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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One Is Going To Be Just Fine. Playstation 4 Will Not Dominate The Market In The Long Run.

Jega said:


Why can't some of you not understand that things can change. 

2015 COULD be different for the Xbox One. Microsoft could do many things. The obvious one is a price drop to 350 for the xbox one.

I don't think microsoft will do that though. Second anounce even more exclusives. That will change what system people will buy.

Or just people start spreading word about the games thats already on the system that is not on the ps4. 

The Xbox One can outsell the ps4 in america in 2015. IT IS POSSIBLE. Anyone that says that is impossible is fooling themselves.

Again I am not saying this will happen. I just think that is what will happen.

PS4 can also outsell the Xbox one in america as well. I AM FULLY AWARE OF THAT.

Only one fooling them selves is you buddy.

X1 bundles already prove a 350 cut would do nothing .  And would be no where near big enough cut to maybe sale even with PS4.  Seems you fail to understand PS4 is a in demend liked product X1 is not, mass media and consumer negetivity just never truely go away.  Peopel did spread the word and it sunk x1 sales.

If you think this over logicaly and set aside your emotions youd see its not gonna happen, There sjust is nothing MS can really do that PS cant counter.

X1 price cut okPS4 cuts to 299, thats the last thing MS want.  To compete with a 299 PS4.  Exclusves lol ok, PS has more of them has more proven devs and has more third party support .  So PS has more gaems, so your Xbox will have game goes out the window.  

I "can" walk on the moon and or kill people, thats about as likely as X1 outselling the PS4.  Now think about what it means when you say it can.  

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vivster said:
small44 said:
vivster said:
small44 said:
My prediction is 50 millions gap

x1:70 millions it's not a bad number at ll

ps4:120 millions

So you're saying that more people will buy PS4/X1 than PS360?

How does that math work?

Ps3 and xbox 360 still selling until know even with expensive price

That still doesn't answer the question. Unless you're saying that PS360 will sell anther 40m over the years.

You do know that this gen will never sell as much as last gen? We're lucky if PS4/X1 reach 120m combined.

I knoe this gen will never sell as much as last gen but it's because wii u is doing terrible compared to wii ,the gab between wii and wii u will be 70 to 80 millions

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Nate4Drake said:
vivster said:
GTAexpert said:
vivster said:

That still doesn't answer the question. Unless you're saying that PS360 will sell anther 40m over the years.

You do know that this gen will never sell as much as last gen? We're lucky if PS4/X1 reach 120m combined.

You're saying that as if its a fact, even though all evidence points against it.

Well there is no evidence that it will keep the trend.

But sanity dictates that a big chunk of people who bought a console last gen will not buy one this gen.

But some other people who didn't buy a console last gen might buy one this gen and many 360 and Wii only owners are now buying PS4. 

Your post makes no sense; you speak about 'sanity', when your own post is insane.

Sure XBone will never sell like 360, which was a better console, and had several advantages VS PS3(better ADs, better hardware=more balanced and friendly to develop for, much cheaper, and released 1 full year before PS3 in Japan and NA and 16 months in Europe).  This time around, PS4 can do better than PS3 because it has a really weaker competition from WiiU and XBone(unlike PS3 which had a so strong competition from 360 and Wii and was so much more expensive for the first 3 years), it launched at a very competitive price, it has the best multiplatform games, better 1st party devs, better ADs VS PS3 era; Sony has got stronger, MS and Nintendo got weaker, this is why I believe PS4 will do better than PS3, considering how much MUCH better they are selling in the 1st year. 2015 line up is amazing, the momentum will continue. My forecast is 100+ M for PS4, and 50+ M for XBone.

All those things you said will not affect the masses of gamers. 

What you and many here on Vgcharts fail to understand is that the things you care about in a console is not what the masses

will care about.

There is something callled early adopters, those people are the hardcore fans generally the first 10 million buyers.

The PS4 has hit that number.

There are about 5 million or so people that want an Xbox One no matter what those people have yet to buy the system.

After the first 10 or 15 milllion or so gamers then comes the masses the people that going to take both the PS4 and Xbox One in

the 100 million of consoles sold territory the early adopters make up for less than 10% of the gaming market.


Last gen it was clear multiplatform games ran better on the xbox 360, but did that stop people from buying a ps4

NO why because they didn't care about that stuff.

Maciveli said:
Jega said:
small44 said:
Ps4 already sold 2 time more then xbox one ps4 will dominate but not like ps2 domination

I don't see the gap reaching 10 million much less 30 million.

You not seeing something means nothing.  It is not an argument nor even a worthwile point to make.  

Gap will be in the 80m plus area when its all said and done.  

In a world where the Xbox One doesn't exist the PS4 will be ahead by 80 million.

Jega said:
Jumpinbeans said:
The only way I feel Microsoft's XboxONE would stand a chance this generation would be if they purchased a major not Mojang (which is just plain wrong) but someone like Activision or EA or Rockstar to get hold of global AAA titles. Thats the only way I see it happening.....sadly though it won't happen because it would be in a sense economic suicide in one respect as MSFT would be paying a premium for a company only for them to write off at least 1/2 of the value but making it exclusive.

First of all Minecraft has sold over 50 million copies across multiple platforms.

What is plain wrong about that?

I don't what microsoft have in mind with that deal, but the only thing that come to my mind is making the maybe mindcraft 2 

exclusive to the Xbox One.

........or MOJANG has a killer game in development that microsoft wants exclusively on the Xbox One, that they are not telling 

anybody about that people will want to play and it will be Xbox exclusive. Again possibly selling Millions of consoles.

That is why I keep saying things can change for Xbox One. Microsoft has the money and resources to make the Xbox One e

extremely successful just like or even more than the Xbox 360.

If they expect Mincraft to be a huge system seller they are wrong but still the games sold a lot so they will make huge money software wise with it

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

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Jega said:

ohh and by the way CGI. I don't think it will even be close to anything like the ps2 era. It is not even like that now.

The PS2 outsold the Xbox by a margin of 5: 1.

Currently, it is a margin of 2:1. 

Microsoft did a great job ensuring XBOX got into the minds of the public. Call Microsoft whatever you want cheaters, (coming out a 

year earlier), money-hatters, whatever they had to do they practically is neck and neck with sony in every territory except for

japan and mainland europe. In the UK USA and Canada Microsoft clearly beat Sony and Playstation.

PS4 sales in 2014: 5.8m

X1 sales in 2014: 2.1m

That's almost 3:1 this year

The gap is widening


" whatever they had to do they practically is neck and neck with sony in every territory except for

japan and mainland europe"

-Like where? The only place where it's remotely close is the US.

The One and Only

Jega said:

All those things you said will not affect the masses of gamers. 

What you and many hear on Vgcharts fail to understand is that the things you care about in a console is not what the masses

will care about.

There is something callled early adopters, those people are the hardcore fans generally the first 10 million buyers.

The PS4 has hit that number.

There are about 5 million or so people that want an Xbox One no matter what those people have yet to buy the system.

After the first 10 or 15 milllion or so gamers then comes the masses the people that going to take both the PS4 and Xbox One in

the 100 million of consoles sold territory the early adopters make up for less than 10% of the gaming market.


Last gen it was clear multiplatform games ran better on the xbox 360, but did that stop people from buying a ps4

NO why because they didn't care about that stuff.


Sony them selves already said lots of 360 and wii owners are buying PS4s, also surprisingly many that didnt even own a console last gen.

Your whole rant is pointless and facts already show that PS4 is the casuals console of chocie and not the X1.  thats what happens when a product becmes the darliong of the big media and social.  

Early adopters have the upmost significance as the set the tone of the marlet and where the masses follow.  Cough PS4 cough.  

Thats the logical reason why MS has dropped price made so many bundles so fast given away new games , they understand the significance of early sales can have on a whole gen.   Clealry you dont.  

Michelasso said:
The PS4 is already dominating. For the fat box things can only get worse now that the PS4 exclusives are starting to roll out. Phase two initiated: after the resolution-gate it's time for the exclusives-gate. ^_^

Your post actually made me laugh seriously a genuine laugh.

The thing is though I think it will be Xbox with the baddest exclusives In fact I was thinking of calling the XBox One the Xclusivebox the 

other day. Microsoft is buying up everything it seems these days. Not that anyone is suprised people have been predicting that

Since 2000 when Microsoft anounced they were entering the gaming industry.

Jega said:
Maciveli said:
Jega said:
small44 said:
Ps4 already sold 2 time more then xbox one ps4 will dominate but not like ps2 domination

I don't see the gap reaching 10 million much less 30 million.

You not seeing something means nothing.  It is not an argument nor even a worthwile point to make.  

Gap will be in the 80m plus area when its all said and done.  

In a world where the Xbox One doesn't exist the PS4 will be ahead by 80 million.

PS2 cough xbox, X1 can exist and PS will stil easily pull a 80m gap.  

Though you are right about the not existing part.   To a majority X1 does not exist as a vaialbe platform to consider gaming on.  Germanys near 7-1 sales ratio really drive that point home to any one with eyes open.

The problem with gaming today is the media that feeds the fanboys. There's nothing wrong with any of the consoles, they all offer different benefits and different games. If I want the best Platformers ill buy a WiiU, if I want the best Action Adventure ill buy a PS4 if I want the best Sci-fi shooters ill get a XB1, if I want the best RTS ill buy a PC. Fanboys want other consoles to fail yet having other brands fall gives them no benefits. All they care about is there preferred choice. MS goofed up with the PR on the XB1 and the media and Sony are taking full advantage of it. Honestly someone tell me why the PS4 is destroying the XB1 in sales when both consoles lack serious quality games? Marketing is a strong force and to call out a winner this early is just stupid. PS3 started slow and was 1 year behind the 360 and they manage to turn that system around. XB1 is having a slow start and is 1 year behind the PS4 if you consider that the XB1 isn't available world wide (13 countries compared to 72+). Remember when Sony claimed the PS3 to be twice the power of the 360 and they told everyone if they cant afford the PS3 then they should get 2 jobs. Sony changed because of MS and MS are changing now because of Sony. They need each other to be successful or it will just be a dominate Nintendo and PC market.