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Hoodieninja said:
Euphoria14 said:
What shocks me are the ones complaining while saying they worked at one fast food establishment for years.

Never thought to look for a different job? Don't tell me you couldn't find something after 5 years. Restaurants hire servers and bussers all the time both of those pay more than fast food, albeit it requires much more stressful work.

I know because I have worked both and being a server sucks.

Could be area, Availability, many factors could be the reason.
 Maybe lack of English or understanding of a certain Language. idk.


I live on stupidly expensive Long Island, and yes I think the minimum wage should increase, but $15/hour is absurd. Should be $10 or so.


No reason a structural mechanic building aircraft parts at my job should only make $3/hour more than a McDonald's fry cook. You would also be shocked at how many people walk out of McDonald's with androids and/or iPhones. Maybe they should cut that $100/month bill out. They don't need facebook.

I see this all the time at my local 7-11s too. Workers there who make like $8-9/hour with $200+ phones and $80-$100 months phone bills. Then they complain about not making enough.

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