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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - As Xbox One Launches in Japan, Akihabara Gamers Really Aren’t Standing in Line

I don't know why I was one of the ones that laughed hysterically at the OP's pics. I seriously don't know why. I guess I looked at it like a joking gesture of sorts. Well I for one isn't shocked at this. We all know the Xbox won't do as well as the PS4 there. Hell the PS4 is doing crap there in Japan.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

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YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

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CDiablo said:
setsunatenshi said:

Good response. I still dont agree about Bloodborne, they are literally losing out on the ballpark of a million+ extra sales by not making it mulitplat. FROM should not have much issue handling DLC and a main game, as they have been working on and releasing multiple games all of last gen. Bloodborne would have gotten made with or without Sony maybe not for Feburary but sometime in 2015-2016.

well that's one way to look at the thing, but put it this way. having limited resources and a product that has very high demand, what would you deem more profitable/safe?

1- Breaking your team in half and attempt to create a new IP that may or may not succeed as you attempt new game mechanics? This causes a delay on the release of DLC + working on Dark Souls' sequel that's guaranteed to print money.

2- Keep the core of the team working on what you know will sell (next Dark Souls), while cooperating with the studio that helped you build your flagship title on the console that's clearly outselling the rest?

You have to consider resources are limited and the development time you spend on an unproven franchise is money you're wasting by not focusing on your main business. This is especially true for a developer the size of From Software.


If the sales ratio of the consoles were 1:1, maybe what you say would apply, but the ratio currently is of 2:1 with weekly tendencies to increase. You can add to the fact that the core of your demographic is also on this console and all of a sudden it becomes quite apparent why they made the decision they did.

I fully expect Dark Souls 3 to remain multiplat though, and if From Software keeps control of Bloodborne franchise, the sequel will probably be multiplatform too (if it's successful enough).

That's my take on it at least.

badgenome said:
setsunatenshi said:

- Regarding No Man's Sky, the game is apparently planed to release on PC at a later date, again, small development team has to focus on 1 machine at a time. Why would they chose PS4 rather than PC first? Well... why would Dark Souls 1 and 2 also release on consoles about a month before PC? Why did Batman release on consoles before PC? Hmmmm........ maybe because developers tend to see a higher RoI on console games than on PC games? Maybe there are nearly 0 concerns with piracy on PS4? Maybe they got to be on stage at E3 getting all that free publicity from Sony instead of doing a stealth release on Steam?

As far as I know their studio remains independent and will release the game on other platforms. It seems like the more open approach from Sony this generation has courted MANY indy studios, not just Hello Games. Or are you saying Sony is moneyhatting that exclusivity? If so, please show me such evidence.

I don't think Sony moneyhatted it in the same sense that Microsoft outrighted bought timed exclusivity of Tomb Raider, but I do think the PS4 getting priority over PC has a lot to do with Sony helping Hello Games out after their office got flooded.

We don't disagree in any way then :)

I'm positive that if Sony really wanted to, they could bring Hello Games into first party. I'm actually quite surprised they don't do it more often with such clear talent. We need more (future) Naughty Dogs :P

setsunatenshi said:

We don't disagree in any way then :)

I'm positive that if Sony really wanted to, they could bring Hello Games into first party. I'm actually quite surprised they don't do it more often with such clear talent. We need more (future) Naughty Dogs :P

Since it's only like four guys or so I'm sure that Sony could afford to do it, but there's always the question of what would happen to the creative culture of the company. Hello Games has always lived on the razor's edge since the very beginning when they all took a leap of faith by skipping out on their big corporate developer jobs to strike out on their own and make Joe Danger, so they may like it this way. Honestly, No Man's Sky sounds so nuts that I'm not at all sure they could get away with doing it if they were owned men, even under a relatively artsy publisher like SCE.

Did a single rational human being in the world expect the One to do anything at all in Japan? I sure hope not. The One will do quite well in the West once it gets its gears (pun intended) going, it has outsold the U by about 50% for some time in the US, once the games start rolling in it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is growth potential.
I hope no one will ever attempt to predict the One's destiny (another intended one) by using Japan numbers, let's not forget how tragically the 360 sold over there in the 7th gen, that didn't stop it from doing well elsewhere. And let's also not forget that no one is doing brilliantly in Japan this gen...

Around the Network
badgenome said:
setsunatenshi said:

We don't disagree in any way then :)

I'm positive that if Sony really wanted to, they could bring Hello Games into first party. I'm actually quite surprised they don't do it more often with such clear talent. We need more (future) Naughty Dogs :P

Since it's only like four guys or so I'm sure that Sony could afford to do it, but there's always the question of what would happen to the creative culture of the company. Hello Games has always lived on the razor's edge since the very beginning when they all took a leap of faith by skipping out on their big corporate developer jobs to strike out on their own and make Joe Danger, so they may like it this way. Honestly, No Man's Sky sounds so nuts that I'm not at all sure they could get away with doing it if they were owned men, even under a relatively artsy publisher like SCE.

I'm sure the possibility was at least discussed. This new generation really started with Sony doing things outside the norm. It would seem they are being genuine about being pro indies and not just PR speach. I probably would try to get them as 1st party and just give them enough leeway to create but hey, I would probably be wrong and it would seem they are doing it right.

No conspiracy or false or skewed reporting going on here; it's pretty clear that there was no buzz or hype heading into the release and not surprisingly, no enthusiasm on the day of release.

The XBO will simply have to make do on the merits of its software catalog in the future as it appeals to each of the separate markets in which it is now available in. Novel concept.

Just one guy turned up at one of the largest electronics stores in Tokyo.

Tamron said:

Just one guy turned up at one of the largest electronics stores in Tokyo.

Ha! I was right!

gooch_destroyer said:
Congrats on that one guy who bought an Xbox ONE!!!!

Is anyone honestly surprised?

Japan was never big into the 360 and Japanese console gamers are a dying breed.

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