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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone in the mood for TLOUR?

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eFKac said:
Jesus christ, Nintendo fans should not be allowed to enter threads in Sony Discussion, I just want one thread that was not derailed...

As for the topic. I think this trailer was the tipping point for me. I was on the fence this whole time, as I have already payed 70€ for the Limited Edition for the PS3, and don't look forward to shell out another 50€ for essentially the same game. But damn it was the best game I have ever played. And after watching that trailer, for some reason, I am almost as hyped as a year ago. I think you might be right, it might be the music that brought back the memories and feelings, as the E3 trailer did nothing for me, besides showing how it looks in 60fps.

That's ridiculous; the argument had nothing to do with Nintendo games anyway.

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I wasn't before but after watching that trailer, I am excited.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Hynad said:
phaedruss said:
Hynad said:
phaedruss said:

It's decent for what it is, much better than the uncharted games. It's certainly not one of the greatest games ever made or any of that nonsense. 

Well, yes. It is. Alongside Super Metroid, Metal Gear Solid, and Castlevania Symphony of the Night. To mention only a few.

Argumentum ad populum 

Better that than to pass your own self-absorbed view on the matter as cold hard fact, or to call the opinion of most as nonsense.

Well, it's his opinion. He didn't make any implications about anyone who disagrees with him. Just as he can doubt the validity of the numerous GOTY awards that The Last of Us received, you can doubt the validity of his opinion. I don't see what's the problem. 

And there is a serious problem with the argumentum ad populum argument that you used. The game market is much larger than it was when the gems of the SNES/PS1. Video game journalism was small then, and almost eclusively in print. You couldn't win 200+ GOTY awards simply becuase there weren't that many publications to gave them out (also considering that GOTY tradition was less developed back then). And there is also the problem of argument ad populum itself - that even though the majority opinion suggests that it is more likely that they are right, there is no logical proof. He can doubt it if he presents arguments, which you never asked him to do. 

Scizor_99 said:
eFKac said:
Jesus christ, Nintendo fans should not be allowed to enter threads in Sony Discussion, I just want one thread that was not derailed...

As for the topic. I think this trailer was the tipping point for me. I was on the fence this whole time, as I have already payed 70€ for the Limited Edition for the PS3, and don't look forward to shell out another 50€ for essentially the same game. But damn it was the best game I have ever played. And after watching that trailer, for some reason, I am almost as hyped as a year ago. I think you might be right, it might be the music that brought back the memories and feelings, as the E3 trailer did nothing for me, besides showing how it looks in 60fps.

That's ridiculous; the argument had nothing to do with Nintendo games anyway.

I've nowhere stated that it has anything to do with Nintendo games. In the recent weeks, especially threads regarding The Last of Us, all get derailed by baiting comments by well known, or quite clearly when check their avatars, sigs, and post histories - Nintendo fans.

You can't have a thread discussing the topic at hand without idiotic comments like "lol it's the same game", "lol it's a movie, it plays itself", "is the upgrade 5$? Lol", etc.etc And there goes the thread, you have 3 pages of pointless debates that are not even discussing the topic

The funniest (or saddest) thing is that those who whine have no interest in buying the game, and majority probably doesn't even have a PS4.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

I thought TLOU was a great game, but when people say it is the greatest piece of software ever made or even the best game of last gen I completely disagree. I won't be buying the Remastered version as I feel it will be very similar to last year's game, but people who skipped it on PS3 should definitely play through it.  People saying TLOU is better than say Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, Symphony of the Night and DooM (among others) are crazy, but hey opinions.

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Been in the mood for it since E3. Had to resist playing the PS3 version again.

soulfly666 said:

I thought TLOU was a great game, but when people say it is the greatest piece of software ever made or even the best game of last gen I completely disagree. I won't be buying the Remastered version as I feel it will be very similar to last year's game, but people who skipped it on PS3 should definitely play through it.  People saying TLOU is better than say Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, Symphony of the Night and DooM (among others) are crazy, but hey opinions.

What was the best game of seventh gen, in your opinon?

theprof00 said:
soulfly666 said:

I thought TLOU was a great game, but when people say it is the greatest piece of software ever made or even the best game of last gen I completely disagree. I won't be buying the Remastered version as I feel it will be very similar to last year's game, but people who skipped it on PS3 should definitely play through it.  People saying TLOU is better than say Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, Symphony of the Night and DooM (among others) are crazy, but hey opinions.

What was the best game of seventh gen, in your opinon?

Mass Effect 2, very closely followed by Battlefield Bad Company 2.  On my top 50 of all time games list we made last year on this forum TLOU got #25.  I think it was #5 for 7th GEN overall on the same list.  I had ME2, BC2, Borderlands 2, and RDR above it and Uncharted 2 was right below it at #26 of all time.

soulfly666 said:
theprof00 said:
soulfly666 said:

I thought TLOU was a great game, but when people say it is the greatest piece of software ever made or even the best game of last gen I completely disagree. I won't be buying the Remastered version as I feel it will be very similar to last year's game, but people who skipped it on PS3 should definitely play through it.  People saying TLOU is better than say Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, Symphony of the Night and DooM (among others) are crazy, but hey opinions.

What was the best game of seventh gen, in your opinon?

Mass Effect 2, very closely followed by Battlefield Bad Company 2.  On my top 50 of all time games list we made last year on this forum TLOU got #25.  I think it was #5 for 7th GEN overall on the same list.  I had ME2, BC2, Borderlands 2, and RDR above it and Uncharted 2 was right below it at #26 of all time.

I just could not get into ME2. I was so bored. BC2 was good, but I don't even think it's in the same er "company" as RDR or Borderlands 2. RDR is definitely a top contender, I agree...and I'd agree with Borderlands 2 as well (only if including all dlc).

However, borderlands has a lot of "filler", so I would've ranked it lower.

But, I'm glad, you seem to have good taste. #5 is a very good spot, as is #25 on best of all time. I'd say you don't completely disagree. You jsut disagree a bit. :D

RubberWhistleHistle said:
i have it on ps3 and i didnt get passed like two hours after the intro. i dont know what it is. i tried to like the game but couldnt. is it really that good?

i know everybody has their own taste in video games. i dont like games that kind of play themselves. i dont like playing through a game just to get to a cutscene so i can see more story. tell me, is what makes this game so great just the story? i do want to see the story, but i dont know if i can get through the boring gameplay to see it. would i be better off just looking it up on youtube? i might give it a try again this summer because of all this buzz, but i really dont know if i could get through it.

To make it short, the game pretty much plays itself for part of the game, but it picks up eventually. Just live through it and It'll be worth it!