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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are the PS4 versions of multiplats really better??

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Landguy said:

I think you are responding to the other comment about controllers.  I wasn't speaking to something subjective. 

Even though TV and movies would make it seem that people can percieve everything going on in their field of vision, that is simply not true.  In almost every case, the human mind only picks up fragments of what they are looking at and the brain just "assumes" the rest.  That's why I keep discussing what is perceptably different when actually playing a game as compared to what is really happening(the PS4 version is better technically).  Sure, when you disassociate yourself from the gameplay(Digital foundry), your brain then focuses on a whole different set of facts.  Thus the comparison or difference is more obvious.

I mention controller because I'm giving an example of how perceptual difference is irrelevant regardless of its a matter of experience or platform.

If you can discern the difference then it makes little sense to even argue for the version with lower res/fr because they cost the same amount of money.

If you can't buying habits are debatable, but the debate about which version offers more value is a verifiyable fact. Digital Foundry's job is to present objective analysis of a video games performance. Ironically, DF was hardly ever critiziced when they said the PS3 version was worse than the 360 version, but now that the tables have turned so has the criticism.


If you own both consoles and the game will have no perceptable difference to you, your theory is that you should buy the PS4 version just because you will know that it is technically better?  If that is the case, you need to never buy a car. In very few instaces do people buy the technically better car.  The same goes for almost all electronics.  Most people buy them based on brand loyalty. 

I don't think that people are wrong for buying the PS4 version.  I think that they many are buying it because they were told that the PS4 version is "better".  Even though they themselves would never see the difference.  M$ really screwed up launching the system when they were obviously not ready and the developers weren't given the right tools to get the XB1 to perform better.  Of course, M$ undershot the power too.

It is near the end of the end....

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Landguy said:
mornelithe said:
Odd question, and some odd responses. I think people are really kind of stretching here to avoid admitting the actual truth. The truth is, most multiplats perform better on the PS4, you can argue whether that's a major improvement or not to your hearts content, but that's delving deeper into the question than what is being asked.

Better, is better. Whether it's marginal, or monumental, is irrelevant.

Yes, better is better.  Only if better is what you were told and not what you experience.

I will go with a car analogy.  When discussing sports cars, many people may tell you that a Ferrari is "Better" than a Lamborghini.  Now, the people who say that can possibly come up with dozens of technical reasons to think so.  And, those reasons may be technically correct.  But, when you sit in the seat of both of them and drive around, you will not find those differences.  The reason is that unless your going fast enough in the right a=exact set of circumstances, the differences are imperceptible.

That was the real point of the OP.  That the actual differences while actually playing the more recent versions of the multiplats shows that the differences are not perceptible to the person playing the game.  Yes, digital foundry will tell you there is a difference, but they aren't playing the game.  they are just looking at it. 

Let me ask you something then. How do you know what games do you want to play? Most likely you saw a comercial, saw it anounced online or a friend tod you a good game from a year ago and many reasons. Most people see thouse mediums and dont want the game right away and need more info on the game, so they will reserch the game, internet, store to ask questions, friend will tell them. In all cases you need more info on a game before you purchase it and when doing that reserch you will be told wich version runs better, you will probably go to digital foundry or similar sites or just comparisons online and forums or articles and be informed that one is better then the other. So more often than not, even if the person cant tell the diference, all the information will probably be there for them to say "the same price but this one is better in graphics and plays the same, well this is a no brainer for me". Nobody just gos to  a store and looks at a box art for the first time and says this looks good ill get this without looking in to it, unless is on sale and you have no time to research.  

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Landguy said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Landguy said:

I think you are responding to the other comment about controllers.  I wasn't speaking to something subjective. 

Even though TV and movies would make it seem that people can percieve everything going on in their field of vision, that is simply not true.  In almost every case, the human mind only picks up fragments of what they are looking at and the brain just "assumes" the rest.  That's why I keep discussing what is perceptably different when actually playing a game as compared to what is really happening(the PS4 version is better technically).  Sure, when you disassociate yourself from the gameplay(Digital foundry), your brain then focuses on a whole different set of facts.  Thus the comparison or difference is more obvious.

I mention controller because I'm giving an example of how perceptual difference is irrelevant regardless of its a matter of experience or platform.

If you can discern the difference then it makes little sense to even argue for the version with lower res/fr because they cost the same amount of money.

If you can't buying habits are debatable, but the debate about which version offers more value is a verifiyable fact. Digital Foundry's job is to present objective analysis of a video games performance. Ironically, DF was hardly ever critiziced when they said the PS3 version was worse than the 360 version, but now that the tables have turned so has the criticism.


If you own both consoles and the game will have no perceptable difference to you, your theory is that you should buy the PS4 version just because you will know that it is technically better?  If that is the case, you need to never buy a car. In very few instaces do people buy the technically better car.  The same goes for almost all electronics.  Most people buy them based on brand loyalty. 

I don't think that people are wrong for buying the PS4 version.  I think that they many are buying it because they were told that the PS4 version is "better".  Even though they themselves would never see the difference.  M$ really screwed up launching the system when they were obviously not ready and the developers weren't given the right tools to get the XB1 to perform better.  Of course, M$ undershot the power too.

