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DerNebel said:


I actually don't even know why you asked that question, I just answered of the top of my head when I saw it.

What does the decision to remaster something have to do with the new IPs of 2013?

The main gripe with TLOU being remastered is that its only a year old. New IPS at the end of a generation are going up against behemoth franchises like GTA and COD, and so with TLOU, despite many claiming it was overrated, was pretty obscure and unexpected compared to the competition. Even TLOU and DMC had their franchises backing them up while TLOU was new and until people started saying the game was good, sales must have understandbly been stifiled. By the time, TLOU became game of the year, next gen was fully here and that could not have been positive. 

This really is a unique situation, Since we don't have BW compatibiltiy anymore, it has to be ported, since its ported to a stronger platform it needs to be remastered since its a Console exclusive.

Or something, I think I forgot what was the point to be honest.

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