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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So why are people OK with ads on the 360/One dashboard?


Are you OK with ads on you console?`

Yup 60 13.16%
Nope 311 68.20%
Indifferent 54 11.84%
See results 29 6.36%
VanceIX said:
toastboy44562 said:
So youre going to give up on your favorite franchises and gaming all together because you did not want to see a nonintrusive ad on the dashboard? I'm willing to bet you've never played a 360 before!

And no, I'm not gving up on gaming at all, I've got other consoles plenty, and I don't use my 360 much anyway. It just doesn't seem right that this is completely OK.

That was great!

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In my book this just further cements MS's consoles as the least aesthetic videogame platform on the market.

And I like pretty things.


If it weren't for "ads" I wouldn't know have of the features my console is capable of. I JUST found out that the new Walking Dead episode was available.  I was anxious for the new episode and didn't know it when it was coming.  I'm thankful, now.

And yeah, I have a PlayStation 3. it does the same thing. There a little ticker on the to right that tells you what's new on the PSN. I just turned the console on. Haven't even touched the controller. The ads are coming to me.  It's showing Lucy is now in theaters and there's a prompt to buy tickets. It's showing Anchorman 2 is available for purchase on the PS Store. It says to get a PlayStation branded Visa card and get $50 on the PSN. Again, I haven't even touched the controller yet.

And you know what? It's not that big of a deal to me.  

I think the ads on whats new/activity feed on ps4 more introsive than the ones placed on xbox's

ryuendo89 said:
I think the ads on whats new/activity feed on ps4 more introsive than the ones placed on xbox's

That what's new is a cluttered useless mess.

Luckily you have to actively enter it to get overwhelmed by a wall of info on friends and a ton of ads (at least they're gaming related). I went there once 6 months ago, and just ignore it since. 

I could really use a customisable UI, I'd just delete 95% of useless tiles on it...

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really not a big deal for me. And it generates additional incoming to MS, so all good. If it was taking a huge amount of space and being intrusive I would care but in the actual form, it is just fine.

I absolutely hate them. Most of them are generic ads with little relevance to me, and they take up far more space than actual games and features.

Idk......... Ive had a 360 for so long, at this point when I turn it on I know exactly what I want to do, and I don't have to look for it, I just press A............the adds were never an issue for me.

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

VanceIX said:
toastboy44562 said:
So youre going to give up on your favorite franchises and gaming all together because you did not want to see a nonintrusive ad on the dashboard? I'm willing to bet you've never played a 360 before!

And no, I'm not gving up on gaming at all, I've got other consoles plenty, and I don't use my 360 much anyway. It just doesn't seem right that this is completely OK.

kitler53 said:
to a certain extent i'm okay with ads. i think ads that promote new game releases and sales are okay. honestly,. i kind of like it because maybe i didn't know a flash sale was going on and i'd miss it without a prompt.

...but if i got ads for doritos or pizza hut and the such i'd be quite annoyed. part of the reason my only tv service is netflix is because it lacks ads. why anyone would pay for hulu and then still have to sit through ads is beyond me. and cable,.. what a joke. for something that costs $60 a month the amount of ads is ridiculous. i'd never accept that service again and i'm glad i haven't supported cable in over 10 years now.

Admit it Kitler, you're just bias against Pizza Hut. Lol

OT: never notice them anymore as they are never overtaking anything. As long as they are doing just that and not becoming like tv ads,im okay. If I load up the start screen and some ad with a timer overtakes the screen I'll be pissed. Sometimes it does piss me off when you're scrolling the home screen and you gloss over one accidentally and it plays. 

Hilarious response to Toastboy, lmao!">"><img src="