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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Honestly think consoles are a dying breed, just like handhelds

Intrinsic said:
I could tell you how wrong you are and how you obviously have no idea what you are talking about, but in truth if you can't understand what makes consoles relevant as opposed to PCs on your own... then you wouldn't understand what i would say either.

I'll say this much though... handhelds are becoming obsolete cause something is directly replacing them in the very same space and form factor they are in. If you make a PC in the same form factor that a console is in and to compete directly with consoles... well, then you will find what you end up with is................. you guessed it!!! A console!!


I think mobile gaming is just trimming away the fat of dedicated portables. Real gamers will still play on a handheld over a smart device any day of the week.

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I don't think the concept of hooking something up to a screen in the living room to play games is dying but I think the hardware is. PS Now is the future model for all of gaming whether we like it or not. I think it's going to be streaming services vs streaming services.

PS Now, MS Anywhere and Nintendo Go. Games on any device anywhere, anytime you want them.

novasonic said:
KLXVER said:
novasonic said:
Not dying, just becoming more niche.


Consoles sell more and more with each generation. What exactly is your reasoning for saying that...?

The 3DS, PSV, and Wii U are all tracking way behind their 7th gen counterparts. The PS4 and Xbone had record breaking launches but are dropping like rocks now. Xbone has been behind Wii U for a month now and the PS4 is only 30k-ish a week ahead of it.




Lets wait a couple of years before we declare the doom of consoles...

PullusPardus said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:

I'll stick with consoles, if I was a PC gamer all last gen there are literally dozens of games I would have missed out on. 

Sorry read the article again it got erased for some reason.

Keep in mind I'm talking about the hardware, exclusive games are a way to sell you the hardware as long as there are exclusives there will be sales 

Well in terms of strickly hardware PCs are more powerful there's no debate, but I've never bought any gaming device for the hardware, I mean obviously it has to work properly, but I buy it for the software.  I suppose some people can bring up the gimmicky hardware that consoles have like kinect, ps move, and morpheus, but those aren't for me. 

prayformojo said:
I don't think the concept of hooking something up to a screen in the living room to play games is dying but I think the hardware is. PS Now is the future model for all of gaming whether we like it or not. I think it's going to be streaming services vs streaming services.

PS Now, MS Anywhere and Nintendo Go. Games on any device anywhere, anytime you want them.

There are still a huge amount of gamers that prefer physical releases. MS, Sony and Nintendo will not be the first to go all digital...

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prayformojo said:
I don't think the concept of hooking something up to a screen in the living room to play games is dying but I think the hardware is. PS Now is the future model for all of gaming whether we like it or not. I think it's going to be streaming services vs streaming services.

PS Now, MS Anywhere and Nintendo Go. Games on any device anywhere, anytime you want them.

Its not that simple..... at the end of the day, its still cheaper and more marketably viable to sell a box that runs games than to have those "boxes" on a server somewhere. Besides, even if the world has a high enough internet bandwith to support it, the whole set up will pretty much make certain genres impossible to work consistently. Games have a hard enough time running netcode right now, which is basically control input. Add a video and audio stream to that and then competitive multiplayer then you have all sorts of problems.

KLXVER said:
prayformojo said:
I don't think the concept of hooking something up to a screen in the living room to play games is dying but I think the hardware is. PS Now is the future model for all of gaming whether we like it or not. I think it's going to be streaming services vs streaming services.

PS Now, MS Anywhere and Nintendo Go. Games on any device anywhere, anytime you want them.

There are still a huge amount of gamers that prefer physical releases. MS, Sony and Nintendo will not be the first to go all digital...

There were still people who liked floppy drives and CD's when Apple decided to kill them both. In the end, tech moves forward. It doesn't matter if some of us don't like it. 

Personally, I'd rather the internet not even be a THING. It's killed physical music, books, news papers,'s killing TV and soon, physical games. But hey, you have to accept change. 

prayformojo said:

There were still people who liked floppy drives and CD's when Apple decided to kill them both. In the end, tech moves forward. It doesn't matter if some of us don't like it. 


Yeah, still physical...

I think consoles as a standalone product is gone in a few years, replaced by streaming services through dedicated machines, tablets, PCs and so on. The need to play high profile games like Halo or Uncharted will not disappear though, just the medium through which they are played.

I've recently started playing PC games but if I had a choice I'll choose to play on console every time despite the extra fuel PC games get from mods. I don't think I'll ever get comfortable playing video games with a keyboard and mouse. It doesn't help that I can't type.

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