Now that is you just projecting...I own a 50 inch 4k curved TV, (Samsung). Very very sure, I can see the diffrence between 900p and 1080p. You might choose to ignore the difference because you feel it is minimal but not everyone will do that especially if they own a TV that can display these diffrence. Natually we as human tend to lean to the better version of an item no matter how minimal we are told it is or notice it is. We love to own the best of everything. anyone who is a newbie gamer with not console leanings will most certainly pick the PS4 version of the games. because it has been explained to him that the game will always run better or at the very least on par with the Xbox version. This isnt "rocket surgery"

eva01beserk said:
Landguy said:
Soullesseyes said:
Landguy said:
Soullesseyes said:

This is laughably moronic argument and flat false. Not to mention the difference often go beyond resolution (Like some games missing AO, worse shadows, more Alaising, screen tearing jump out)...... You can feel Frame differences, and you can see Resolution difference immedaitely unless you have eye sight issuies. Your thread is moronic.

Good of you to comment with a new account to avoid a banning.  Proves your point oh so well.

You cannot refute facts so deflect and spew nonsense, good thread LMAO.

OK, you got me.  I am supposed to argue with nothing?  Besides your making a personal attack on me, what you said doesn't even follow in the conversation you quoted.  You claim that the framerate will be obvious?  How, if you are playing a game on the PS4 without instantly switching to the XB1 would you notice?  Try to come up with a real scenario that proves your point.

How about if you are on the fence on buying the game, go to toys r us and they are showing it on both consoles right next to each other. Nobody is around and you have the same demo for yourself. You can play the whole thing on both and then realize that one is ovbiously better or worse. 

And if someone is on the fence about 2 options, you just know they will whey every option, even if they cant tell the diference, they will go for what they tell them the diference is. So in the end the ps4 will win even if is the same game and same graphics, people will choose it cuz of the what if.

Bolded = This makes the most sense.  I guess I think that most people are going by the obvious hype and not really thinking for themselves.  But, I can't disagree that common sense would tell most people to just buy the PS4 version just in case.  With the gap on multiplats shrinking to the point that it really doesn't matter much, the real difference will probably come out in exclusives(not really M$'s strong suit).  I guess we will see.

It is near the end of the end....

overman1 said:
Landguy said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Landguy said:

I think you are responding to the other comment about controllers.  I wasn't speaking to something subjective. 

Even though TV and movies would make it seem that people can percieve everything going on in their field of vision, that is simply not true.  In almost every case, the human mind only picks up fragments of what they are looking at and the brain just "assumes" the rest.  That's why I keep discussing what is perceptably different when actually playing a game as compared to what is really happening(the PS4 version is better technically).  Sure, when you disassociate yourself from the gameplay(Digital foundry), your brain then focuses on a whole different set of facts.  Thus the comparison or difference is more obvious.

I mention controller because I'm giving an example of how perceptual difference is irrelevant regardless of its a matter of experience or platform.

If you can discern the difference then it makes little sense to even argue for the version with lower res/fr because they cost the same amount of money.

If you can't buying habits are debatable, but the debate about which version offers more value is a verifiyable fact. Digital Foundry's job is to present objective analysis of a video games performance. Ironically, DF was hardly ever critiziced when they said the PS3 version was worse than the 360 version, but now that the tables have turned so has the criticism.


If you own both consoles and the game will have no perceptable difference to you, your theory is that you should buy the PS4 version just because you will know that it is technically better?  If that is the case, you need to never buy a car. In very few instaces do people buy the technically better car.  The same goes for almost all electronics.  Most people buy them based on brand loyalty. 

I don't think that people are wrong for buying the PS4 version.  I think that they many are buying it because they were told that the PS4 version is "better".  Even though they themselves would never see the difference.  M$ really screwed up launching the system when they were obviously not ready and the developers weren't given the right tools to get the XB1 to perform better.  Of course, M$ undershot the power too.

Now that is you just projecting...I own a 50 inch 4k curved TV, (Samsung). Very very sure, I can see the diffrence between 900p and 1080p. You might choose to ignore the diffrence because you feel it is minimal but not everyone will do that especially if they own a TV that can display this diffrence. Natually we as human tend to lean to the better version of an item no matter how minimal we are told it is. We love to own the best of everything. anyone who is a newbie gamer with not console leanings will most certainly pick the PS4 version of the games. because it has been explained to him that the game will always run better or at the very least on pr with the Xbox version. This isnt "rocket surgery"

If you look at my first comment in this tree as reference, it will explain why your reference to your tv is not what I am speaking about.  I have never said that the difference can't be seen.  My point has been that you can't see the difference if your playing a game.  If you playing any game that has any level of action at all, your brain is way to involved in the game itself to differentiate the graphic differences in the recent multiplat games.  It was more obvious in the games released in 2013 or even a few earlier in the year.  But, most of the recent multi plats are much closer regardless of the reason(publisher parity by design?).

It is near the end of the end....

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if you have a native Full-HD TV = YES

if you still using an outdated TV = NO

Its just perception; a psycological thing.

