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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Smash 3DS is great!! But...

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Just got it at Gamestop! I guess it was their last copy, because they gave me the case that had been on display, which was not sealed, and put in the cartridge. I don't really know why but I'm kind of disappointed at not getting a factory sealed copy. Hopefully no one stole my Club Nintendo code.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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So you want every stage and every character from the past to come back. Okay.
Is this necessary to make the game memorable. No.

Hiku said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

I still feel they're little things missing in order for it to be a CLASSIC! This is referring to the Wii U version as well.

We haven't seen all the Wii U stages yet though, have we?

I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

And finally the online mode. There needs to be an option to control the time limits, stocks, and items. I still don't understand why Nintendo can't do something about the Online mode being more user friendly and players having more control over it. This also turned me away from Brawl, BIG TIME! Why does Nintendo have to control how long I can fight with random players, choose the stage for us, and decide whether or not I want to Smash with items and STILL want it to count or not?

I never knew about this. That's terrible.
Please tell me you can at least control these things when playing against people on your friends list?

Yes you can, but its a problem for me... I dont have friends that play much video games, let alone play Smash for 3ds... I will have to join the league here...

we want story mode!!

Raido said:
So you want every stage and every character from the past to come back. Okay.
Is this necessary to make the game memorable. No.

Never said that... 

I am just talking about the more memorable stages... The Alien ship in Fourside was really memorable, hoping between all those ballons in Pokémon falls while battling was memorable too, Dreamland has been in ALL Smashes since the series launched, and the sheer Retroness of Mushroom Kingdom II is nostalgic beyond description.  Those four I feel at least should be included in the Wii U version. There are many stages I wouldnt want seeing again... (2 many to name).

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Hiku said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
Hiku said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

I still feel they're little things missing in order for it to be a CLASSIC! This is referring to the Wii U version as well.

We haven't seen all the Wii U stages yet though, have we?

I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

And finally the online mode. There needs to be an option to control the time limits, stocks, and items. I still don't understand why Nintendo can't do something about the Online mode being more user friendly and players having more control over it. This also turned me away from Brawl, BIG TIME! Why does Nintendo have to control how long I can fight with random players, choose the stage for us, and decide whether or not I want to Smash with items and STILL want it to count or not?

I never knew about this. That's terrible.
Please tell me you can at least control these things when playing against people on your friends list?

Yes you can, but its a problem for me... I dont have friends that play much video games, let alone play Smash for 3ds... I will have to join the league here...

And it doesn't help that the 3DS doesn't let you add people you meet online to your friends list, or message them asking for the friends code...


I don't understand why Nintendo has so much trouble with Online mode when Activision has set up the blueprint for it with CoD games... Stop being so prideful, all of Nintendo competition has bit off them in the past, so it's only right Nintendo bites right back, especially in the Console OS department.

I am disappointed with the game.

It lacks content. The stage number is smaller than brawl!
The single player experience is crap. You can unlock every character and stage within 3 hours. (I did that and did not look for walkthrough or whatever at all) Even tho i have not played smash or any other fighting game in years. There is no challenge whatsoever.

The only thing left is some of the challenges but since there is nothing I can unlock why do them? (well and trophies but this again does not need any skill it just needs time)

Brawl was much better in every single thing minus the character balance.  I love how Smash 3DS plays. (the controls suck tho)

JazzB1987 said:
I am disappointed with the game.

It lacks contect. The stage number is smaller than brawl!
The single player experience is crap. You can unlock every character and stage within 3 hours. (I did that and did not look for walkthrough or whatever at all)

The only thing left is some of the challenges but since there is nothing I can unlock why do them?

Brawl was much better in every single thing minus the character balance.

That's the limit of coding a game to the metal like this. The game just can't run more than whatever they managed to cram into it and get working (which... compared to other fighting games, is still leagues more content...).

The machine simply cannot do more, it can't do larger maps or more complicated maps, it can't handle bigger "world adventures". I'm amazed it doesn't just catch fire in Smash Run or 4-man fights. I mean, come on, the game can't even run the systems own OS because of how demanding it is...


But its a bit silly to compare a mobile game to a home console game... let's save our comparisons to Brawl with the actual equivalent on console.

Vena said:
JazzB1987 said:
I am disappointed with the game.

It lacks contect. The stage number is smaller than brawl!
The single player experience is crap. You can unlock every character and stage within 3 hours. (I did that and did not look for walkthrough or whatever at all)

The only thing left is some of the challenges but since there is nothing I can unlock why do them?

Brawl was much better in every single thing minus the character balance.

That's the limit of coding a game to the metal like this. The game just can't run more than whatever they managed to cram into it and get working.

The machine simply cannot do more, it can't do larger maps or more complicated maps, it can't handle bigger "world adventures". I'm amazed it doesn't just catch fire in Smash Run or 4-man fights. I mean, come on, the game can't even run the systems own OS because of how demanding it is...


But its a bit silly to compare a mobile game to a home console game... let's save our comparisons to Brawl with the actual equivalent on console.

How is that silly? They could reuse assets to make another NSMB stage etc.  Or well Gameboy stage (its just jpegs with no polygons other than the floor)
Smash 3DS has some music   Brawl had a ton.  But you had to unlock alot of that as far as I know. In the 3DS version? nope

The first page of the challenges almost does itself without work. And if you finish that page the second one is already 50% done.  Stagas and characters also almost unlock themselves because there is no effort needed to unlock them etc. and everys 10 or so fights a new challenger appears. This has nothing to do with the 3DS hardware but with   dont giving a fuck about the game.

TBH to me it seems like this: 
Nintendo: Smash will come out
Sakurai: What? Noone told me.
Nintendo: Sakurai please do another smash for us.
Sakurai: Okay How much time do I have?
Nintendo: Mid/End 2014.
Sakurai: What only?
Nintendo: Yes.

End result unpolished game. (Despite the fighting itself which is glorious)
Kid Icarus is a great game made by the same guy. Smash not so much in terms of contect.

The menu is also a mess. The game has no intro  etc etc. (Do an ingame intro if the cartridge is to small for a movie one) 

The game does not feel epic at all. It feels like a demo to me.

JazzB1987 said:
Vena said:
JazzB1987 said:
I am disappointed with the game.

It lacks contect. The stage number is smaller than brawl!
The single player experience is crap. You can unlock every character and stage within 3 hours. (I did that and did not look for walkthrough or whatever at all)

The only thing left is some of the challenges but since there is nothing I can unlock why do them?

Brawl was much better in every single thing minus the character balance.

That's the limit of coding a game to the metal like this. The game just can't run more than whatever they managed to cram into it and get working.

The machine simply cannot do more, it can't do larger maps or more complicated maps, it can't handle bigger "world adventures". I'm amazed it doesn't just catch fire in Smash Run or 4-man fights. I mean, come on, the game can't even run the systems own OS because of how demanding it is...


But its a bit silly to compare a mobile game to a home console game... let's save our comparisons to Brawl with the actual equivalent on console.

How is that silly? Smash 3DS has some music   Brawl had a ton.  But you had to unlock alot of that as far as I know. The first page of the challegnes almost does itself without work.  Stagaes and characters also almost unlock themselves because there is no effort needed to unlock them etc. This has nothing to do with the 3DS hardware but with   dont giving a fuck about the game.

TBH to me it seems like this: 
Nintendo: Smash will come out
Sakurai: What? Noone told me.
Nintendo: Sakurai please do another smash for us.
Sakurai: Okay How much time do I have?
Nintendo: Mid/End 2014.
Sakurai: What only?
Nintendo: Yes.

End result unpolished game. (Despite the fighting itself which is glorious)
Kid Icarus is a great game made by the same guy. Smash not so much in terms of contect.

The menu is also a mess. The game has no intro  etc etc. (Do an ingame intro if the cartridge is to small for a movie one) 

The game does not feel epic at all. It feels like a demo to me.

Yeah, I never said the game is a disappointment. For me, it's the complete opposite. The online mode is addicting (even though it's flawed). There is LOADS of content (The shadow boss is SOO HARD TO BEAT A 9.0), you can create your Mii and boost his stats up, smae with all the regular characters, do multiman smash, play regular, classic, or All Star Smash with repeated characters, the list goes on. I have played nothing but Smash since it's released, and I'm someone who didn't really like Brawl in the first place...

The Stages are meant to be small because after all, it is a handheld version of the game (Hence why so many stages are from the Handheld versions of the characters). You can't compare a Brawl to SSB3DS, that's like comparing God of War 3 for the PS3  to God of War: Chains of Olympus for PSP, both great games but GoW3 is clearly the better one.

The Menu is sort of a mess... for like a day. Once you know where everything is, it's really hard to forget it.

And if it feels like a Demo, in part this version of Smash is meant to be the more Casual one. The epic hardcore one will be for the Wii U, where the controllers, visuals, and content will be even more plentiful. The 3DS one is just to practice for the real thing and to wet our appetite...