Kaizar said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:
3DS has Pokemon and SSB, those are the only big games, all the other ones you listed are not big system sellers. I bet there was a lot of pre-owned 3DS's at Gamestop at the same point in its lifespan I don't know what point that makes. I don't understand where your coming from, are you expecting the PS4's first year to be its peak year? Also I think its safe to say the PS4 will have a longer lifespan than the 3DS.
On top of that your complaining that Uncharted 4 won't come out til 2015, when Pokemon X and Y didn't come out for the 3DS until 2 years after it launched, its the exact same situation with Uncharted.
Don't underestimate "King of Pirates". That game will sell like Skylander's but as a 3DS exclusive. And Persona Q will sell some too. Professor Layton VS. Phoenix Wright will get a lot of gamers who have been holding back from buying a 3DS. Pokémon AS & OR will sell some systems as well.
The price cut during the same Holiday will bring everything full circle.
Monster Hunter 4 in January 2015 will boost 3DS sells during November & December this year.
I'm a pretty hardcore gamer and even I have never heard of King of Pirates, don't expect it to do anything amazing for the 3DS. The highest viewed video of it on youtube I could find was 57k.
Your basically grasping at any game releasing will sell systems, I could list tons of third party PS4 games and say they're all gonna sell consoles. Monster Hunter is niche outside of Japan, it will do very little. Go look up the sales of Monster Hunter outside of Japan.
This thread seems like more wishful thinking than any real facts to back up what your saying.