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pokoko said:
spurgeonryan said:
They went on strike so they could take a break from their hard work of standing and flipping burgers, taking out trash and talking over an intercom. Oh, and lets not forget the horrible task of pressing buttons, looking at the menu, swiping cards, and talking to humans.

One of the most ignorant things I've ever read.

Working fast food is one of the most stressful jobs I've ever had and easily the worst.  I'll never go back to that as long as I can help it and I'm not saying that because of the pay.  It's a horrible job.  Part of that is because of the way people treat you, as seen in the quoted post, as though they are better people because they make more money.  

What do you do in your job, spurge, that gives you the right to look down on other people?  

He thinks that everybody is like him. He thinks everybody can go into the Military, he thinks everybody can get the Managerial Positions if they work Hard enough. I know some people who have been Cashiers for Years, where's HER managerial position?