The experience is not realy going to be any better just by adding a few pixels.  The PS4 & X1 versions both run the same assets (same textures, models, lighing engines, effects, ect.), and that makes up the biggest factor of how good a game will look.  The difference between 900p upscaled & 1080p is negligable.


But a lot of people just like knowing that thier games will "run the best" or whatever as that helps them to justify thier purchase of one console over the other, especially when they are both so simular.

Landguy said:


If you own both consoles and the game will have no perceptable difference to you, your theory is that you should buy the PS4 version just because you will know that it is technically better?  If that is the case, you need to never buy a car. In very few instaces do people buy the technically better car.  The same goes for almost all electronics.  Most people buy them based on brand loyalty. 

I don't think that people are wrong for buying the PS4 version.  I think that they many are buying it because they were told that the PS4 version is "better".  Even though they themselves would never see the difference.  M$ really screwed up launching the system when they were obviously not ready and the developers weren't given the right tools to get the XB1 to perform better.  Of course, M$ undershot the power too.

Microsoft's problem with the X1 was that they had the wrong vision for the console, a vision led by Don Mattrick.  If they would have decided to create a games first machiene, it could have been more powerfull, but they had to make sacrifices to make it a more Media & Multitasking friendly machiene.

This forum constantly spawns shitty threads. I wonder why they never get locked.


Landguy said:
overman1 said:
Landguy said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Landguy said:

I think you are responding to the other comment about controllers.  I wasn't speaking to something subjective. 

Even though TV and movies would make it seem that people can percieve everything going on in their field of vision, that is simply not true.  In almost every case, the human mind only picks up fragments of what they are looking at and the brain just "assumes" the rest.  That's why I keep discussing what is perceptably different when actually playing a game as compared to what is really happening(the PS4 version is better technically).  Sure, when you disassociate yourself from the gameplay(Digital foundry), your brain then focuses on a whole different set of facts.  Thus the comparison or difference is more obvious.

I mention controller because I'm giving an example of how perceptual difference is irrelevant regardless of its a matter of experience or platform.

If you can discern the difference then it makes little sense to even argue for the version with lower res/fr because they cost the same amount of money.

If you can't buying habits are debatable, but the debate about which version offers more value is a verifiyable fact. Digital Foundry's job is to present objective analysis of a video games performance. Ironically, DF was hardly ever critiziced when they said the PS3 version was worse than the 360 version, but now that the tables have turned so has the criticism.


If you own both consoles and the game will have no perceptable difference to you, your theory is that you should buy the PS4 version just because you will know that it is technically better?  If that is the case, you need to never buy a car. In very few instaces do people buy the technically better car.  The same goes for almost all electronics.  Most people buy them based on brand loyalty. 

I don't think that people are wrong for buying the PS4 version.  I think that they many are buying it because they were told that the PS4 version is "better".  Even though they themselves would never see the difference.  M$ really screwed up launching the system when they were obviously not ready and the developers weren't given the right tools to get the XB1 to perform better.  Of course, M$ undershot the power too.

Now that is you just projecting...I own a 50 inch 4k curved TV, (Samsung). Very very sure, I can see the diffrence between 900p and 1080p. You might choose to ignore the diffrence because you feel it is minimal but not everyone will do that especially if they own a TV that can display this diffrence. Natually we as human tend to lean to the better version of an item no matter how minimal we are told it is. We love to own the best of everything. anyone who is a newbie gamer with not console leanings will most certainly pick the PS4 version of the games. because it has been explained to him that the game will always run better or at the very least on pr with the Xbox version. This isnt "rocket surgery"

If you look at my first comment in this tree as reference, it will explain why your reference to your tv is not what I am speaking about.  I have never said that the difference can't be seen.  My point has been that you can't see the difference if your playing a game.  If you playing any game that has any level of action at all, your brain is way to involved in the game itself to differentiate the graphic differences in the recent multiplat games.  It was more obvious in the games released in 2013 or even a few earlier in the year.  But, most of the recent multi plats are much closer regardless of the reason(publisher parity by design?).

It still will be noticed. Dont you understand? the only way the experience will be unnoticable is if for each person, the experience of the game was singular. obviously if I am playing the Xbox one version of the game on my TV, I will not be think of the PS4 version IF I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT. I will not be thinking "Damn, this Xbox one version of the game is terrible, wonder how the PS4 version looks like" If you have played the PS4 version of MGS:GZ and Battlefield 4, and you played the Xbox one version of these games (as I have on my TV), the difference jumps in your face almost immediately, most noticable the framerate drops. For now, it believe most multi developers are really rreally trying for parity for both systems. Not saying the PS4 version of the games are been gimped but I belive most developers are pushing the Xbox one mechanisms further than the PS4 engine. because, that could mean less sales for thier game on the Xbox which isnt a good thing. If the Ps4 versions are shown as much love as the Xbox one versions of recent games aka Destiny, there will definitely be a very obviously difference like Ground Zero. 
Developers have obviously said the PS4 is a much easier machine to program for, couple that with a more powerful GPU and faster Ram. It isnt much of a stretch to say that PS4 exclusives wil be the best looking games this gen and maybe some third party developers who really want to push that engine to see what it can really done.