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Forums - Website Topics - The Mod Team: Questions, Comments, Concerns? Ask Here!

Kerotan said:

Mods I have a concern:

soony_xbone_U said:
Kerotan said:



I'm not sure it this is joke post, or not. But i forwarded it to the mods and they will decide and judge. This is NOT the kind of words, i want to read here

The people argueing before me said the word anecdotal a million times and my head was spinning so I posted an obvious joke used many times in many places from a very popular film. It was relevant to the situation and does not warrent even being reported IMO. 

Just want to make it clear to you that it was a joke as the guy/girl who was outraged by it clearly  didn't grasp that and reported me. Thanks for your time. 

Thanks for posting this here, Kerotan. I shall handle it.


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Ka-pi96 said:

Congrats on being head mod now Smeags, and to TruckOSaurus as deputy

And.... you probably expected this but... what does consigliere mean?

The consigliere is a role in the Mafia. He's there to provide wisdom and council to the Mafia Boss, but he himself cannot become the Mafia boss.

But I guess I am the boss now... ish.

We're having reforms?


First i thought we had civil war, now we have some sort of revolutionary coordinating committee.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
We're having reforms?


First i thought we had civil war, now we have some sort of revolutionary coordinating committee.

The mod chat is right there, y'know

Signature goes here!

Mr Khan said:
We're having reforms?


First i thought we had civil war, now we have some sort of revolutionary coordinating committee.

Then go on Mod Chat and stop blaming Flash!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Smeags said:
So... as a surprise to no one, Kantor has been MIA ever since the torch was passed to him from AxumBlade (who is still with us, but no longer wanted to be the Head Mod). When Kantor was made Head Mod, he picked me as the Deputy Head (which is basically a consigliere to provide feedback and act whenever the Head cannot).

But the mod team has talked, and Kantor remains MIA (hope you're doing well bud, we miss ya). So I'll be Head Mod, with TruckOSaurus as the Deputy Head Mod. Congrats to Truck, he's an amazing user and an amazing friend. The site is certainly better with him as a part of all this. ^_^

With that said... I do not have the powers of a Head Mod, so I can only accomplish so much (and only ioi can provide those... so... yeah... ). But there are certainly some changes coming, starting with Mod Applications. Hopefully they'll begin next week, so look out for that. We're not only adding users that want to make this site the best it can be, but we're also making some changes within the mod team itself, from the top down.

Anyways, just wanted to let you all know what's happening from the inside. But be sure that this is all happening so that we can continue to make VGChartz an even better place to be.

So the #undergroundmovement has succeeded? 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Fusioncode said:

So the #undergroundmovement has succeeded? 

This is only the beginning.

TruckOSaurus said:
Mr Khan said:
We're having reforms?


First i thought we had civil war, now we have some sort of revolutionary coordinating committee.

The mod chat is right there, y'know

As Cone indicated, i'm generally either in class where the chat would be too distracting, or on my work computer where i can't get admin permission to install flash (as right now) to run AIM express, or admin permission to install AIM, Pigin, or some derivative thereof.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

RolStoppable said:
ioi should give the head moderator powers to me. I am the VGC member who has the longest streak of being consistently available on this website, so I am perfect for the job.

Didn't you disappear for a few months in 2012 or 2011?

Signature goes here!

RolStoppable said:
ioi should give the head moderator powers to me. I am the VGC member who has the longest streak of being consistently available on this website, so I am perfect for the job.

Hmmm, I would probably get all sorts of bans if you were a mod...