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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

Captain_Tom said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

They didn't "Listen."  They did what they had to so Xbox would still exist.  


Let's say there is this guy who robs a store every day, but also relies on it for food.  Eventually he realizes the store will go out of business if he robs it every day, so he decides to stop or he won't have anything to eat.  He didn't stop because he listened to what the storeowners wanted, he stopped because he had no other choice.

Here's a better analogy. I and another person come across two paths. One is longer, but perfectly safe while the other is much shorter, but extremely dangerous. I decide to take the shorter route, but the other person tells me, "No, don't go that way. You'll get mauled! Take the longer route." I will retort, "Screw that! What do you know?" and take the shortcut. Moments later, I come back with cuts, bruises, and several rips on my clothes. "Um... On second thought... Let's take the other route," I say feebly. Would you call that listening? The lesson of the day is that truly listening to consumers' demands is when you listen to them the first time, not the hundredth.

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Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
sales2099 said:
Don't know how hard it is for some people to recognize the console, as it stands now, is a great machine and is only improving further. Most of the issues of E3 2013 didn't even make it to the final product.

I can't see the video, but I have an idea. I mean some people........just get over it. The people won and made a difference. Just seems like another kicking-while-down tactic meant to bolster "the competition", hence the click bait title.

Well nothing in the video is a wrong, its just all stuff we all know repeated for the 100th time, you say its only improving, but only last week they canned Xbox Entertainment, so sureley 8 months after release its still taking some steps back. Thats basically the point of the video and that MS never apologise for these backwards steps.

You consider canning a studio that does no games as a step back?  Could you explain to me why getting rid of Xbox Entertainment which probably was sucking up millions of dollars for something of little value to the Xbox brand and spread they focus outside of gameing not a smart move.  Is making smart decisions also considered as step backs, lying and 180.  

Whatever, i see you would argue black is white and that MS has done no wrong with the XBox One.


Well I guess that’s an answer.  I do have to say I consider it more like you do not have a real solid opinion so turn it on me.  I asked a question and gave my reason why I thought it was a smart move for MS to drop Xbox Entertainment since their new focus under Phil is games and gaining back the core gamers.

Not sure who post you have seen but I have said plenty of times what i believe MS mistakes were, bad policy, miscommunication, bad planning, way to corporate, missed opportunities, not keep the mantra of developers first, getting totally outclassed by Sony and a host of others.  Just because I do not view everything they have done as bad does not mean I do not acknowledge their issues.  The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  


With that said, I believe MS has also come back from their hubris.  Not completely but I see a totally different strategy and refocus on what will make the X1 a success.

I'm glad that MS has reversed their policies but I agree with Sterling, they shouldn't be treated like they have done consumers a favor by reversing policies that would have destroyed them.

The thing that still annoys me is that MS has never really come out and just clearly stated that they were wrong. Without that I just don't know if I can ever trust them again. Hearing MS unequivocally state that their original plans were ignorant and foolish is the only way that I will believe that they truly recognized the error of their ways. If they don't recognize that they did anything wrong then who is to say they won't go down this path again?

Machiavellian said:

The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  

"It is all a matter of cold calculation."


The whole point of all of this is that MS gave everyone the finger and told them to "deal with it".  Everyone instead gave it right back to them and MS went "Oh, we can't get away with that? Okay."

They should feel like idiots and apologize as the only reason they didn't shaft their entire fanbase was because of immesuarble backlash.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Aura7541 said:
Captain_Tom said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

They didn't "Listen."  They did what they had to so Xbox would still exist.  


Let's say there is this guy who robs a store every day, but also relies on it for food.  Eventually he realizes the store will go out of business if he robs it every day, so he decides to stop or he won't have anything to eat.  He didn't stop because he listened to what the storeowners wanted, he stopped because he had no other choice.

Here's a better analogy. I and another person come across two paths. One is longer, but perfectly safe while the other is much shorter, but extremely dangerous. I decide to take the shorter route, but the other person tells me, "No, don't go that way. You'll get mauled! Take the longer route." I will retort, "Screw that! What do you know?" and take the shortcut. Moments later, I come back with cuts, bruises, and several rips on my clothes. "Um... On second thought... Let's take the other route," I say feebly. Would you call that listening? The lesson of the day is that truly listening to consumers' demands is when you listen to them the first time, not the hundredth.

I like your analogy but for one part.  You would never actually get to go down the short path.  Just before you go that route, someone comes back from the short path and tells you that it is the wrong choice.

