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Well done Smeags! You should give Knuckles a crown as a symbol of your might!

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 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby007 said:
pick me

If only you did some sort of thread to do with this matter.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

banneduserinquiry said:

But I have the cheek to say the xbox console has always been one of the losers so they (as in the xbox brand) celebrates it's small gains. Nowehere did I say xbox fans and if I meant that I would have said it. But no, Kowenicki reports me because that fact really annoys him (not hard to annoy him) and what do I get? A 10 day ban. 

Seriously i don't know what some peoples problems are but some people on this sight have serious double standards. If the other mods see this please do the right thing and over rule truck's very harsh decision. 

EDIT: just to make it clear - I was clearly talking about the Xbox when I said born losers. Unless every Xbox fan was born the day the Xbox fan came out and become fans of the xbox on that very day of course. Which I doubt. 

If you actually read Kowenickis posts fully on here you can see over time that he can be very direct but rarely annoyed by things but yeah it wasn't him (he may have as well, imo your post would be reported by anyone who uses that button) but yeah not a fan of someone else being blamed for a comment I reported so don't take it as an attack by Kowen at you, if you re-read your post and compare it to the OP's he very clearly built quite a case for using the terminology that he did use in the OP.

If you're ever dropping a bomb like "born losers" you really have to explain the context that you are trying to wrap it in for it not to be taken really really badly. I see your ban has been shortened tho after you explained your case so we'll see you back on your main soon but yeah I didn't mean to pick on you for the system you liked or anything else just that one post so I hope there isn't hard feelings but just didn't like seeing you blame someone else for reporting it!

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KylieDog said:

from axumblade, to KylieDog 2 days ago (Delete Message)

You are receiving this message for violation of forum rules regarding Trolling (Outright trolling Nintendo. ) [Post Reference] Please review the forum rules here to avoid future moderation action. Banned: 3 days

Yeah, Link isn't on screen during several parts of the chase in that Zelda Wii U clip and the ending is pure cinematic. It clearly isn't gameplay. Want to ban again for pointing out the obvious truth, again?

"Outright trolling Nintendo' - Fucking hilarious. Yeah, Nintendo certainly got trolled, somehow. Doesn't even make sense.

Better mods please.

Yeah, how is this trolling?  His attitude was a bit dismissive, but I dont see it as trolling.  

KylieDog said:

from axumblade, to KylieDog 2 days ago (Delete Message)

You are receiving this message for violation of forum rules regarding Trolling (Outright trolling Nintendo. ) [Post Reference] Please review the forum rules here to avoid future moderation action. Banned: 3 days

Yeah, Link isn't on screen during several parts of the chase in that Zelda Wii U clip and the ending is pure cinematic. It clearly isn't gameplay. Want to ban again for pointing out the obvious truth, again?

"Outright trolling Nintendo' - Fucking hilarious. Yeah, Nintendo certainly got trolled, somehow. Doesn't even make sense.

Better mods please.

Well you're basically saying Nintendo is lying, so I imagine that's why your post was seen as trolling. I mean, this isn't the first time you've done similar posts with regards to Nintendo, nor is it the first time you've reacted to a moderation. I know both these examples are from a year ago and behaviour has improved since then, but it's still history for this. If you want more reasoning then you'd have to ask Axum, probably via a PM. This isn't the place to really discuss such issues, particularly with the way you've worded it. Let's recall the wording of the OP:

"Any baseless or unsupported accusation or criticism has no potential to serve anyone and therefore can be treated as spam and/or an unfounded attack on a moderator."

Though at the same time, I can't stay mad at someone with such an excellent and cute profile picture!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Ka-pi96 said:

Now... to get a dog avatar so I can get mod immunity ]:)

Get one and I ban you.


Conegamer said:

Well you're basically saying Nintendo is lying, so I imagine that's why your post was seen as trolling. I mean, this isn't the first time you've done similar posts with regards to Nintendo, nor is it the first time you've reacted to a moderation. I know both these examples are from a year ago and behaviour has improved since then, but it's still history for this. If you want more reasoning then you'd have to ask Axum, probably via a PM. This isn't the place to really discuss such issues, particularly with the way you've worded it. Let's recall the wording of the OP:

"Any baseless or unsupported accusation or criticism has no potential to serve anyone and therefore can be treated as spam and/or an unfounded attack on a moderator."

Though at the same time, I can't stay mad at someone with such an excellent and cute profile picture!

People call Publishers/Console Manufacturers liars on this forum all the time, yet very rarely are they banned for this.

Maybe this has already been spoken here, but this was moderated...why, exactly?