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If it weren't for "ads" I wouldn't know have of the features my console is capable of. I JUST found out that the new Walking Dead episode was available.  I was anxious for the new episode and didn't know it when it was coming.  I'm thankful, now.

And yeah, I have a PlayStation 3. it does the same thing. There a little ticker on the to right that tells you what's new on the PSN. I just turned the console on. Haven't even touched the controller. The ads are coming to me.  It's showing Lucy is now in theaters and there's a prompt to buy tickets. It's showing Anchorman 2 is available for purchase on the PS Store. It says to get a PlayStation branded Visa card and get $50 on the PSN. Again, I haven't even touched the controller yet.

And you know what? It's not that big of a deal to me.