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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are the PS4 versions of multiplats really better??

SvennoJ said:
DD_Bwest said:
kitler53 said:

way to contradict yourself.

my tv is 1080 but i can always tell the difference between content on the tv being at standard def, 720p, or 1080p.  it is obvious and a massive change.  but then again,. i sit 6 feet from a 46 inch tv so according to the charts 4k is justifyable to my viewing configuration...

Rofl.. Im sitting way to close when i play lol

Probably not. THX recommends sitting at 1.2 x diagonal size for optimum field of view experience (40 degrees fov). That's 4.6ft from 46" or 5.2ft from 52". 1080p isn't enough at that distance, and you can easily see the difference between native and upscaled 1080p.

I sit at about 1.5 x diagonal size from my projector screen. Kinda closest where 1080p still looks good, and the difference between native and upscaled is very visible. When 4K projectors become affordable I can finally move the couch forward (for movies anyway)
The SMPTE standard for 1080p suggest sitting at 1.63 x diagonal size for 30 degrees fov, still very noticeable. But if people want to play with 15-20 degrees field of view (3.8 - 2.8 x diagonal), sure you will have trouble spotting the difference.

i sit about 3 feet from my 48" lol

so on that graph for me ultra HD would be worth it.. i wish i had the money :P

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

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JayWood2010 said:
Played Destiny on both XBO and PS4 and they looked exactly the same. That is the only game ive played on both consoles. And to be completely honest, even when something is different, its so minor that nobody would really notice. Its just something that feeds the console wars.

The thing is Destiny went for console parity, It's not really a good example.  We will see a wider gape come out later on this year or early next as dev's become more comfortable. 

episteme said:
Well, they look at Digital Foundry Face-Offs or similar comparisons.

It's also a psychological thing that you want the best version, even if the experience is basically the same.

Weird. If you want the BEST version than you should go for the BEST version, probably being PC. However, if you want the version for the console you have you should get that. In some cases there are extra features on consoles, if you are looking for those and that makes it "best" then go for that. 

Just play what you want to play. 

To me the best version is probably the version that goes with the console I own. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Danman27 said:
Landguy said:
Soullesseyes said:
Landguy said:
Danman27 said:

In response to your first question... no. I'm saying that the ps4 is 50-100% more powerful.  And about the exclusives, yes, they look far better than xbox exclusives. And yes, if someone changes that settings on a game I'm playing on my PC, I very quickly notice the difference. 

Like I said, no one(or not anyone sane) is arguing that the XB1 is equal to or more powerful thatn the PS4 anymore.  The debate seems to be more in line with what the real differences are when actually playing a game.   Most multiplats at this point have very similar resolutions - 900p upscaled to 1080p/1080p vs 1080p.  The frame rates seem to vary a bit.  But, an upscaled 900p image while actually playing a game on a large screen tv and a 1080p image on the same screen while actually playing a game would be imperceptible.  I am not saying there isn't a difference.  I am saying that if you are actuallly playing a game, you can't possibly be looking at the graphical differences and still interact with the game(unless your hiding behind a bush or rock).  Sure, when you watch a gameplay viseo on line that compares the 2 you can study the differences because you are not interacting in the game.  A comparison to a PC that is more likely on a small 27" monitior or small doesn't really work, as you would have to stop gameplay to change the settings.

This is laughably moronic argument and flat false. Not to mention the difference often go beyond resolution (Like some games missing AO, worse shadows, more Alaising, screen tearing jump out)...... You can feel Frame differences, and you can see Resolution difference immedaitely unless you have eye sight issuies. Your thread is moronic.

Good of you to comment with a new account to avoid a banning.  Proves your point oh so well.

Lol. This isn't an alt account of mine. Ever thing maybe you're just wrong?  

What?  That was in response was to Soulsesye.

It is near the end of the end....

Mr Puggsly said:
The PS4 version have more visual polish and/or better frame rates.

However, its not the world of difference some people make it seem like. This isn't PS2 graphics vs Xbox graphics.

The average person won't see the differences and X1 games are becoming more polished. Destiny is proof of that.

