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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - As Xbox One Launches in Japan, Akihabara Gamers Really Aren’t Standing in Line

thismeintiel said:
todd2r said:
Whether anybody agrees or not is fine. I believe the rest of the world hates the Xbox along with many American products. Anyways, the ultimate point I was trying to make was why does this thread exist? Was it A) you guys thought Japan loved the Xbox One and it was going to sell record numbers and it was going to be the entertainment launch of a lifetime? Or B) you knew it was going to fail and thos was a good way to post funny gifs and make fun of Xbox? The fanboy stuff has got to stop. Good grief. I joined this site a few weeks ago and it seemed cool. I quit gamespot, GAG and IGN. This was my last hope. Anybody have any other suggestions? End rant. My apologies.

Or C) We are on a sales site and this topic has to do with...wait for it...sales.


@ OP


This is somewhat surprising to me.  I mean, I knew there was no way MS matched the excitement of the Wii U and PS4 launches, but I figured there would be some excitement amongst the 1.6M+ 360 owners there.  Guessing other 2nd Tier countries aren't looking much better.

It is doing really well on Amazon Japan.

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todd2r said:
Whether anybody agrees or not is fine. I believe the rest of the world hates the Xbox along with many American products. Anyways, the ultimate point I was trying to make was why does this thread exist? Was it A) you guys thought Japan loved the Xbox One and it was going to sell record numbers and it was going to be the entertainment launch of a lifetime? Or B) you knew it was going to fail and thos was a good way to post funny gifs and make fun of Xbox? The fanboy stuff has got to stop. Good grief. I joined this site a few weeks ago and it seemed cool. I quit gamespot, GAG and IGN. This was my last hope. Anybody have any other suggestions? End rant. My apologies.

Nope sorry.


Can't think of any.


Wait maybe gametrailers? I think they have a forum.

thismeintiel said:

Or C) We are on a sales site and this topic has to do with...wait for it...sales.


@ OP


This is somewhat surprising to me.  I mean, I knew there was no way MS matched the excitement of the Wii U and PS4 launches, but I figured there would be some excitement amongst the 1.6M+ 360 owners there.  Guessing other 2nd Tier countries aren't looking much better.

But some people still believes in miracles.

todd2r said:
Chicken and phones. That's the argument? I dont see how video games compare to chicken and phones but ok.

How many examples do you need to justify your dumb argument? Japan's not the 51st state.

Areal-Llort said:
Japan will never like any American products, so who cares.

Tim Cook would like to have a word with you...

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I have noticed a lot of people upset about the sales in Japan. Can someone explain to me objectively why the Xbox One should be doing gangbusters? Was there really a belief that contray to the historical data on this site that "Tier 2" countries would shift from Sony to Microsoft?

Especially since this site has data that you can use to come to a logical objective conclusions? Why the shock. Personally I have a PS4, but if the data showed that Xbox was more popular, and trending historically, or if the Xbox 360 was outselling the PS3 currently, I wouldn't act shocked or surprised. Its hard to take some folks seriously when you don't take data seriously.

Or at the very least, present an argument that isn't purely subjective or inflamatory like "Japanese people don't like Americans".

On the GIF front, I think the below linked was my favorite; was made before the old policies were reverses, during that confusing time where nobody was REALLY sure about all the details behind them. I sometimes wonder what did more to slow the Xbox One's initial hype building... all the rage directed at it, or all the jokes made about it. xP Some of it reminds me of things Microsoft's international Xbox teams pulled to prank Sony back during the launch of 7th gen... kinda why all the 'Ooooh, Sony's being MEAN. D: ' talk seemed a bit odd, jabbing the competitor with a pointy stick isn't exactly exclusive to one side. =P

Anyway, on the OP, usual not super surprised etc etc. Microsoft MIGHT maybe have plans to appeal more to Japanese consumers in terms of content, but they're not nearly there yet, so it might come down to whether they can figure something out before Sony finally finds a way to pick up some steam there. Hopefully they do plan to pursue it, though, in part because it would actually help their content's diversity if they invest more effort into courting some more traditionally Japanese content. ^^ More choices are always good, etc.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

I think many of you are are missing the real take away from this. The Japanese Xbox One userbase knows each other by name, all 6 of them. There will be no trolling and insulting each other during their 3on3 CoD match. Isn't that a plus?

todd2r said:
Whether anybody agrees or not is fine. I believe the rest of the world hates the Xbox along with many American products. Anyways, the ultimate point I was trying to make was why does this thread exist? Was it A) you guys thought Japan loved the Xbox One and it was going to sell record numbers and it was going to be the entertainment launch of a lifetime? Or B) you knew it was going to fail and thos was a good way to post funny gifs and make fun of Xbox? The fanboy stuff has got to stop. Good grief. I joined this site a few weeks ago and it seemed cool. I quit gamespot, GAG and IGN. This was my last hope. Anybody have any other suggestions? End rant. My apologies.

stop going on gaming websites altogether

RJ_Sizzle said:
todd2r said:
Chicken and phones. That's the argument? I dont see how video games compare to chicken and phones but ok.

How many examples do you need to justify your dumb argument? Japan's not the 51st state.

Puerto Rico is.

Japan is the 52nd state.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank