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Forums - Sports Discussion - The NFL Thread 2014: New England Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Who cares? 41 36.61%
That AFC team. 29 25.89%
That NFC team. 5 4.46%
Hahaha, not the Packers! 25 22.32%
See Results. 9 8.04%
platformmaster918 said:
Chris Hu said:
bunchanumbers said:

This. I don't think any statement sums it up better.

Still not as bad as the Bills missing a very makeable game winning field goal at the end of the game at Super Bowl 25.  But most people aren't old enough to remember that one.

I disagree.  That was a 46 yard field goal and it was when FG kickers weren't nearly as good.  This was a sure thing.  Belicheck handed them the game.  He didn't call a timeout and Seattle still had one to use.  So you have it on the one with one of the best goaline backs and if you score in 2 plays you win.  I'll take that scenario over a 46 yard field goal any day.

Lynch is good but he still is a long ways off from being one of the best goal line backs.  Seatle actually had one of those a while back since at his prime Shaun Alexander was a much better back then Lynch.  Its more then likely that no other back will come even close to getting 27 rushing touchdowns in one season.

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RolStoppable said:
Ssliasil said:
RolStoppable said:


The Packers might have lost two weeks ago, but at least they didn't collapse on an international stage. Rumor has it that Pete Carroll took a phone call from Jason Garrett before making the final offensive play call.

Im a diehard Packers fan...we willing to say we collapsed far harder than Seattle did :(

So you don't post in this thread all season long, but on the one day that you do, you have nothing better to do than backstabbing me?

The door's over there, don't let it hit you on your way out.

Hey...hey...I posted like one time okay?! GAWD!

Edit:  And doors dont hit me on the way reflexes are too fast.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

Chris Hu said:
bunchanumbers said:

This. I don't think any statement sums it up better.

Still not as bad as the Bills missing a very makeable game winning field goal at the end of the game at Super Bowl 25.  But most people aren't old enough to remember that one.

That missed FG wasn't a bad play call. That was just a bad play by the kicker.

This was a monumentally bad play call. To compare it to the Bills Super Bowl of that year, Marv Levy would have had to call a draw to Thurman Thomas on the last play of the game instead of kicking the FG. Then it would be comparable.

They needed 1 yard to take the lead and the Pats weren't even stopping the clock.

PwerlvlAmy said:
turns out it was an inside job. He made wilson throw that pass on purpose in order to help the Patriots win. He was working with Bill all along...

Pete Carrol pulled a Vince Mcmahon... hes now yelling at Seattle fans. ''IT WAS ME SEATTLE! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!''

Awwwwww sonofabitch.

Jim Ross needs to commentate on everything.


Chris Hu said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
Chris Hu said:

Still not as bad as the Bills missing a very makeable game winning field goal at the end of the game at Super Bowl 25.  But most people aren't old enough to remember that one.

Possibly,but this one was pretty bad. You had a guy whos basically unstoppable, that only had to take you like 3 yeards for the win, so you ignore him and try to throw it.


It's mind boggling lol

New England stopped Lynch more then a couple of times for negative yards so him running it would have guranteed nothing.

They stopped him a couple of times on how many carries? sorry but that close to the end zone on second down I'm running the ball not throwing it. 

Around the Network
platformmaster918 said:
MTZehvor said:
platformmaster918 said:
tiffac said:
That was one of the most wildest SuperBowl endings that I can remember. Including the punches. lol!

Its almost very poetic for an undrafted rookie to make the final winning play. Congrats Pats they are indeed the San Antonio Spurs of the NFL.

except the Spurs didn't cheat (in 2 different ways) to get to their 4.  Unfortunate lesson for the kids of today.  If you're not cheating you're not trying I guess.

Cry more please.

haha typical.  Can't even deny it just the old "cry more" or "you mad bro?" response.  I'll give the Spurs all the credit in the world they're a great team.  See that shows I don't mind giving the true great credit even when they're not my team.  I'm also not a Seahawks fan or a fan of any of the teams they've beaten in the Super Bowl so I'm not biased against them.  You just can't ignore this when it's been clearly proven in one case and 99% certain in the other.  See if you have an actual reply this time.

I guess it's less of "I can't deny it" and more of "I really couldn't care less." I could discuss how there's no evidence linking Spygate to any of the Super Bowls (particularly so after the taping practice rumors were proven false), or how Deflategate, as it were, has become a laughingstock of a controversy after it turned out that only one football was noticeably below the mandatory PSI requirement, and there's still no evidence linking any player to any actual deflating, but these are all arguments that have been had before and laid out in much clearer ways. So, yeah, at this point, I really don't care. Cry about cheating all you want. I'll be enjoying the Super Bowl championship.

Chris Hu said:

New England stopped Lynch more then a couple of times for negative yards so him running it would have guranteed nothing.

I believe if Lynch ran it,then we'd see seattle atm as the champions


but bad play calling screwed them over, good job pete! 

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

It was definitely a fun game to watch. But, goddamn did the Seahawks make one of the worst calls ever. And I think a lot of people (I know I was) were rooting for them for some sort of moral victory over the NE Cheaters.

Seriously, you had a couple of downs to spare, so just try and run it first. I mean the play before your man made a gain of 4 1/2 yards. You seriously don't think he can get over that last 1/2 yard? Definitely will be talked about for days.

Or maybe I should just start believing the conspiracy theorists that it's all rigged. That's starting to make sense, now.

Great game, horrifically bad ending.

The Hawks final drive looked so much like the Giant's final drive against the Pats in 07. They even had an unbelievable catch. Wilson just didn't have that Eli magic.

If the Hawks ran it, it would practically be guaranteed that the Hawks would win. The Patriots were letting the clock run down and they were a yard away. Unbelievable that they wouldn't at least try and run the ball once on second down. Very disappointing ending to the football season :(

           Survivor Millennial vs Gen X!!

Chris Hu said:
platformmaster918 said:
Chris Hu said:
bunchanumbers said:

This. I don't think any statement sums it up better.

Still not as bad as the Bills missing a very makeable game winning field goal at the end of the game at Super Bowl 25.  But most people aren't old enough to remember that one.

I disagree.  That was a 46 yard field goal and it was when FG kickers weren't nearly as good.  This was a sure thing.  Belicheck handed them the game.  He didn't call a timeout and Seattle still had one to use.  So you have it on the one with one of the best goaline backs and if you score in 2 plays you win.  I'll take that scenario over a 46 yard field goal any day.

Lynch is good but he still is a long ways off from being one of the best goal line backs.  Seatle actually had one of those a while back since at his prime Shaun Alexander was a much better back then Lynch.  Its more then likely that no other back will come even close to getting 27 rushing touchdowns in one season.

He is the league leader in TDs this year and his first run took them to the 1 yard line with 2 shots left. I think if Carroll handed the ball off again we would be having a different discussion.