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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny Is a Different Game After 20 Hours, Bungie Says

i wish i had longer weekends. i just dont have the time lately.


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Necromunda said:
After playing considerably more than 20 hours, and doing the weekly strike, I can attest to this, at least to a degree. The feel and difficulty is certainly cranked up endgame at least. Personally super pumped for 6 player raids.

Agreed! We.are wasting time here! Must get to level 28 before the raids are released!  

lol if they let a TV show last 20 hours to get the crowd hooked it be a miracle haha.



LudicrousSpeed said:
jlmurph2 said:
JOKA_ said:
I need to add more:

- they think people will have 'created a community with other players'? We can't talk to other people. We can use emotes in random places, and that's about it. The market area is filled with people...that you can't talk to, while the battle zones are void of other players. The game honestly feels very lonely.

Crazy thing is you can't even talk to your own teammates in multiplayer. What kind of community is that?

LOL really? What the fuck. The social elements of Destiny just make no sense at all.

Yeah. That is terrible. You also can only do certain missions with friends, no matchmaking at all. Given previous online game experience from both bungie and especially Activision...




wary-wallaroo said:
Yup, 20+ hours in and I don't see an end in sight. Super fun game though I feel people who are underwhelmed probably skew towards those doing solo play. Solo is pretty boring, having a 3 man fireteam with friends is super fun

yeah playing with other people is really fun. but i am playing solo most of the time and its super fun as well. 

Around the Network
Necromunda said:
After playing considerably more than 20 hours, and doing the weekly strike, I can attest to this, at least to a degree. The feel and difficulty is certainly cranked up endgame at least. Personally super pumped for 6 player raids.

Same here I hurried and leveled to 20 to try and get into the Raid that's coming but I'm still to low of a level. Need to start working on getting light items or whatever it's called. 

I'm really shocked by all the hate this game is getting. I'm loving the game and this is without a fireteam just me doing solo and PVP. WIth random PUG strike missions thrown in.

ironmanDX said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
jlmurph2 said:
JOKA_ said:
I need to add more:

- they think people will have 'created a community with other players'? We can't talk to other people. We can use emotes in random places, and that's about it. The market area is filled with people...that you can't talk to, while the battle zones are void of other players. The game honestly feels very lonely.

Crazy thing is you can't even talk to your own teammates in multiplayer. What kind of community is that?

LOL really? What the fuck. The social elements of Destiny just make no sense at all.

Yeah. That is terrible. You also can only do certain missions with friends, no matchmaking at all. Given previous online game experience from both bungie and especially Activision...




Agreed not being able to talk to your own teammates is stupid. I don't understand how they could have done that it had to be a mistake. Thankfully I'm 99% sure this will be fixed sooner rather than later it's a crucial feature.

didn't take me that long, I'm hooked to this game and I haven't even beat all the story missions

Areym said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
If it takes 20 hours to get you addicted... That is pretty sad... Although I am not a fan of MMO's but I expected better from Bungie tbh but then again, Activision is Activision

It's similar to FFXIII, it takes close to 20 hours to get to the open part of the game (forgot the name) and arguably, the fun part of it.

Not at all.  Final Fantasy 13 is still the exact same once you get to Gran Pulse.  All the crap I've heard about it getting better, no.  The only thing about Gran Pulse is that there is one big open area and then about four or five different point a to b pathways that lead to quest bosses.  That doesn't change how the game plays though.

Destiny is actually similar to White Knight Chronicles 2.  In White Knight Chronicles 2 you have the single player which is good despite what reviewers stated.  But what you may have heard is the game is really  good online, and it's not until you get higher GR rankings where the game actually gets a lot better.  If you've beaten the game, you can solo most missions up to GR16.  It's GR16 though that you hit a wall and it takes a lot of points to progress.  GR17 is where you get a lot more guild points each mission and GR18+ is where you can increase your level cap from 65 to 80, and where the online gets a lot better with lots of quests tailored for high level groups with powerful equipment.

Playing with a group on WKC2 is a completely different experience than playing solo with your stupid AI on single player.  It's the same as soloing on an MMO in comparison to doing high level missions with a group. 

Mystro-Sama said:
They just flipped damage control into overdrive xD

You and many other people including "professional reviewers" just have no clue about the game.

All you people expected the usual "Beginning to End" or from point A to B Scenario with a filling story and blabla.

But this game NEVER was designed and planned this way.
The moment they announced ENDGAME aka Raiding people should have either informed themself about what that actually is before they judge or stay away completely from it.
Destiny is a fine game.
The content that allows Judgement gets released early this week > The first Raid opens up.

So what did reviewers test?
Oh yeah MEANINGLESS Leveling garbage - Their opinion is GARBAGE and not built on anything cause they didn't even wait till they got to enter the IMPORTANT part of the game.
This is like rating a World of Warcraft Addon on its completely MEANINGLESS leveling content which everyone tries to skip as fast as possible so they can gear up and start raiding.
Exactly what Destiny is doing - Hitting max level in a few hours with content no one should care for,gearing up in strikes and hitting the raid this week.

When people finished the first Raid including HARDMODES they can start to judge the game cause THEN and just AFTER THAT they have experienced Destiny.
This game isn't about 1-20 and done.This game is about raiding and Content support for the hopefully next 1-2 years.
If the raiding is done good on a maybe Blizzard like level > 90+ rated
If it continues as it is currently in the Strikes > low score

And i really hope or rather wish for them they improved a lot with the Raids over the Strikes.
Strikes seem even on Level 24 pretty boring and are more or less only more HP and more Damage than before.
Hopefully in Raids they implemented Boss mechanics that are actually start to show diversity and improve even more in the Hard Modes.
Otherwise go back to Blizzard and let you help @ Bungie.
I know its hard without the usual Tank+Healer+DPS Setup and the waves are there to give you new ammo but omg at least let the bosses do something.

But until everyone here tries to judge Destiny on their current experience > Shut up
You didn't play the real game aka Endgame
As next let us rate WoW or any other upcoming MMO(RPG) on its useless time wasting leveling content.
If you are not interested in Endgame or Raiding > Your own fault if you bought the game.
It was clear the minute in which direction the game will go after they had raids and  content support announced.