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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware Chart - 05 July 2014

We won't confirm it until NPD.

But how many people will honestly be surprised to see that VGC overtracked XB1? Three people? Four people? It would honestly be amazing to me if they didn't overtrack it, as that's been the consistent theme of the entire year, lol.

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NobleTeam360 said:
Arkaign said:

It's not just Amazon, Best Buy and GameStop charts also have shown XB1 to be WELL behind PS4 on their charts aside from the ~2 day boost on $399 launch.

That's just icing on the cake though, Amazon charts have accurately predicted PS4 v XB1 gap every month this year. 100% accuracy.

How often this year has VGC overtracked XB1?

A SHITTON, that's how often. So often that it would be FAR more amazing if XB1 WASN'T overtracked.

Sorry if that seemed hostile, I don't mean it that way in the least. But yeah, Amazon charts have shown to be an order of magnitude more accurate in relation to XB1 sales than VGC has for 2014.

 I mean it's not like I'm disputing the fact that PS4 is selling a lot better than the XBO, that much has been clear for 7 months now.  Nor am I disputing the fact that VGChartz has overtracked the Xbox One. Going solely on Amazon though still makes no sense, I'll just continue to wait for NPD.

I have no problem with that.

I would note, however, that if NPD shows XB1 to be overtracked on VGC once more, and that the gap is sizable yet again, that Amazon would be 6 for 6 for 2014 at that point. VGC has overtracked XB1 every month this year by a decent amount to a huge sum except one IIRC.

celador said:
sales2099 said:

Nah, it isn't. Better then those 50K + gap weeks.

Official price cuts, bundles giving away your best game, breaking a promise made time and time again for a year.  All that just to become competitive is pretty bad

You mean the one official price cut in UK (which was overpriced anyway to be honest) and you mean the 3rd party multiplat that was given away that boosted X1 sales and really hurt EA's profits more then anything?

Breaking promises? Because they have been doing right by their fans this entire year so far with policy shifts (no apps behind gold paywall, Games for Gold X1, solid firmware updates). Don't know what console war you are following.

All this within 8 months of release (not long at all given the length of these gens) and before their approx. 30 countries to launch in come September. Sooooooo that said, 35k gap before September is just fine. I just think you are making it look worse because you prefer the gap to be bigger then 35k.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Those '30 countries' will probably sell less XB1's than Illinois or Florida. And not by a small margin. Why? They're already available en masse, and even the surrounding regions of greater Europe are a bloodbath for XB1, nor did the 360 (massively more successful in Europe vs XB1 in terms of market share) do well in those areas.

Those are '2nd tier' countries for a reason. ~5k/week in those regions combined in terms of a boost would be HUGELY impressive. More likely, it won't show as a boost at all, the 'official' sales trickle will simply replace the 'import' sales trickle.

Wii U baseline seems to be about double what it was. Hopefully it can hold on despite a lack of major releases.

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sales2099 said:
celador said:
sales2099 said:

Nah, it isn't. Better then those 50K + gap weeks.

Official price cuts, bundles giving away your best game, breaking a promise made time and time again for a year.  All that just to become competitive is pretty bad

You mean the one official price cut in UK (which was overpriced anyway to be honest) and you mean the 3rd party multiplat that was given away that boosted X1 sales and really hurt EA's profits more then anything?

Breaking promises? Because they have been doing right by their fans this entire year so far with policy shifts (no apps behind gold paywall, Games for Gold X1, solid firmware updates). Don't know what console war you are following.

All this within 8 months of release (not long at all given the length of these gens) and before their approx. 30 countries to launch in come September. Sooooooo that said, 35k gap before September is just fine. I just think you are making it look worse because you prefer the gap to be bigger then 35k.

Titanfall helped X1 get ahead of PS4 for one week.  And it was given away.  One week

They have done plenty of good things in the last year, but they break their major promise, if Sony did the same you would heavily critcize them.

And once again, these 30 territories launching in September are all countries that are either small, Sony dominated, or both.  If you need to ignore all these things and tell yourself that China will make a difference, or 30 territories in September will make a difference or any of the many other things that were meant to be 'gamechangers' for the X1 will make a difference, then go ahead.  I think you ae trying to make it look better than it is because after all that MS has done to try to improve things, X1 sales are still only 50% of PS4s

kowenicki said:
maverick40 said:
Removing Kinect did nothing for the Xbox one. Should have kept it in.

er... they did.


I think he means they should have made the $399 price WITH the Kinect (and with the various bundle offers such as Forza or Titanfall).

We'll know at NPD in less than a week if that's true. I'm betting VGC is overtracking the XB1 considerably once again.

mii-gamer said:

1. There are more game obviously,  but these are the bigger titles, many with some serious hardware selling power. I could mention skylanders, disney infinite, sonic boom, theatryhtm curtain call, lego baman 2, tenkai nights. Regardless of their region, the 3DS has systems seller that is FACT - you can't spin it buddy

This whole bunch of mainly ports/remakes/niche games isn't going to move a lot of hardware

Wii U is keeping on par with XBOne and 3DS outselling PS4 gives the vibe that the tides are turning. Although PS3 outselling both next gen consoles in Europe is still hilarious

NobleTeam360 said:
bluemd said:
My 2 cents: xbone overtracked in us the last three weeks. Otherwise on amazon the xbone wouldn't have been so low in bestsellers chart all these weeks and this also would explain the 75$ offer for Xbox 360 customers.

-__- apparently Amazon = every retailer in the North America now.

As a predictor of market position for PS4 vs Xb one in NPD it seems to be a very good barometer. But it's no basis for predicting absolute sales for any console. But since VGC has the June NPD weeks adding up to PS4 win by about 3K It seems Amazon and VGC are in agreement for once.

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