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I already commented earlier on the thread regarding my thoughts on the video, but I really don't understand all the people talking about needing and deserving an apology. Microsoft is not a person. They did not personally attack you. Consumers are not required to buy the X540, and frankly the PS4 is a better system. MS does not care about you personally, just like Sony doesn't, and your car manufacturer doesn't. If you get a car or car part recall letter it doesn't have an apology in it. If Sony never implements the joining friend's games you are watching to help them out, 3d bluray support, and other things which were promised, they aren't going to issue you an apology for it. I agree, the lying was wrong. What should they do, keep the terrible Kinect instead of giving people the better option, just to save face, because they were wrong initially? I'm 1,000% sure they realize they did things wrong. They wouldn't have improved the product via 180's and dropping Kinect if they didn't. People need to not pledge fake allegiance to corporations who, in all reality, don't care about them one bit on a personal level. Just think about how often large companies do ridiculous things and don't apologize for it, or more importantly, ever attempt to rectify the wrongdoing.