conspiracy. 

uh huh...

where did i say it was weeks before he was assassinated?

please reply and tell me, also reply and tell me how i misrepresented what he said?

did i go back through time and put a gun to his head to force him to talk about secrecy?

but regardless of that how does the date invalidate what he says?


btw here's another speech by president eisenhower who also saw the danger in this and sought to warn people


edit: in my haste to reply i missed this

"Further edit: Lets now consider what the real meaning of the speech was by examining what was going on in the world around 1961...

hmm... the cold war seems a pretty big deal to the americans. Maybe they were worried about russian spies and espionage.

Thus the reason for this quote you were adamant to point out - "that relies primarily on covert means"."


why would he therefore call it "around the world"?

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o_O.Q said:

i personally didn't mean to imply that i thought that the notion that they announce plans is validated because of any occurance of coincidences like associated symbols popping up in various media

honestly i generally just think of these as coincidences

however, with regards to the duck tales comic 'm neither here nor there completely

because the symbology goes so deep that i find it hard to conclude completely that its merely coincidence

this is not only because of the towers falling but what caused them to fall in the comics

the cube with an S on it can be considered to be representative of the cube of saturn/metatron's cube (this is associated with masonry )

this also links back to the memorials they built shown below

another page of the comic is shown below ( observe the panel in the middle and compare it to the 911 memorial...

now again yes i concede this could all be coincidence but i'm finding it harder and harder to just dismiss this one

a. Too many moving parts: In order for that all to not be a coincedence, the artist and writer would have to know exactly what would happen over 10 years from the point they wrote it down to the details of the memorial. The US government had to have then been involved in the plot for over 20 years now without leaking any of the secrets. Theres more moving parts obviously, but you get the point.

b. what is the motive behind it all? Why set up this plot in 1990 and not carry it out for 10 years? Theres no logic behind that.

c. Why allude to this plot in popular culture at all? Once again, its absolutely illogical.

d. We really can't go calling a cube "masonic imagery" just as much as we can't call triangles "illuminati imagery". They are too common for them to really mean anything. The S is a dollar sign, because it seems to be Scrooge's vault. Also, why this particular cube? Is that imagery supposed to mean something in particular? Just saying "its masonic" doesn't really tell me anything if this particular imagery doesn't mean anything past that.

EDIT: I also don't really see how talking about increasing Militarization has anything to do with the illuminati. 

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist". But I'm sure if you told the jewish people before ww1 that they were going to rounded up and systematically killed in death camps by an evil dictator hellbent on taking over the world and starting a race of aryan pure people who beleaved in witchcraft and incest, somone would have called you crazy but I guess that's the point only a few will have knowledge and understanding

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw

sundin13 said:
o_O.Q said:

i personally didn't mean to imply that i thought that the notion that they announce plans is validated because of any occurance of coincidences like associated symbols popping up in various media

honestly i generally just think of these as coincidences

however, with regards to the duck tales comic 'm neither here nor there completely

because the symbology goes so deep that i find it hard to conclude completely that its merely coincidence

this is not only because of the towers falling but what caused them to fall in the comics

the cube with an S on it can be considered to be representative of the cube of saturn/metatron's cube (this is associated with masonry )

this also links back to the memorials they built shown below

another page of the comic is shown below ( observe the panel in the middle and compare it to the 911 memorial...

now again yes i concede this could all be coincidence but i'm finding it harder and harder to just dismiss this one

a. Too many moving parts: In order for that all to not be a coincedence, the artist and writer would have to know exactly what would happen over 10 years from the point they wrote it down to the details of the memorial. The US government had to have then been involved in the plot for over 20 years now without leaking any of the secrets. Theres more moving parts obviously, but you get the point.

b. what is the motive behind it all? Why set up this plot in 1990 and not carry it out for 10 years? Theres no logic behind that.

c. Why allude to this plot in popular culture at all? Once again, its absolutely illogical.

d. We really can't go calling a cube "masonic imagery" just as much as we can't call triangles "illuminati imagery". They are too common for them to really mean anything. The S is a dollar sign, because it seems to be Scrooge's vault. Also, why this particular cube? Is that imagery supposed to mean something in particular? Just saying "its masonic" doesn't really tell me anything if this particular imagery doesn't mean anything past that.

