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    L4: Grunt(505 until level 5)
    Playstation_prophet Vanishing of Ethan Carter
    • A 34 year old male gamer
    • United States
    • Joined on August 19th 2014, last online on 27 April 2017.
    • Profile Views: 4,756
    • Forum posts: 299 times which averages 0 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 1,500.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Trolling (You've had a litany of offenses (and have been warned repeatedly about) making pointless jabs inciting a feud with the Xbox fanbase. You should know by now that petty comments like this are not acceptable, and have been repeatedly told to curb this behavior or risk receiving a permaban. Since are unable to find a more constructive and civil way to express your opinions and interact with the rest of the community, we can no longer have you on this forum.) ~ RavenXtra [7556778]
    You have liked 0 posts.
    You have 0 liked posts.

    Badges: (view all)

    Hit And Run 15 comments posted on VGChartz news articles.
    Leaving Limbo 100 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    Trust Me, It'll Have Legs 100 replies made to user's most popular thread.
    Making Friends 10 friends on gamrConnect.
    Don't Forget To Save 10 status updates.



    Height: 0'0

    Game Stats

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