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Forums - Sports Discussion - The NFL Thread 2014: New England Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Who cares? 41 36.61%
That AFC team. 29 25.89%
That NFC team. 5 4.46%
Hahaha, not the Packers! 25 22.32%
See Results. 9 8.04%
chocoloco said:
IkePoR said:
chocoloco said:

Go Ravens

That was fast.


I love it lol

Just edited in Flacco's late touchdown in gif form.

I see it but... that pic is just too perfect.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Around the Network

Wow that was cool

Man, what a close game...those Raven's, they play the Pats so dang well. Bad missed call on gronk in the game, but other than that, pretty dang competitive.

Pats 14 yards rushing, is the fewest rushing yards in a playoff win in NFL history. Brady passed Montana for most post-season TD's (46), Belichick has 20 Post-season wins (T-1). Patriots, only team in NFL history to come back from 2, 14 pt deficits. Flacco's 4-TD's are the most given up by any Belichick coached Pats team in the post-season.

Baltimore deserved to win.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Around the Network

Football fans groan? Really? That was a damn fun game to watch

RolStoppable said:

Not going to watch the upcoming snorefest because I rather sleep in my bed.

Here is the finalized list of people in the bracket B playoffs: MTZehvor, Chris Hu, NinjaBlade360, BoneArk, IamAwsome, ljigga, burninmylight, Level1Death.

You just might regret that.

"Say what you want about Americans but we understand Capitalism.You buy yourself a product and you Get What You Pay For."  

- Max Payne 3

Yeah that was a great game, hope the rest of the games are this good. Blowouts aren't fun to watch.

That was a good game. Did not care who should win. But the no penalty call on gronk was BS. Well played from both teams though. Once Brady started to take risks with his passes again they started rolling again. It seemed after the interception he was throwing pathetic low passes that often got very little done. Flacco got his first 2 INTs in Flacco playoff history, still only managed to lose by 4.

Metallox said:
Baltimore deserved to win.

Deserves got nothing to do with it.  I would argue coming back down 14 twice, deserves the win.  But, I'm a Pats fan so.... heh