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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft: "Whatever", to those against it's DLC practices.

so youre selectively attributing anything that goes against your agenda to be just corporate jargon?, yeah yhis convosations done.

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Mr Khan said:
It's a lot like Nintendo's Super Guide. The fact that it exists for some should not upset others, though Ubisoft, unlike Nintendo, is making people pay for their Super Guide. So...

Exactly. Why would they make people pay for that? Why just not make an easy mode that does that instead?  

Personally, I hate this kind of DLC, especially when you get it in one of those steam sales/GOTY editions where all DLC is inclusive. One thing I'd really like to see is a DLC loader/unloader, so I can turn XP boost and shit like that off. For example, Sleeping Dogs, bought it last Christmas during a steam sale. Had all the DLC but didn't actually read what all of it was and this version of the game installed it all for me rather than let me install it individually. Basically, after the first missions for cop and triad, I was either max level or had jumped to within a level of max...and the game was 100% easy mode from then on. Then again, driving around in that ridiculous DZS-90 was also easy mode.

Other than that, like cheat codes of the past, I think it should also remove you from the achievements/trophy equation. I honestly felt like I was cheating in Sleeping Dogs, with how easy it became so quickly, so any achievement I got felt hollow..but that's just me, there's no doubt people who don't care about that :) I'd still really like the option of turning that stuff off though.

Well he's right. There was no resistance. People just keep buying DLC.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:
Well he's right. There was no resistance. People just keep buying DLC.

release a game and dont add dlc : wahhhh you made us pay retail then abandoned the game


release a game and add dlc : wahhhh you made us pay retail then try to bleed us dry


pretty much. 

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So what lol its not like they're forcing people to buy it. I dont see people getting pissed when they charge for a strategy guide/book. It doesn't even give someone some type of unfair competition advantage does it? Its single player. Some people don't have the time to deal with small stuff like uncovering hidden collectibles. And $1 is nothing for the average gamer.

Xxain said:
Mr Khan said:
It's a lot like Nintendo's Super Guide. The fact that it exists for some should not upset others, though Ubisoft, unlike Nintendo, is making people pay for their Super Guide. So...

Exactly. Why would they make people pay for that? Why just not make an easy mode that does that instead?  

Because people are willing to pay for it. Simple as that.

The dude even said it in the interview, they weren't met with resistance.

You can't fault a company for trying to make money, it's up to the customers (unless it's a situation where they have to pay) to show the companies what they can do and what they can't.

Tamron said:
MoHasanie said:
Well he's right. There was no resistance. People just keep buying DLC.

release a game and dont add dlc : wahhhh you made us pay retail then abandoned the game


release a game and add dlc : wahhhh you made us pay retail then try to bleed us dry


pretty much. 

Personally, I don't mind when a game gets no DLC.  At least I know that, if the games content was removed, I won't have it sold to me later.

The problem with DLC is what it has become: it's a failure of it's potential.  Old World Blues is good DLC, Undead Nightmare is good DLC. Yet these are a couple of the very small library of actual DLC.  When a game feels incomplete, or incredibly short, and it has day 1 DLC, yeah, you might be getting suckered and "bled dry".

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

DerNebel said:
Xxain said:
Mr Khan said:
It's a lot like Nintendo's Super Guide. The fact that it exists for some should not upset others, though Ubisoft, unlike Nintendo, is making people pay for their Super Guide. So...

Exactly. Why would they make people pay for that? Why just not make an easy mode that does that instead?  

Because people are willing to pay for it. Simple as that.

The dude even said it in the interview, they weren't met with resistance.

You can't fault a company for trying to make money, it's up to the customers (unless it's a situation where they have to pay) to show the companies what they can do and what they can't.

Peeeeerfect. Does everybody get it now? I knew the answer btw, I just feel like we need to break down aliitle bit. Just because its only $1 does not make even less harmless if it was $10

you guys realllly need to stop treating singleplayer timesaver packs as if its content adding dlc.

if you dont want to burn through the game and be spoon fed the solution, dont buy a time saver pack, simple as that.