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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Honestly think consoles are a dying breed, just like handhelds

the market ia shrinking.
but wont go below 90`s level
less AAA, the cameback of medium games that dont sell much to profit...

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DonFerrari said:

I can't see the point of having half assed console/pc bread... you will keep upgrading like PC so you lose the advantage of console fixed plat and more performance on the same budget, and will also lose some of PC advantage on using any HW you want, so I think it more like a lose lose situation than a win win... A purely stream that could play games better than a sli Titan today and equivalents in the future is a good possibilitie to be a mid term, won't win all the console market but can be a viable alternative.

I am not sure I am following you. I think you agree with what I am saying about half assing PCs since you lose the benefits of PCs and don't have the benefits of consoles. But you also seem to be suggesting that an alternative would be a steam console that has the GPU power of two titans in SLI? Or are you referring to a "stream" box like say PSnow but with the GPU power of SLI titans....

Either way, both scenarios won't work.

  1. Steam console with GPU power equivalent to 2 titans in SLI. Too expensive for one, you will be looking at a console that will cost at least over $1000. Just not gonna happen. Now even if said box is upgradeable, it brings us right back to the problem of a lack of standardization thet plauges the PC today. If you want to standardize the hardware, then you basically have a console that is too expensive and that has limited support for a fixed range of hardware parts that would unfortunately be sold at a premium.
  2. Stream console with 2xTitan equivalent power. Again, not possible. People talk up a lot about streaming games but fail to understand how that really works. Game streaming basically means that the console is not in your living room but make no mistake... its somewhere. If you want the stream box to have native support for say a HD8350 cpu + HD7970gpu (lets call this setup SB1)  all the devs making games will have devkits that basically have SB1 chips in them and  then you will literally have to have an SB1 for every single user that signs up for your service. So basically, if 50M people spend teh $99 for the reciver and controller that will be in your living room, then you will have to have 50M SB1s in your server rack somewhere. The amount of money it would cost whoever does this will be absolutely ridiculous. If they were charging $20/month for the service, it will take them 4 years to break even. PER USER.

kitler53 said:
i read all your facts and come to the opposite conclusion.

consoles now have the best bits of PCs in their ability to get game updates and the ps4 does it so elegantly through background updates. it also has game suspending for instant switching to other apps.

why should i fuck around with a PC and the constant updates and drivers. getting it to display correctly on a tv is always hard and i am pretty damn tec savy. keyboard and mouse is a terrible (especially in the ergo part) input.

and most importantly,.. developers piss on pc everyday. consoles get tons of AAA exclusives that will never come to pc. if they do come to pc they come with parity with consoles meaning your $20,000 rig is only as functional as my $400 ps4 other than resolution and framerate.

i used to game on pc and i really can't think of one reason i'd ever go back. ...well piracy but i'm not an asshole.

Exactly. And this is something a lot don't seem to understand. Consoles becoming more like PCs doesn't spell doom for consoles.... in truth its the other way round.

Graphics, which is the primary measure of any generational leap, isn't an infinite entity. There will always be something that can run a game better but in reality, we will reach a point where that "better" is irrelevant. I believe that come the PS5/XB2, we will have consoles that will be able to run games at 4k@60fps without breaking a sweat. And at that point those consoles will also come with Sata express SSDs and probably way more than 8GB of GDDR5 or its next gen equivalent as standard. At that point, the only difference between a high end PC rig and a console will be that the PC can run the same game at the console settings in 8k@120fps or something like that. But that won't take anything at all from the game running on consoles at 4k@60fps. There will be no more geometry or texture differences. No more aliasing or draw distance issues. everything will just run.

At that point, the simplicity of being able to just buy a $400 box that will always just run everything the way they should be run will as usual be more appealing than building or tinkering with a PC. Hell, at that point it would be possible to install a full PC OS on a console and run it as an application.

KLXVER said:
Pristine20 said:
I've recently started playing PC games but if I had a choice I'll choose to play on console every time despite the extra fuel PC games get from mods. I don't think I'll ever get comfortable playing video games with a keyboard and mouse. It doesn't help that I can't type.


Then who just wrote that...?

I meant type without looking at the keyboard and picking letters with 2 fingers.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
KLXVER said:
Pristine20 said:
I've recently started playing PC games but if I had a choice I'll choose to play on console every time despite the extra fuel PC games get from mods. I don't think I'll ever get comfortable playing video games with a keyboard and mouse. It doesn't help that I can't type.


Then who just wrote that...?

I meant type without looking at the keyboard and picking letters with 2 fingers.

Im1 adn excperyt ath tahst...

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PC gaming will never have the complete simplicity that console gaming has.

With my PS3, I know that any ps3 game I purchase will work. Plain and simple. If I were the owner of an average joe computer, I don't know if any game would work. My processor might not be fast enough, the graphics might cause it to crash, etc.

Consoles aren't dying, not even remotely close, nor is handheld gaming.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

PullusPardus said:

consoles have become pointless, since they're using the same architecture as a pc, and they're basically all about software updates and downloads nowadays, I don't see what's the point of them anymore, they Have become a poor man's pc,

You can argue they're cheaper but so are PCS, you can get a better pc for the same price and upgrade it from there, and that will last you till your motherboard explodes (forever), you get cheaper games, more functionality, more room for tweaking and more ways to play, also free online and unrestricted services.

Look I'm not saying this as a pc gamer I'm saying this as a fellow gamer, handhelds have buttons over phones, consoles have nothing over PCS so what's the point of them nowadays? In the old days it made a lot more sense, consoles were meant to be "plug in and play" experience as in you buy a game from the store and you stick it on the console and play, now you buy it off the store and install it, and then download the patch and hope everything works fine, what difference is there from a PC? I would love to hear what you think the difference is. 


Now developers are always talking about graphics and how much 1080p 60 fps their game is, it's like you bought a console so you can argue about specs on the Internet instead of playing it,  and then comes ps5 with PS4 games with updated graphics "how it's meant to be played" crap by developers,  and the sad thing people always get sucked into that pr bullshit, I could argue for a long time but tell me, whats so different about a PS4 and a PC? 

A decent GPU alone costs 200$, you can't buy the parts to support it with the remaining 200$.

When PCs become cheaper, consoles will be basically obsolete. The focus on gaming will diminish without dedicated machines.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

KLXVER said:
Pristine20 said:
KLXVER said:
Pristine20 said:
I've recently started playing PC games but if I had a choice I'll choose to play on console every time despite the extra fuel PC games get from mods. I don't think I'll ever get comfortable playing video games with a keyboard and mouse. It doesn't help that I can't type.


Then who just wrote that...?

I meant type without looking at the keyboard and picking letters with 2 fingers.

Im1 adn excperyt ath tahst...

I do not comprehend...

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

We will see maybe one more gen of consoles then thats that.PC gaming is the strongest it has been in years thanks to the new digital distribution model, consoles are yesterdays news and have peaked in sales.This gen console sales will be less than 2/3 last gens.

Pristine20 said:
KLXVER said:

Im1 adn excperyt ath tahst...

I do not comprehend...

Im an expert at that......just a bad joke:)