Wrong, bungi decided to reach for parity, wich means they decided to work harder on the x1 version and not the ps4. Right now it might seem worth it cuz even if the ps4 is selling more copies of a multyplat its not that much. But that will change in the future as the intall base for the ps4 is now twice the x1's, and is increasing. WHen the ps4 is 3:1 x1, devs wont care for parity and they will push harder for the ps4.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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Landguy said:
Soullesseyes said:
Landguy said:
Soullesseyes said:

This is laughably moronic argument and flat false. Not to mention the difference often go beyond resolution (Like some games missing AO, worse shadows, more Alaising, screen tearing jump out)...... You can feel Frame differences, and you can see Resolution difference immedaitely unless you have eye sight issuies. Your thread is moronic.

Good of you to comment with a new account to avoid a banning.  Proves your point oh so well.

You cannot refute facts so deflect and spew nonsense, good thread LMAO.

OK, you got me.  I am supposed to argue with nothing?  Besides your making a personal attack on me, what you said doesn't even follow in the conversation you quoted.  You claim that the framerate will be obvious?  How, if you are playing a game on the PS4 without instantly switching to the XB1 would you notice?  Try to come up with a real scenario that proves your point.

How about if you are on the fence on buying the game, go to toys r us and they are showing it on both consoles right next to each other. Nobody is around and you have the same demo for yourself. You can play the whole thing on both and then realize that one is ovbiously better or worse. 

And if someone is on the fence about 2 options, you just know they will whey every option, even if they cant tell the diference, they will go for what they tell them the diference is. So in the end the ps4 will win even if is the same game and same graphics, people will choose it cuz of the what if.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

DD_Bwest said:
SvennoJ said:

Probably not. THX recommends sitting at 1.2 x diagonal size for optimum field of view experience (40 degrees fov). That's 4.6ft from 46" or 5.2ft from 52". 1080p isn't enough at that distance, and you can easily see the difference between native and upscaled 1080p.

I sit at about 1.5 x diagonal size from my projector screen. Kinda closest where 1080p still looks good, and the difference between native and upscaled is very visible. When 4K projectors become affordable I can finally move the couch forward (for movies anyway)
The SMPTE standard for 1080p suggest sitting at 1.63 x diagonal size for 30 degrees fov, still very noticeable. But if people want to play with 15-20 degrees field of view (3.8 - 2.8 x diagonal), sure you will have trouble spotting the difference.

i sit about 3 feet from my 48" lol

so on that graph for me ultra HD would be worth it.. i wish i had the money :P

You could use 8K at that distance...
60 degree field of view is nice, you're almost at the VR experience! (occulus rift has 90 degrees horizontal fov = 2ft from a 48" screen)

Landguy said:


"the PS4 has proved to have more pixels and faster frame rates. "

 "they always seem identical"


"the PS4 has proved to have more pixels and faster frame rates. "

"The truth is, it is almost impossible to have the differences matter when actually playing the game."  




"whenever someone needs to justify their purchase of the PS4 for some reason."

oh how very ironic lol

jnemesh said:
The comments here are REALLY starting to get nasty, guys. Tone it down a notch will you?

There are facts, and there are opinions, and there are preferences.

Preference would be which console has the better controller...I personally like the DS4, others prefer the XB1 controller.

Opinions would be things like "I can't tell the difference" or "the game is more important than the resolution"

But in the end, the FACT of the matter is that the PS4 has a better GPU and faster RAM, and consequently, games will look and PLAY better on the PS4 than the Xbox One. AT WORST, the PS4 version will be at parity with the XB1, but we haven't seen a SINGLE multiplatform game that looks or plays better on the Xbox One.

Now, that being said, if you still prefer the XB1, or if your friends are playing the game on XB1, great...go have fun.

If you are enjoying the PS4, that's great too. Remember...none of these discussions here are going to make your platform of choice any more successful than it's competition.


RubberWhistleHistle said:
or hell, if you care more about actual games than how the games look, then get a wii u. the games still look amazing and theyre more fun to play.

what if you hope to have more than a couple games to play next year and beyond?