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Forums - Sales Discussion - DriveClub vs Forza Horizon 2 (XBO) (FW Sales) - Results In!


Which Will Sell More

DriveClub > Forza Horizon 2 332 49.92%
Forza Horizon 2 > DriveClub 187 28.12%
Nearly Dead Even 40 6.02%
See Results 104 15.64%

Did OP count X360 sales of the new Forza? According to VGChartz, combined Forza outsold DriveClub.

Around the Network

I'm seriously surprised by this. After the debacle known as Driveclub, I figured it wouldn't have sold more

KLAMarine said:

Did OP count X360 sales of the new Forza? According to VGChartz, combined Forza outsold DriveClub.

Why counting x360 sales?

4k1x3r said:
KLAMarine said:

Did OP count X360 sales of the new Forza? According to VGChartz, combined Forza outsold DriveClub.

Why counting x360 sales?

Obviously to make the game "win" the sales war.

Impressive, a new IP winning against an established IP

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Around the Network

Racing games making a comeback confirmed, as if back to the golden age on PS2.

I love the PS4, bringing back the good old times.

DC is obviously over tracked on US, it did worse than horizon where we could see (online stores).

Npd will have a lot to say.

Well. That was unexpected. I never thought Forza Horizon 2 would sell that much since it's not that popular, but I thought Driveclub would do a LOT worse than Forza.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Obviously DC will sell more as the PS4 has a bigger userbase , FH2 is the far better game though

Any one good at math who can work out the attach rate in percentage?

i.e. if theres 20 million PS4's out there and it sold 2 million DC = 10% users bought it

Im crap at math...

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Ernest Hemmingway