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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Long Riders is unbelievably frustrating to watch for a cyclist. One episode and nobody mentioned how horrible a folding bike is, especially for an untrained beginner. I almost screamed at the screen when they actually paid money to get it.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Hibike Euphonium showing top notch voice work again. Kumiko has probably one the best VA ever.

That's the difference between Unlimited Budget Works and Kyoani. UBW just buys flashy effects while Kyoani buys actual talents to make all aspects of the anime a piece of art. #shotsfired

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

And the winner of "Biggest potential of the season" is Occultic 9. Such an intriguing first ep, crowned with a pretty good OP and ED.
Certainly the most unique anime this season by far. This is gonna be fun.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Pic of the Day. New Spice and Wolf would make my life D:


I just want a new Claymore anime that faithfully adapts all of the manga. Then I could die happily.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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vivster said:
I just want a new Claymore anime that faithfully adapts all of the manga. Then I could die happily.

Claymore got the honor of being among the handful of manga I've read to completion after the nonsense ending to the anime for the sake of ending the anime. Seeing all the violence and battles and plot from after the time skip animated would be pretty spectacular. The end of the anime was just so...not satisfying.


Buranki ep 2 confirms my best girl of the season pick.

If only they'd hire an actual writer. The story is all over the place again with no explanations to anything.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

LuckyTrouble said:
vivster said:
I just want a new Claymore anime that faithfully adapts all of the manga. Then I could die happily.

Claymore got the honor of being among the handful of manga I've read to completion after the nonsense ending to the anime for the sake of ending the anime. Seeing all the violence and battles and plot from after the time skip animated would be pretty spectacular. The end of the anime was just so...not satisfying.

Same for me, except for Gantz instead. Didn't even watch the anime season 2 because I heard it was so bad, but it was interesting enough that I felt I needed to watch/read the end of it.

Shadow8 said:

Pic of the Day. New Spice and Wolf would make my life D:

My reaction to Force getting the anime adaptation it deserves... I'd say DR, but I have a feeling the seiyuu would perma ruin some characters forever... 

March Comes In Like a Lion is definitely something I'll keep watching. Slow start...but the characters seem interesting...and there's clearly something serious beneath it all. OP/ED are my current favorites for this season.

I decided to try out Keijo after reading the premise. It' expected I guess. First episode was clearly rushed as all hell, and I can't say I really care about any characters in particular yet. Still...there are worse ways to spend my time than watching cute girls smash their amazing rears together. I'll keep it in my Crunchyroll queue for now.

A few more shows that I'd like to try...but not in a hurry at the moment.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334