EDIT: I also don't really see how talking about increasing Militarization has anything to do with the illuminati. 

(a) i wouldn't say its out of the question to say that it was all planned

i have a very short video for you showing an example of how they set up plans and reveal them to the public at times

please tell me what you think about that video especially considering the current context ( the us destroyed iraq, lybia etc and are moving on syria now )


(b) as we've been saying symbology, timing and numbers are very important to these people


c. i'd compare it to cats playing with mice before they kill them, when you own the minds of people why not mess with them once in a while


(d) well i can tell you for certain that the first symbol i showed you is a symbol associated with the occult, now whether it was intentionally linked to 911 and duck tales obviously i'm not sure but i'm leaning more to that conclusion than just pure coincidence

eisenhower doesn't just speak about militarisation he also speaks about the abuse of misplaced power, guarding against the gaining of too much influence by the military, the effect on democratic process etc

i think this connects with what kennedy said because to me at least it shows that despite eisenhowers warning the military industrial complex  or more accurately those who control it were allowed to gain too much power

although i suppose its less clear how this is related 

Nintentacle said:
Kerotan said:
nintentacle i'm not going to continue to debate this with you. you've brainwashed yourself. well done.

if you look into everything in the world you're going to find a shit ton of weird coincidences. My birthday is 9/11 backwards and i was born 10 years before. BTW did I forget to say I'm the head of Illuminati!! Oh and the second and third letters in Illuminati are the twin towers. i could make shit up all day and feed it to fools who want to believe. Now that I think about it i can see why people make this shit up. Because so many morons follow it like a religion!



i don't see where it says a plane crashing into them. it's a nuke. and those are 2 of the most likely targets you'd pick in a terrorist game as you would in real life. Yes it's a coincidence and not a surprising one. As I said if you look closely at everything in the world you will find a councidence to suit your argument somewhere. 

Around the Network
Nintentacle said:
PullusPardus said:
I know it's a joke but Isn't Illuminati an elite Atheist group? not Satanic or religious. They want to build a system where scientists can have all the power to advance humanity without the restrictions of morality and religion.

Kind of?

That's not them thats another crazy cult that wanted to make a copy of the stonehedge in the UK. Like a  modern version of it. Being that it was made in Georgia it got vandalised by people saying "Them satanists n'err goon get me as the lawwwrdd is ma witness's"

o_O.Q said:
Cleary397 said:
o_O.Q said:
Cleary397 said:

You're so right.

I garuntee he did not listen to the audio provided, or follow the transcript. He posted a reply 14 minutes after i supplied it to him, and given that the speech is 25 minutes long its impossible for him to actually have listened and analysed the evidence.

But then again.... the illuminati are real! its a conspiracy because a guy on youtube says so!!


sigh... that you actually have no idea that he did make a speech about secrecy even though you claimed to have looked into this is depressing


here you go:


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."


those were the words of kennedy before he was assassinated

and i'd liketo draw attention to this portion "that relies primarily on covert means"

this process is not direct and overt it is subtle and that's part of the reason why people find it so easy to dismiss it so easily

Can you provide the date and location of this speech given?

I like to verify evidence as best as i can.


Edit: Verified myself, the speech you provided was given on April 27th 1961. NOT "Weeks" before he was assassinated.

This is a classic case of misrepresenting evidence to make it fit a pre-concieved idea/conspiracy. 

uh huh...

where did i say it was weeks before he was assassinated?

please reply and tell me, also reply and tell me how i misrepresented what he said?

did i go back through time and put a gun to his head to force him to talk about secrecy?

but regardless of that how does the date invalidate what he says?


btw here's another speech by president eisenhower who also saw the danger in this and sought to warn people


edit: in my haste to reply i missed this

"Further edit: Lets now consider what the real meaning of the speech was by examining what was going on in the world around 1961...

hmm... the cold war seems a pretty big deal to the americans. Maybe they were worried about russian spies and espionage.

