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Maynard_Tool said:
Hoodieninja said:
Maynard_Tool said:
So much BS. minimun wage means you just get enough to live by yourself, not a family, no luxuries. Just to get by. If you want something else, work hard to get it. Dont go to flip burguers all day and expect a good life to drop down to your hands

Theres no way anyone deserves 15/hr for flipping burguers.

That is not true, Even with Minimum Wage you won't have enough to get by ESCPECIALLY if you get into an Accident.

You won't even have enough to live by yourself. Again prices have been rising and the Wages haven't. You escpecially won't be able to get by if you have some Medical issue.

Some people do work hard, but working hard IS not enough. Have you forgot that all the Prices are getting Higher?

Well, yeah. If we start to get in these "what if" scenarios.... Minimum wage jobs are meant to win some extra money, not depend upon it. Its the minimum you need to survive. They dont consider medical issues, 'cause nobody does. My job doesnt consider it. And working hard is vital, what are these people doing to get better? Looking for more opportunities? Getting more education? No, theyre demanding more money for a job that doesnt need experience or skill, that any kid in highschool could get.... Come on 

YOU NEED MEDICINE to survive. Who says the person flipping Burgers isn't working hard?

Also again many FACTORS equate to why people work Minimum Wage jobs, Lack of any REAL jobs, Getting more Education Requires MORE MONEY. Minimum Wage jobs can barely afford Living Expenses how do you expect people can afford to go to Community College at the least?

Prices have been RISING everywhere including College and Book expenses. You expect people are able to go to College without getting a Huge Amount of Debt or asking Funds from the Government for Education, whilst trying to balance it out with a Full Time job?