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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

fatslob-:O said:

I thought Beyond the Boundary was terrible ... 

The characters are pretty awful and not very relatable ...

There's way too many loose ends that they didn't tie up so I ended up having more questions than answers ...

I wouldn't go so far as to say "terrible", but the characters were strange. Its like they wrote the characters to actually make sense and then they were like "okay, now we need to sprinkle in generic 'club anime' tropes to keep our fans happy", which just made all the characters feel off. I think they could have thrown away all of that fetish bullshit and made main girl not such an airhead and they would have been much better. Also, Sakura's character was pretty can't have a character go 180degrees that quickly. It felt rushed to the point where it didn't make any sense.

They did tie up a good number of loose ends near the end of the show and I actually liked how they maintained some degree of subtlety with some of those answers (meaning that things I was wondering about were answered without say "Hey! This is the answer!" and instead just put the answer in and didn't make a bit to do about it). Unfortunately, the last minute of the series just felt like at the last minute the writers realized that they need to have a happy ending and just deus ex machina'd one in. 

Like I said, there was a really good anime buried somewhere in there and I saw it peeking out every once in a while, but then whatshisname started talking about little sisters again and everything just fell apart.

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This season sucks.... Maria the virgin witch and assassination classroom are the only good things... besides the ecchi of course

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sundin13 said:
Just watched Beyond the Boundary and I'm not yet sure what to think. It obviously had tons of potential and it was gorgeous to look at, but the blend of interesting supernatural story and generic moe didn't mesh well with me (and that deus ex machina didn't help). Sort of reminds me of Ga-rei- which had a similar mix of action and out of place moe (or yuri).

I dunno...any thoughts?

The story for that is just all over the place.  Interesting characters and semi-interesting setting but the framework somehow felt paper-thin.  Could simply be too much material for a short anime, though I know it has a special coming out.  I'd grade it as slightly above average, mostly because it had some good dialogue and character interactions.  The climax and resolution were disappointing.

In other news, I just watched Isuca ep. 1.  Heh.  A Battle Harem revolving around a tsundere loli, huh?  You know, though, the thing that really annoyed me was how the immensely powerful monster just bloody stood there waiting to be attacked.  Awfully nice of it to let the girl request the boy's coat, put it on, and tie her hair up so that she could slowly point her bow at it, all after blowing her clothes off with pin-point lightning strikes to begin with.  

uran10 said:
This season sucks.... Maria the virgin witch and assassination classroom are the only good things... besides the ecchi of course

This season does indeed suck ...

Thankfully, last season's left overs such as Nanatsu no Taizai, Kiseijuu, Akatsuki no Yona, and Garo are there to entertain me some more ... 

Anybody know when God eater anime will come?

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

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sundin13 said:

They did tie up a good number of loose ends near the end of the show and I actually liked how they maintained some degree of subtlety with some of those answers (meaning that things I was wondering about were answered without say "Hey! This is the answer!" and instead just put the answer in and didn't make a bit to do about it). Unfortunately, the last minute of the series just felt like at the last minute the writers realized that they need to have a happy ending and just deus ex machina'd one in. 

Like ? 

What the hell happened to Miroku and what was his goal ? 

Why is Akihito the bearer of Beyond the Boundary ? 

What was Mirai's main objectives or purpose in the series ? 

What became of Izumi after Hiroomi finding out that she harboured a youmu within her and her past connection to Miroku ? 

So many things I want to find out ... 

small44 said:
Anybody know when God eater anime will come?

No idea, they announced it without an airing date ...

I don't think this season is that bad, I just think it's back to normal after one of the best seasons in memory.

I've got Rolling Girls and SaeKano, both of which have been excellent so far, DuraX2 and Junketsu no Maria, which I'm enjoying, and Assassination Classroom, which should be pretty good. A few others, I haven't made a decision on yet. The hold-over crop is obviously excellent, as well.

Sure, every other anime is a battle harem but that's hardly new.

How does this season suck with so many great animes?

Junketsu no Maria, Rolling Girls, Yuri Kuma, Saekano, Milky Holmes, Kantai Collection, Death Parade, Koufuku Grafitti. Add to that the ongoing great animes and you have something awesome.

Don't think I had so much fun since last winter's season. Next season is gonna be nothing compared to this one.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
How does this season suck with so many great animes?

Junketsu no Maria, Rolling Girls, Yuri Kuma, Saekano, Milky Holmes, Kantai Collection, Death Parade, Koufuku Grafitti. Add to that the ongoing great animes and you have something awesome.

Don't think I had so much fun since last winter's season. Next season is gonna be nothing compared to this one.

Wow ... 

I am sorely disappointed in the amount of below average adaptions that us anime viewers have to look forward to ... 

It's bad enough that overrated junk like Kantai Collection is hyped up the to the heavens but I am not putting myself through that torture ... 

I seriously wish I had a time machine cause the next season looks to be equally crap too ...