Even better would be you built the short path and put up a sign that says, this will get you to nirvana in 1 day.  You describe what you have to do in order to go down this short path.  You need to swim through a river filled with piranha, fight a tiger, cross a chasm on a old rope, climb an active volcano.

Someone else builds a path that is the same thing you have walked for years.  There is nothing new or different and its safe with no guess about the future.


Before anyone can actually go down your path they complain constantly that your path is fraught with way to much risk without any guarantee of the reward you present.  Since most people have decided to go the long and known path you have a decision to give people what they ask or risk losing them for a more risky vision.

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I already commented earlier on the thread regarding my thoughts on the video, but I really don't understand all the people talking about needing and deserving an apology. Microsoft is not a person. They did not personally attack you. Consumers are not required to buy the X540, and frankly the PS4 is a better system. MS does not care about you personally, just like Sony doesn't, and your car manufacturer doesn't. If you get a car or car part recall letter it doesn't have an apology in it. If Sony never implements the joining friend's games you are watching to help them out, 3d bluray support, and other things which were promised, they aren't going to issue you an apology for it. I agree, the lying was wrong. What should they do, keep the terrible Kinect instead of giving people the better option, just to save face, because they were wrong initially? I'm 1,000% sure they realize they did things wrong. They wouldn't have improved the product via 180's and dropping Kinect if they didn't. People need to not pledge fake allegiance to corporations who, in all reality, don't care about them one bit on a personal level. Just think about how often large companies do ridiculous things and don't apologize for it, or more importantly, ever attempt to rectify the wrongdoing.

soulfly666 said:
If you get a car or car part recall letter it doesn't have an apology in it.

It absolutely, without a dobut, will certainly have an extended apology.  This is apples and oranges though: a recalled car means the company could have endangered your entire family with a faulty product.  Not so with any gaming machine.

 This is plain old wrong and proves the point that when you make a mistake, admit to it and apologize.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Machiavellian said:

Well I guess that’s an answer.  I do have to say I consider it more like you do not have a real solid opinion so turn it on me.  I asked a question and gave my reason why I thought it was a smart move for MS to drop Xbox Entertainment since their new focus under Phil is games and gaining back the core gamers.

Not sure who post you have seen but I have said plenty of times what i believe MS mistakes were, bad policy, miscommunication, bad planning, way to corporate, missed opportunities, not keep the mantra of developers first, getting totally outclassed by Sony and a host of others.  Just because I do not view everything they have done as bad does not mean I do not acknowledge their issues.  The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  


With that said, I believe MS has also come back from their hubris.  Not completely but I see a totally different strategy and refocus on what will make the X1 a success.

Ok but like the video said, no one is saying these moves arent for the better for the gamer, its saying MS should apologise even if it is to a very tiny minority that did buy the console for all the TV TV TV stuff. Because the promises of that stuff is getting stripped out.

Like it or not the X1 was built on lies. But yes thankfully from a gamer perspective it is better than all that shit has been stripped out or made optional.

They said removing DRM was impossible, it wasnt

They said removing Kinect was impossible, it wasnt

IkePoR said:
soulfly666 said:
If you get a car or car part recall letter it doesn't have an apology in it.

It absolutely, without a dobut, will certainly have an extended apology.  This is apples and oranges though: a recalled car means the company could have endangered your entire family with a faulty product.  Not so with any gaming machine.

 This is plain old wrong and proves the point that when you make a mistake, admit to it and apologize.

Google image search it if you don't believe it.  I have gotten 2 in the past and they had zero apology whatsoever.

sales2099 said:
Don't know how hard it is for some people to recognize the console, as it stands now, is a great machine and is only improving further. Most of the issues of E3 2013 didn't even make it to the final product.

I can't see the video, but I have an idea. I mean some people........just get over it. The people won and made a difference. Just seems like another kicking-while-down tactic meant to bolster "the competition", hence the click bait title.

Read the thread. Nobody in here (that agrees with the video) is disagreeing with this. Sterling (guy in the video) isn't even disagreeing with this.

What they're taking issue is that MS hiding behind the guise of "choice" and "listening to the consumer" when in actuality, it was capitulation to the circumstances. They're not owning up to their mistakes. They're not saying "we screwed up", they're saying "we're giving you options now".

You better believe that if the XBone was at 8.6M and PS4 was at 4.9M, Kinect would still be bundled, despite it obviously not "being integral to Xbox One" like the motherboard, chips, ram, power cable, etc. are, as MS claimed. "If it sold that much, people 'want' Kinect", sounds like a good potential rebuttal, but that would mean that MS doesn't care about "giving consumers options" when the machine obviously works without the peripheral, but still force a bundle.