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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I sell my XB1 and get a PS4?

Sell? No way.........but if you must...

Wii U. No doubt about that. Many quality titles.
e.g. AC series, bayonetta 1, 2, Rayman, Smash and Starfox.

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I don't have much interest in Halo too and Ps4 has some interesting exclusives that i really enjoy, like infamous. I can't say much about COD and NBA because i'm not into military shooters and I absolutely hate sport games (football especially). Maybe Microsoft could make a banjo game right, but then Sony could make a Ape escape that is exactly the opposite of that monstrosity in the ps3...

Too much confusing. I don't know what to say...



We reap what we sow

You might as well then. Just get what your friends get cause then you can play with them.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

SuperMarioWorld said:

I'm thinking about selling my XB1 and getting a PS4 this week? I'm kinda mostly a COD scrub so I really like the fact that PS4 has a much larger user base and this is probably a huge positive for online games like COD in the future. I live in Australia and COD Ghosts on XB1 is pretty much a ghost town. 

I'm a massive Nintendo fan but I also play a bit of COD, Titanfall and a few other games like Trials and NBA 2K on XB1. I'm not really into any other Xbox franchises like Halo or anything like that. I loved COD on the 360 so much and have made a lot of friends on there. So I followed my friends and got a XB1 recently. I'm sure it's great for many other kind of games but for COD Ghosts it's a miserable experience.  

i know you mentioned you're not a fan of Halo, but with nothing exclusive coming out for the PS4 right now and you're an FPS fan, I'd say get MCC and play that for a biit before you sell your Xbox One for a PS4.

But I'd also say, yes.  If you're interested in playing games online with other people, then it's best to get the dominant console.  For example.  I've played the 360 version of Batman Arkham Origins well after the release and it was difficult to find a game but not too difficult.  When I played the PS3 version in the future, it took a very long time to even get into a single match.  Went to play it the next day and after 15 or so minutes I didn't even get half the amount of people required for a match.  The games with a more niche online mode will have less people, so you'll want the console which has a higher userbase to experience the online for a longer period of time. 

I sold my ps4 to buy my first Xbox One, and on October 28th, I will be buying my 2nd Xbox One. The gorgeous white Xbox One. Different strokes for different folks.

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Goatseye said:
Nothing like a good console war in the morning... hmm, hmm.



I know right? The guy simply asked a question and this is what happens.

WhiteEaglePL said:Wii U. No doubt about that. Many quality titles.
e.g. AC series, bayonetta 1, 2, Rayman, Smash and Starfox.

AC series on WiiU = no AC1, no AC2, no AC:Brotherhood, no AC:Revelation, AC3 with performance problems (20 - 25 fps most of the time), AC4 without DLCs and with performance problems (20 - 25 fps most of the time), no AC:Liberation HD, no AC:Rogue, no AC:Unity, probably no other new AC titles

Yes. Sell it now!! PS4 can't wait.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

I hate these type of threads. Do whatever you want. Asking people on forums that usually have an agenda isnt what you should do. Only you know what you want so that is your decision to make.


Goatseye said:
Blood_Tears said:
Psychotic said:
I don't know, when someone says they play mostly CoD and ask me which system should they get, I always say XBox. That's the system for brainless shooters. PS4 is for a different kind of games, I think. But if XBox's multiplayer is really a ghosttown where you live, then I guess switching wouldn't be a bad idea.

Well last gen that was mostly the case, PS would take the single player genres and Xbox would take the brainless shooters. However, now with PS4 taking the majority marketshare you're gonna see PS take mostly all categories whether it's a shooter or not.

Take for example, Mass Effect. The next one will likely sell more on PS4 and that was a completely different story last gen. This time around it's a new trilogy with a mulitplat release and PS4 will take the most marketshare from that series and WRPG's in general this gen. Point is, is that things are a lot different this gen especially since CoD sells better on Playstation now regardless of marketing or DLC.

You gotta take into account also Xbox investment in 1st party. As of now MS has the beeffiest 1st party team.

Their 6 new 1st party team are all working on AAA titles. And that's not including their main: 343i, Black Tusk, Turn 10, Lionhead, Twisted Pixel, Press Play, soon Mojang, etc...

Don't some of their first party studios develop strictly for their mobile services though?