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NobleTeam360 said:
Arkaign said:

It's not just Amazon, Best Buy and GameStop charts also have shown XB1 to be WELL behind PS4 on their charts aside from the ~2 day boost on $399 launch.

That's just icing on the cake though, Amazon charts have accurately predicted PS4 v XB1 gap every month this year. 100% accuracy.

How often this year has VGC overtracked XB1?

A SHITTON, that's how often. So often that it would be FAR more amazing if XB1 WASN'T overtracked.

Sorry if that seemed hostile, I don't mean it that way in the least. But yeah, Amazon charts have shown to be an order of magnitude more accurate in relation to XB1 sales than VGC has for 2014.

 I mean it's not like I'm disputing the fact that PS4 is selling a lot better than the XBO, that much has been clear for 7 months now.  Nor am I disputing the fact that VGChartz has overtracked the Xbox One. Going solely on Amazon though still makes no sense, I'll just continue to wait for NPD.

I have no problem with that.

I would note, however, that if NPD shows XB1 to be overtracked on VGC once more, and that the gap is sizable yet again, that Amazon would be 6 for 6 for 2014 at that point. VGC has overtracked XB1 every month this year by a decent amount to a huge sum except one IIRC.