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o_O.Q said:

(a) i wouldn't say its out of the question to say that it was all planned

i have a very short video for you showing an example of how they set up plans and reveal them to the public at times

please tell me what you think about that video especially considering the current context ( the us destroyed iraq, lybia etc and are moving on syria now )

(b) as we've been saying symbology, timing and numbers are very important to these people


c. i'd compare it to cats playing with mice before they kill them, when you own the minds of people why not mess with them once in a while


(d) well i can tell you for certain that the first symbol i showed you is a symbol associated with the occult, now whether it was intentionally linked to 911 and duck tales obviously i'm not sure but i'm leaning more to that conclusion than just pure coincidence

eisenhower doesn't just speak about militarisation he also speaks about the abuse of misplaced power, guarding against the gaining of too much influence by the military, the effect on democratic process etc

i think this connects with what kennedy said because to me at least it shows that despite eisenhowers warning the military industrial complex  or more accurately those who control it were allowed to gain too much power

although i suppose its less clear how this is related 

a. I really don't know what that video is supposed to prove. Obviously there is some sort of plan for the middle east, that has been apparent since the 90s. It has been a turbulent region for quite some time and America has clearly shown that it wishes to impart some sort of stability to the region (however it has failed at every turn)...However, to say, as a leader of this country "in order to persuade the people of America, in 10-15 years, to go to war against a region that we were already on the verge of war with and have been in and out of wars for the last decade or so, we will plan to execute a false terrorist plot, killing many important people, and in the planning of this plot, we will leave clues pointing to the fact that this is a massive scale hoax throughout pop culture." The fact that anyone can believe that what I just typed is logical astonishes me. I do think that the government used 9/11 as a means of rallying the country to war, just as the government used Sandy Hook as a means of rallying the country to gun control (unfortunately that movement failed) but that isn't evidence that the 9/11 was an inside job.

Theres this principle called Occam's razor which states the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions is the one that should be selected. There is not enough evidence to make the conclusion you are trying to make, but there are so many insane assumptions that need to be made that it is impossible for any reasonable person to accept these conclusions as anything resembling fact. 

b/d. But to say "well, theres a cube there (one of the most common 3D shapes), must be the illuminati" is ridiculous, especially when there is no meaning behind the symbolism. Its just a random logic leap with no basis in the critical thinking that these conspiracy theorists claim to be masters of. 

c. I think the fact that you can compare a massive worldwide organization/conspiracy to cats says something about the validity of your claims, but not what you want it to say. Its like a villain rattling off his whole plan to the hero before killing him. It just makes no sense...

d. I think that a lot of smart men saw some ugly things in the way the country was going. Many of us see those things today without jumping to the conclusion that there must be some bogeyman pulling the strings. This isn't evidence for the illuminati, it a cautionary tale about continuing down this road of militarization and power. Many empires in the past have fallen by spreading themselves out too thin, and while the logistics of the world have changed, the same principles apply...I see some of this evidence, but there just isn't a strong connection to your conclusion.