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PullusPardus said:

consoles have become pointless, since they're using the same architecture as a pc, and they're basically all about software updates and downloads nowadays, I don't see what's the point of them anymore, they Have become a poor man's pc,

You can argue they're cheaper but so are PCS, you can get a better pc for the same price and upgrade it from there, and that will last you till your motherboard explodes (forever), you get cheaper games, more functionality, more room for tweaking and more ways to play, also free online and unrestricted services.

Look I'm not saying this as a pc gamer I'm saying this as a fellow gamer, handhelds have buttons over phones, consoles have nothing over PCS so what's the point of them nowadays? In the old days it made a lot more sense, consoles were meant to be "plug in and play" experience as in you buy a game from the store and you stick it on the console and play, now you buy it off the store and install it, and then download the patch and hope everything works fine, what difference is there from a PC? I would love to hear what you think the difference is. 


Now developers are always talking about graphics and how much 1080p 60 fps their game is, it's like you bought a console so you can argue about specs on the Internet instead of playing it,  and then comes ps5 with PS4 games with updated graphics "how it's meant to be played" crap by developers,  and the sad thing people always get sucked into that pr bullshit, I could argue for a long time but tell me, whats so different about a PS4 and a PC? 

A decent GPU alone costs 200$, you can't buy the parts to support it with the remaining 200$.

When PCs become cheaper, consoles will be basically obsolete. The focus on gaming will diminish without dedicated machines.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank