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Forums - Politics Discussion - Lazy Americans.....‘We’re a Movement Now': Fast Food Workers Strike in 150 Cities (edit) OP is poor, don't act like I am being all high and mighty!

pokoko said:
spurgeonryan said:
They went on strike so they could take a break from their hard work of standing and flipping burgers, taking out trash and talking over an intercom. Oh, and lets not forget the horrible task of pressing buttons, looking at the menu, swiping cards, and talking to humans.

One of the most ignorant things I've ever read.

Working fast food is one of the most stressful jobs I've ever had and easily the worst.  I'll never go back to that as long as I can help it and I'm not saying that because of the pay.  It's a horrible job.  Part of that is because of the way people treat you, as seen in the quoted post, as though they are better people because they make more money.  

What do you do in your job, spurge, that gives you the right to look down on other people?  

He thinks that everybody is like him. He thinks everybody can go into the Military, he thinks everybody can get the Managerial Positions if they work Hard enough. I know some people who have been Cashiers for Years, where's HER managerial position?

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would it be such a big problem to pay them decent? working in fastfood in germany sucks, because the job is bad, but the payment is okay and the workload too(and u can eat for free at some places).

So much BS. minimun wage means you just get enough to live by yourself, not a family, no luxuries. Just to get by. If you want something else, work hard to get it. Dont go to flip burguers all day and expect a good life to drop down to your hands

Theres no way anyone deserves 15/hr for flipping burguers.

Maynard_Tool said:
So much BS. minimun wage means you just get enough to live by yourself, not a family, no luxuries. Just to get by. If you want something else, work hard to get it. Dont go to flip burguers all day and expect a good life to drop down to your hands

Theres no way anyone deserves 15/hr for flipping burguers.

That is not true, Even with Minimum Wage you won't have enough to get by ESCPECIALLY if you get into an Accident.

You won't even have enough to live by yourself. Again prices have been rising and the Wages haven't. You escpecially won't be able to get by if you have some Medical issue.

Some people do work hard, but working hard IS not enough. Have you forgot that all the Prices are getting Higher?

What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time and both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.


Working at McDonald's sucked too, which is why I quit. I did it between jobs and I felt terrible as a 22 year old working around a bunch of 15 year olds. 

You bet your ass I had a fire lit under my ass to straighten that problem out real fast. I job searched like a fiend until I found something with better pay. Then while working there I worked hard AND continued my search for a better paying job. I eventually landed where I am now, making more than 3x what I made at McDonalds.

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Hoodieninja said:
Maynard_Tool said:
So much BS. minimun wage means you just get enough to live by yourself, not a family, no luxuries. Just to get by. If you want something else, work hard to get it. Dont go to flip burguers all day and expect a good life to drop down to your hands

Theres no way anyone deserves 15/hr for flipping burguers.

That is not true, Even with Minimum Wage you won't have enough to get by ESCPECIALLY if you get into an Accident.

You won't even have enough to live by yourself. Again prices have been rising and the Wages haven't. You escpecially won't be able to get by if you have some Medical issue.

Some people do work hard, but working hard IS not enough. Have you forgot that all the Prices are getting Higher?

Well, yeah. If we start to get in these "what if" scenarios.... Minimum wage jobs are meant to win some extra money, not depend upon it. Its the minimum you need to survive. They dont consider medical issues, 'cause nobody does. My job doesnt consider it. And working hard is vital, what are these people doing to get better? Looking for more opportunities? Getting more education? No, theyre demanding more money for a job that doesnt need experience or skill, that any kid in highschool could get.... Come on 

Euphoria14 said:
What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.

Could be area, Availability, many factors could be the reason.
 Maybe lack of English or understanding of a certain Language. idk.


I will tell you that I have no sympathy for them. The jobs don't take any skills. That is one reason why you don't get paid a lot. Another is that these jobs were never meant to be for people with families. It used to be teenagers that took the brunt of these jobs. I don't know how much that has changed but its ridiculous to consider giving a skill less job a raise. I get paid just over 15 dollars with 14 years in the navy. How much do these people deserve compared to my experience and skills? They deserve the same??? I know a lot of people that do harder work for less than 15 dollars than flipping burgers! I know people start out working in shipyards getting 10 dollars an hour in the heat all day long with actual skills.

Lastly, if they get paid more than some of these people are going to lose their jobs and the prices of the food will go up. You can't have it both ways. Its not about having sympathy. It's logic. It's economics.

Maynard_Tool said:
Hoodieninja said:
Maynard_Tool said:
So much BS. minimun wage means you just get enough to live by yourself, not a family, no luxuries. Just to get by. If you want something else, work hard to get it. Dont go to flip burguers all day and expect a good life to drop down to your hands

Theres no way anyone deserves 15/hr for flipping burguers.

That is not true, Even with Minimum Wage you won't have enough to get by ESCPECIALLY if you get into an Accident.

You won't even have enough to live by yourself. Again prices have been rising and the Wages haven't. You escpecially won't be able to get by if you have some Medical issue.

Some people do work hard, but working hard IS not enough. Have you forgot that all the Prices are getting Higher?

Well, yeah. If we start to get in these "what if" scenarios.... Minimum wage jobs are meant to win some extra money, not depend upon it. Its the minimum you need to survive. They dont consider medical issues, 'cause nobody does. My job doesnt consider it. And working hard is vital, what are these people doing to get better? Looking for more opportunities? Getting more education? No, theyre demanding more money for a job that doesnt need experience or skill, that any kid in highschool could get.... Come on 

YOU NEED MEDICINE to survive. Who says the person flipping Burgers isn't working hard?

Also again many FACTORS equate to why people work Minimum Wage jobs, Lack of any REAL jobs, Getting more Education Requires MORE MONEY. Minimum Wage jobs can barely afford Living Expenses how do you expect people can afford to go to Community College at the least?

Prices have been RISING everywhere including College and Book expenses. You expect people are able to go to College without getting a Huge Amount of Debt or asking Funds from the Government for Education, whilst trying to balance it out with a Full Time job?

Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.

Could be area, Availability, many factors could be the reason.
 Maybe lack of English or understanding of a certain Language. idk.


I live on stupidly expensive Long Island, and yes I think the minimum wage should increase, but $15/hour is absurd. Should be $10 or so.


No reason a structural mechanic building aircraft parts at my job should only make $3/hour more than a McDonald's fry cook. You would also be shocked at how many people walk out of McDonald's with androids and/or iPhones. Maybe they should cut that $100/month bill out. They don't need facebook.

I see this all the time at my local 7-11s too. Workers there who make like $8-9/hour with $200+ phones and $80-$100 months phone bills. Then they complain about not making enough.

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