Thus the reason for this quote you were adamant to point out - "that relies primarily on covert means"."


why would he therefore call it "around the world"?

Well, the video you provided as evidence starts with "Speech by JFK given just weeks before he was assassinated"

So if you are agreeing that this was not "weeks before he was assassinated" then you must omit the evidence provided as it starts with false claims.


You are misrepresenting JFK by using his words completely out of context. The speech was in response to him feeling his privacy was being violated by the american press, and that privacy needs to be redefined and considered carefully.

Maybe include this in your future claims, which is the follow up paragraph to your snippet -

"But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country's peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of "clear and present danger," the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public's need for national security.

When you include this, it becomes clear he is not talking about some ultra secretive society who somehow feels the need to plant these obvious clues to their existance, but is in fact talking about privacy and the freedom of the press.

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Teeqoz said:
Nintentacle said:
Teeqoz said:
I bet there's not a whole lot of people here that are aware of the fact that Illuminati was really just an organisation who's goal was to spread knowledge to the world. That's why they're called Illuminati, it basically means 'Enlighten'. The only reason people think they have something to do with the devil is because the church condemned them and claimed that they were devil worshippers (Y'know, because church hates science, especially 17th and 18th century church). And ofcourse conspiracy theorists gobbled it all up, and exagarated it until it became what it 'is' today.

I'm not sure about that, they have Baphomet symbolism. Either way, they are/were crazy.

I'd never heard of Baphomet before this, but a quick google got me this (from wikipedia):

"Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with a "Sabbatic Goat" image drawn by Eliphas Levi[3] which contains binary elements representing the "sum total of the universe" (e.g. male and female, good and evil, etc.).[4] However, Baphomet has been connected withSatanism as well, primarily due to the adoption of it as a symbol by the Church of Satan.[5]"

Seems to me that the Baphomet was a symbol that had nothing to do with Satan, until the Church of Satan (a bunch of Psycos) adopted it, which happened after 1966, since the church of Satan didn't exist before that. Just another example of a symbol that was twisted out of it's original meaning, similar to the Swastika, which, before Hitler used it in his nazi flag, was a symbol of peace.

Also, can you show me what ties Baphomet to Illuminati?

And what is that picture of that rock there? Who wrote that? The Illuminati?

Baphomet is actually muhamad (Islamic prophet) he used to be mentioned in Christian counties as a fearsome ruler and a propjet  priests used to misspell his name and some even though he was the false messiah. so the younger ones thought Baphomet is actually a devil and called him Baphomet (or Bahamud, Mahamud..Etc)

So church of Satan is actually accidentally worshipping the Islamic prophet. Now don't tell any muslim this they will think that Allah did this or some crap. 

o_O.Q said:

(a) i wouldn't say its out of the question to say that it was all planned

i have a very short video for you showing an example of how they set up plans and reveal them to the public at times

please tell me what you think about that video especially considering the current context ( the us destroyed iraq, lybia etc and are moving on syria now )

(b) as we've been saying symbology, timing and numbers are very important to these people


c. i'd compare it to cats playing with mice before they kill them, when you own the minds of people why not mess with them once in a while


