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Forums - Sony Discussion - "I don't get the point of TLOU Remastered"

michael_stutzer said:

Since there were more effort spent on the WWHD since it was remade and some problems were fixed as I've been told, obviously there is a bigger chance that the making of that game had a bigger effect on the making of newer games. TLOU is mostly a "port", which requires less effort. Not my words, it is coming straight out of the mouth of people criticizing the TLOU PS4 version. To answer your last question, the PS3 is still expensive, and the game is also still expensive. People who have the PS4 may not be able to play the game due to this. On the other hand, you could have got a Gamecube and the game for dirt cheap on many occasions throughout the last decade.

Original Wind Waker isn't cheap.


And didn't Naughty Dog say that they're sacrificing life to achieve 1080p/60fps without drops? I'd say that also has an effect of making new games.


Same situation, but again, no harm done in doing these things.

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DerNebel said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Wait a minute, last year what new IPs came out for the PS360? Handhelds and Wii U don't count cause they are 8th gen.

Beyond and Puppeteer (this should have been a summer 2014 PS4 game instead of 2013 PS3 btw, graphics should be easily upgradable and the lack of competition and general activeness of the PS4 community would have guaranteed it far better sales than it got on PS3, Sony messed that up)

is a list but most games are part of an established series.

I also think its important to clarify who is deciding to remake what, is Sony forcing ND to do remaster the game, is ND because they want to do it?, could this be the reason other games aren't getting remasters?

there is way to little info here

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

michael_stutzer said:

Since there were more effort spent on the WWHD since it was remade and some problems were fixed as I've been told, obviously there is a bigger chance that the making of that game had a bigger effect on the making of newer games. TLOU is mostly a "port", which requires less effort. Not my words, it is coming straight out of the mouth of people criticizing the TLOU PS4 version. To answer your last question, the PS3 is still expensive, and the game is also still expensive. People who have the PS4 may not be able to play the game due to this. On the other hand, you could have got a Gamecube and the game for dirt cheap on many occasions throughout the last decade.

As I've said before, I have no problem with the remake of WWHD. I was talking about the "Well, at least Nintendo remakes 10 year old games." attitude. While I have no problem with both approaches, this type of talking doesn't have any merit, and if we throughly investigate the subject, Nintendo's way is worse is all I am saying. Hope this makes it clearer.

I've said this twice already I think, but TLOU Remastered actually took more effort from ND then WWHD took from Nintendo. WWHD took Nintendo only 6 months and apparently not alot of in house staff.

Wright said:
michael_stutzer said:

Since there were more effort spent on the WWHD since it was remade and some problems were fixed as I've been told, obviously there is a bigger chance that the making of that game had a bigger effect on the making of newer games. TLOU is mostly a "port", which requires less effort. Not my words, it is coming straight out of the mouth of people criticizing the TLOU PS4 version. To answer your last question, the PS3 is still expensive, and the game is also still expensive. People who have the PS4 may not be able to play the game due to this. On the other hand, you could have got a Gamecube and the game for dirt cheap on many occasions throughout the last decade.

Original Wind Waker isn't cheap.


And didn't Naughty Dog say that they're sacrificing life to achieve 1080p/60fps without drops? I'd say that also has an effect of making new games.


Same situation, but again, no harm done in doing these things.

It isn't cheap now, because it has a retro value. Some Atari games are hundreds of dollars now. I am sure that when the gamecube wasn't moving any units at all, it was easy to find it relatively cheap. Wouldn't make sense otherwise. Even if it wasn't, the console itself was cheap. PS3 is still quite expensive.

I don't understand this. Many people are talking about how TLOUR is milking and doesn't require much effort and now you say this. Anyway, that is mostly a PR talk. The hardware upgrade would easily cover the increased hardware requirements due to resolution  and framerate bump.

We agree then.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
DerNebel said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Wait a minute, last year what new IPs came out for the PS360? Handhelds and Wii U don't count cause they are 8th gen.

Beyond and Puppeteer (this should have been a summer 2014 PS4 game instead of 2013 PS3 btw, graphics should be easily upgradable and the lack of competition and general activeness of the PS4 community would have guaranteed it far better sales than it got on PS3, Sony messed that up)

is a list but most games are part of an established series.

I also think its important to clarify who is deciding to remake what, is Sony forcing ND to do remaster the game, is ND because they want to do it?, could this be the reason other games aren't getting remasters?

there is way to little info here


I actually don't even know why you asked that question, I just answered of the top of my head when I saw it.

What does the decision to remaster something have to do with the new IPs of 2013?

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DerNebel said:


I actually don't even know why you asked that question, I just answered of the top of my head when I saw it.

What does the decision to remaster something have to do with the new IPs of 2013?

The main gripe with TLOU being remastered is that its only a year old. New IPS at the end of a generation are going up against behemoth franchises like GTA and COD, and so with TLOU, despite many claiming it was overrated, was pretty obscure and unexpected compared to the competition. Even TLOU and DMC had their franchises backing them up while TLOU was new and until people started saying the game was good, sales must have understandbly been stifiled. By the time, TLOU became game of the year, next gen was fully here and that could not have been positive. 

This really is a unique situation, Since we don't have BW compatibiltiy anymore, it has to be ported, since its ported to a stronger platform it needs to be remastered since its a Console exclusive.

Or something, I think I forgot what was the point to be honest.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

phaedruss said:
Rafux said:
Lots o people are going to double dip too, I'm gonna.

Perfect example. "Double dipping" ugh makes me cringe every time someone says this.

Whats you problem? Gifted my PS3 and games to my younger brothers when I bought a PS4 and I want o play TLOU again with the DLC and the online is pretty solid too.

Is 10-12 hour long, has online, DLC included (Story an online maps), 1080p/60fps, 50 bucks. I don't see the scam here is not like MS not giving you an option with Kinect originally on the X1.

Why what other people do with their money affects you in any way, stop being so bitter about meaningless shit.

I'll get this and GTA V. now wishing for Red Dead Redemption remaster.

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

$$$$$ ---ppl like definitive versions... sony recogonized quick that they're kicking ass and knew a lot of 360/wii owners are coming over to sonys side this gen,,lots of extra sales from ppl who haven't played tlou, not to mention the left behind storyline comes with it. those bundles will go quick

Another effect of making the PS4 version is it gave ND a lot of problem solving data and they had to basically rebuild large sections of the code base since TlOU was heavily dependent on the cells spe's ,this plus the effort that went in to getting it to 1080/60fps has carry over benefits.
ND said they have used this knowledge and tools they developed to further work on UC4.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot