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Machiavellian said:

Well I guess that’s an answer.  I do have to say I consider it more like you do not have a real solid opinion so turn it on me.  I asked a question and gave my reason why I thought it was a smart move for MS to drop Xbox Entertainment since their new focus under Phil is games and gaining back the core gamers.

Not sure who post you have seen but I have said plenty of times what i believe MS mistakes were, bad policy, miscommunication, bad planning, way to corporate, missed opportunities, not keep the mantra of developers first, getting totally outclassed by Sony and a host of others.  Just because I do not view everything they have done as bad does not mean I do not acknowledge their issues.  The difference with me is that I do not form any emotional attachment to any corporation.  I give praise where I see it and I have given plenty to Sony because they have made the most improvement coming back from Hubris.  


With that said, I believe MS has also come back from their hubris.  Not completely but I see a totally different strategy and refocus on what will make the X1 a success.

Ok but like the video said, no one is saying these moves arent for the better for the gamer, its saying MS should apologise even if it is to a very tiny minority that did buy the console for all the TV TV TV stuff. Because the promises of that stuff is getting stripped out.

Like it or not the X1 was built on lies. But yes thankfully from a gamer perspective it is better than all that shit has been stripped out or made optional.

They said removing DRM was impossible, it wasnt

They said removing Kinect was impossible, it wasnt