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I dunno, I think the Bayonetta 2 thread had an impetus for being revisited since that game just released, I don't see a similar reason to specifically bring up the prediction thread you necroed when you did, Kapi.


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Great topic! Alot of good info in here.

I have a question or something that you can look into if anyone cares. I haven't been a member of this forum long enough but I enjoy it. This is not when I'm banned by Mr. Khan. I'm not sure what the problem is with this guy. I've been banned twice for comments about Xbox One. If you are a fanboy  or have an agenda of a certain console, why are you a mod on this site?  After reading some of the messages. This is not the first time Mr. Khan has been called out.

Here is my post that I was banned for.........

"I was looking back at some of the weeks in the US and noticed not only a Sony win but a lot of weeks by a wide margain. The game selection on either console hasn't been the best. Sony's big hitters haven't even started, yet.

What is driving sales on the PS4? Is it a combination? My cousin said he bought his PS4 because of RROD. He also said he had 7 360's. I don't know if that's true or not but I know I had 2. The games and pre-launch decisions are what made me go PS4 this gen after owning a 360.

How much did RROD play into your next gen console purchase?"

Moderated for this and other baiting actions over the past day or so,

I owned a 360 and PS3 last gen. RROD played a big factor into why I have a PS4 only. Also, with this being a sales site, what is wrong with this post?


-User was moderated for this post-


He then sends me this after the ban

" Trolling (I know i'll catch heat for this one because it's not a tight reason, but you've been fishing for anger from Xbox fans all day, like your other recent post in the Amazon thread. Time to cool off.)"

What? You mean comments about the Xbox One less than steller sales? Is this a joke? So I was banned for my negative comments about Xbox One over the last couple days or I was banned for the topic I created? This is a sales site. 75% of the comments on this site should be moderated if I am.

I'm also sending a PM to Kantor

Playstation_prophet said:

He then sends me this after the ban

" Trolling (I know i'll catch heat for this one because it's not a tight reason, but you've been fishing for anger from Xbox fans all day, like your other recent post in the Amazon thread. Time to cool off.)"

What? You mean comments about the Xbox One less than steller sales? Is this a joke? So I was banned for my negative comments about Xbox One over the last couple days or I was banned for the topic I created? This is a sales site. 75% of the comments on this site should be moderated if I am.

I'm also sending a PM to Kantor

while i feel your pain i seem to notice that people who have been on here longer get away with a lot more than new comers. Just the way it is unfortuntely. i think this forum should have a secrion where banned people can keep posting. at least then if you've a harsh ban you are not blocked out completely. 

Just because Kahn is a total XBOT doesn't mean you should be in here attacking him.

But seriously, it was pretty easy to see your threads where there to antagonise and nothing else. Neither of you have been here long, how many bans/warnings do you have already?


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Playstation_prophet; with a username like yours and posts such as these:

There's your explanation as to why you're being dealt with harshly; the more stink you kick up, the more severe moderations you will receive. I suppose some would say that Mr.Khan's first ban was unfair as well? I mean; this is okay, right;

"Why do the few people that purchased a Xbox One feel the need to justify their purchase? If you enjoy a crappy first party team and multiplatform titles at sub-1080p, good for you. The rest of the world doesn't want an inferior console and has chosen PS4."

As for being harder on new users; the very examples I posted here shows why this must be so, we have members joining every week that go straight into attack mode, somehow mistaking this site for youtube or Gamespot and this needs to be nipped in the bud. It is in no way acceptable to join these forums with the intent of diving into inflammatory posts and comments, this goes for articles, game pages and forum threads alike.
Some of the older members have shown that they can carry a debate without ruining it or derailing it, but there are some older members who fail to follow the rules time and time again, they are also subject to moderation, some even get permabanned.
Most older members contribute in a positive way to discussion and have shown some worth for the forums, but if you start your posting by going all-out and picking fights where ever you go; that's a pretty damn poor beginning and all you're showing is that you'll be causing trouble rather than providing valuable posts and input.

PS: We do not call mods fanboys, in here or elsewhere; the OP is pretty clear on the purpose of the thread and it has been repeated several times as well. Three month old accounts calling a moderator a fanboy in a public thread won't fly and if anyone finds moderation of that to be unfair as well; I believe you might be in the wrong forums.

Kerotan said:
Playstation_prophet said:

He then sends me this after the ban

" Trolling (I know i'll catch heat for this one because it's not a tight reason, but you've been fishing for anger from Xbox fans all day, like your other recent post in the Amazon thread. Time to cool off.)"

What? You mean comments about the Xbox One less than steller sales? Is this a joke? So I was banned for my negative comments about Xbox One over the last couple days or I was banned for the topic I created? This is a sales site. 75% of the comments on this site should be moderated if I am.

I'm also sending a PM to Kantor

while i feel your pain i seem to notice that people who have been on here longer get away with a lot more than new comers. Just the way it is unfortuntely. i think this forum should have a secrion where banned people can keep posting. at least then if you've a harsh ban you are not blocked out completely. 

That'd require an overhaul of the mod system.


Right now it works by removing a person's rights to log in. In order to let people post, you'd need to block all rights except logging in and posting on this specific thread. Most forum software doesn't exactly work that way, and with this forum specifically it doesn't even have security outside of editing posts, logging in, and mod actions. For example when a thread is locked, it just removes the reply links. If you post a response however the post still goes through just fine. The server should instead check to see if the user can post and return an error when they can't.


Simply put, vgchartz is not designed for it. Allowing alts to post in this thread would be much simpler.

I think necro bumps come down to common sense more than anything. A users history, the thread in question and the reasons for bumping being key. Its not just "X bumped Y thread, lets moderate him", its more "X bumped Y thread for these reasons, lets take a closer look.


  • If an old prediction thread is bumped, it would depend on how relevant that prediction (or user) is today.
  • If its an old everyday news thread, it simply doesnt need bumping and the thread should be locked, with the user given a PM warning.
  • If its an old news thread that is key to current affairs, then it would be brought up naturally in discussion and old threads and/or discussions could be linked into new threads, creating the bump. Only a lock (with mod note) would be required here.
  • If the user in question has a long history of pissing off a certain fanbase, then bumps something that will piss off that fanbase, then it isnt needed and it will be moderated.



Kerotan said:

while i feel your pain i seem to notice that people who have been on here longer get away with a lot more than new comers. Just the way it is unfortuntely. i think this forum should have a secrion where banned people can keep posting. at least then if you've a harsh ban you are not blocked out completely. 

A section for banned members doesn't sound like a very good idea.

  • Banned users are banned for a reason and not being allowed to post is part of the punishment. If you don't want to be blocked out then don't do stuff that could get you banned. 
  • Such a thread would only serve as a trap. You are after all putting all of the misbehaving members in a single room in which they have to follow the rules or risk getting even more moderations. The cooldown effect of a ban would be completely lost.

forest-spirit said:
Kerotan said:

while i feel your pain i seem to notice that people who have been on here longer get away with a lot more than new comers. Just the way it is unfortuntely. i think this forum should have a secrion where banned people can keep posting. at least then if you've a harsh ban you are not blocked out completely. 

A section for banned members doesn't sound like a very good idea.

  • Banned users are banned for a reason and not being allowed to post is part of the punishment. If you don't want to be blocked out then don't do stuff that could get you banned. 
  • Such a thread would only serve as a trap. You are after all putting all of the misbehaving members in a single room in which they have to follow the rules or risk getting even more moderations. The cooldown effect of a ban would be completely lost.

Oh THAT'S what he meant?