(d) well i can tell you for certain that the first symbol i showed you is a symbol associated with the occult, now whether it was intentionally linked to 911 and duck tales obviously i'm not sure but i'm leaning more to that conclusion than just pure coincidence

eisenhower doesn't just speak about militarisation he also speaks about the abuse of misplaced power, guarding against the gaining of too much influence by the military, the effect on democratic process etc

i think this connects with what kennedy said because to me at least it shows that despite eisenhowers warning the military industrial complex  or more accurately those who control it were allowed to gain too much power

although i suppose its less clear how this is related 

a. I really don't know what that video is supposed to prove. Obviously there is some sort of plan for the middle east, that has been apparent since the 90s. It has been a turbulent region for quite some time and America has clearly shown that it wishes to impart some sort of stability to the region (however it has failed at every turn)...However, to say, as a leader of this country "in order to persuade the people of America, in 10-15 years, to go to war against a region that we were already on the verge of war with and have been in and out of wars for the last decade or so, we will plan to execute a false terrorist plot, killing many important people, and in the planning of this plot, we will leave clues pointing to the fact that this is a massive scale hoax throughout pop culture." The fact that anyone can believe that what I just typed is logical astonishes me. I do think that the government used 9/11 as a means of rallying the country to war, just as the government used Sandy Hook as a means of rallying the country to gun control (unfortunately that movement failed) but that isn't evidence that the 9/11 was an inside job.

Theres this principle called Occam's razor which states the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is the one that should be selected. There is not enough evidence to make the conclusion you are trying to make, but there are so many insane assumptions that need to be made that it is impossible for any reasonable person to accept these conclusions as anything resembling fact. 

b/d. But to say "well, theres a cube there (one of the most common 3D shapes), must be the illuminati" is ridiculous, especially when there is no meaning behind the symbolism. Its just a random logic leap with no basis in the critical thinking that these conspiracy theorists claim to be masters of. 

c. I think the fact that you can compare a massive worldwide organization/conspiracy to cats says something about the validity of your claims, but not what you want it to say. Its like a villain rattling off his whole plan to the hero before killing him. It just makes no sense...

d. I think that a lot of smart men saw some ugly things in the way the country was going. Many of us see those things today without jumping to the conclusion that there must be some bogeyman pulling the strings. This isn't evidence for the illuminati, it a cautionary tale about continuing down this road of militarization and power. Many empires in the past have fallen by spreading themselves out too thin, and while the logistics of the world have changed, the same principles apply...I see some of this evidence, but there just isn't a strong connection to your conclusion.

Cleary397 said:

Well, the video you provided as evidence starts with "Speech by JFK given just weeks before he was assassinated"

So if you are agreeing that this was not "weeks before he was assassinated" then you must omit the evidence provided as it starts with false claims.


You are misrepresenting JFK by using his words completely out of context. The speech was in response to him feeling his privacy was being violated by the american press, and that privacy needs to be redefined and considered carefully.

Maybe include this in your future claims, which is the follow up paragraph to your snippet -

"But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country's peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of "clear and present danger," the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public's need for national security.

When you include this, it becomes clear he is not talking about some ultra secretive society who somehow feels the need to plant these obvious clues to their existance, but is in fact talking about privacy and the freedom of the press.

honestly i didn't even notice that myself because i guess the date given seemed unimportant compared to what he actually says but as i said i never spoke of the date because its completely irrelevant


""But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to reexamine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country's peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In time of "clear and present danger," the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public's need for national security.


When you include this, it becomes clear he is not talking about some ultra secretive society who somehow feels the need to plant these obvious clues to their existance, but is in fact talking about privacy and the freedom of the press."


to be honest my interpretation is that he's calling for the press to not keep any information that they have about this conspiracy he spoke of hidden...

and he goes on to mention a possible motive of the press for keeping this information hidden

"In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy."

that is privacy in the name of "national security" not for the sake of individuals


now it seems obvious to me that the fact that the general public forms most of their opinions under the influence of information fed to them by the media and given that he's spoken of a powerful conspiracy

that him following his announcement of the conspiracy with comments on the media must mean that he acknowledges that the media must play a part in informing people of this conspiracy that they should do so regards of the constraints that have been placed upon them to not reveal certain information

now how you reduce that entirely to him just talking about the media when he speaks of the gathering of military, political, economic, etc etc etc resources being gathered is beyond me lol

if this were just about freedom of speech how does the gathering of the resources that he speak of factor in? there are obviously other points that undermine what you're saying but i think this is the most obvious place your argument falls flat