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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Anyone else tired of the "indie boom"?

small44 said:
Euphoria14 said:
small44 said:
Euphoria14 said:
phaedruss said:
Some of the things said here are strange. You wouldn't want a gourmet meal if you had the option? Ok.

Stick around long enough and you'll help a full helping of weird.


When Vita released people complained that the problem was that it tried to have full console like games on it when handheld gamers wanted bit sized gaming.

Now people hate mobile games because they aren't full sized console like games and are bit sized.



Arguements shift left and right to fit agendas.

Enjoy your stay here at VGChartz.

Who are those people i only see people on Internet saying that but in reallity no one hate console like games on Vita when i show my Vita to my friends i show them super stardust my friend said how could you buy this crap and when i show them AAA games many of them want to buy a Vita

Of course you only see people on the internet saying that. That was the point of my post. It is in regards to VGChartz. Mainly in the days before the Vita users migrated to the Official Vita thread.


In the real world the Vita problem is that it costs $200 to buy it and then you need to spend $40-$50 to buy a game and also need to buy overpriced memory cards, meanwhile people having phones that give them great gaming for $1-$5. Vita is still stupidly expensive for what it is. Sony should revamp it entirely, with an Android based OS and give it full access to the Play store. I would love to move over to the Vita to play Brave Frontier instgead of my iPhone and it's smaller screen. Not going to happen though...

I love mine, especially for remote play and free PS+ titles. Can't beat free.

People who buy PSP didn't have problem with buying the console then a memory card and a 30$-40$ it's the same for Vita,people already have a smartphone why would they buy a Vita then.

You're problem and many other people is you don't understand that Vita audience is not like Nintendo consoles audiences or Smartphones audiences, child games won't work on Vita indie games won't push Vita sales ,making Vita a smartphone won't solve the problem because Sony smartphones can't compete with Apple and Samsung.

People want AAA games on Sony handheld and you don't have enough proof that people don't want AAA games on Sony handheld i think the top selling games on Psp and Vita is an enough proof that people want AAA games

Nintendo 3DS sell well because of child games...?

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torok said:
Euphoria14 said:
You gotta also love how so many here loved the Wii, yet it was full of crap games like they bitch about with the app store or Indie scene.

People just like to pretend consoles have been immune to low quality titles being released on them.

Just like movies and music, we have a division: a lot of games are crappy, most are regular, some are good and few are masterpieces. It's normal to have this division because hiting the top tier of quality is hard and regular games are more common because it's easier to make something half decent than ruin completely a game to the point it becomes pure crap.

AAA and indies have the same division, so you have to be careful with what you buy. But it isn't a drama like people want it to be. If I want to go to the movies to see a film I see the reviews first because I don't want to pay a ticket and watch 2 hours of a terrible movie.

What I see as a problem with the indie boom is that a lot of half-assed games got free passes that AAA games don't have with the critics. I got a lot of indies with PS Plus and while some are great (Velocity Ultra) others are completely overrated (Limbo).

A lot of crap aaa games get passes too for worse reasons.

I realize that indie games might be good for individuals or small groups, and some I really, really like. Others I think are a bit overrated, and I do feel that some indie games are a rip-off, especially the Early Access games. I like Starbound, and there are some other good Early Access games, but we have to be careful about what we buy, because not all indie games are good. I like the variety, but as some have said, we're often swamped with sub-par indie titles at full price. Then there are really good ones like Hotline Miami. It's a toss-up. I wouldn't mind less indie games coming out.

Euphoria14 said:

In the real world the Vita problem is that it costs $200 to buy it and then you need to spend $40-$50 to buy a game and also need to buy overpriced memory cards, meanwhile people having phones that give them great gaming for $1-$5. Vita is still stupidly expensive for what it is. Sony should revamp it entirely, with an Android based OS and give it full access to the Play store. I would love to move over to the Vita to play Brave Frontier instgead of my iPhone and it's smaller screen. Not going to happen though...

Vita pricing is terrible, but mobile isn't giving great gaming. The level of quality I see on games in my Nexus 7 is basically pathetic and actually the best games are puzzles and other simple things. Control quality is a big issue that still is without solution on mobile and most genres won't go well with that.

About Android OS, I think that their next handheld will probably be a return of the XPeria Play. It wasn't a decent idea, but they simply didn't want to brand is as a PlayStation to protect Vita and PSP. They tried to race 2 horses and one of them died while they could just have united it in a single strong horse. A PS Phone (branded as PS), acting as Vita sucessor and smartphone running Android but with a SDK that allowed them to change specs with the years but keeping games compatible with all gens of devices (at least for the time a gen would run) and had all of their 1st party and 3rd party games, still allowing people to carry a single device to use as phone ans play quality games. Add carrier subsidies and people would buy it for US$ 99 with contracts.

People mock indies, but it's where the next set of big game designers are going to come from.

The great thing about indie development is that it allows game designers/coders to make stuff without the need to try and get it through a publisher or trying to move up the AAA game industry first (if they are even able to get in). The AAA market is a no/little risk structure, so if you want something different then its mainly going to come from that market.

Indies have been around since the dawn of time, it's a shame people still mock this great industry, while the film and music industry, its "perfect" to be indie. Double standards.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

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small44 said:
Euphoria14 said:

Of course you only see people on the internet saying that. That was the point of my post. It is in regards to VGChartz. Mainly in the days before the Vita users migrated to the Official Vita thread.


In the real world the Vita problem is that it costs $200 to buy it and then you need to spend $40-$50 to buy a game and also need to buy overpriced memory cards, meanwhile people having phones that give them great gaming for $1-$5. Vita is still stupidly expensive for what it is. Sony should revamp it entirely, with an Android based OS and give it full access to the Play store. I would love to move over to the Vita to play Brave Frontier instgead of my iPhone and it's smaller screen. Not going to happen though...

I love mine, especially for remote play and free PS+ titles. Can't beat free.

People who buy PSP didn't have problem with buying the console then a memory card and a 30$-40$ it's the same for Vita,people already have a smartphone why would they buy a Vita then.

You're problem and many other people is you don't understand that Vita audience is not like Nintendo consoles audiences or Smartphones audiences, child games won't work on Vita indie games won't push Vita sales ,making Vita a smartphone won't solve the problem because Sony smartphones can't compete with Apple and Samsung.

People want AAA games on Sony handheld and you don't have enough proof that people don't want AAA games on Sony handheld i think the top selling games on Psp and Vita is an enough proof that people want AAA games

Phones in the world of 2004 is much different than the world of phones in 2012 and on.


I also do very well understand the Vita audience. I am and have always been a niche gamer. I play the JRPGs, I play the obscure indie titles. 

The games they actually do release for the console are the ones I actually enjoy the most.


Due to the rise of smartphones though you won't see the Vita selling like the PSP did. It took a huge chunk of marketshare away from dedicated handhelds.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

KLXVER said:
small44 said:
Euphoria14 said:
small44 said:
Euphoria14 said:
phaedruss said:
Some of the things said here are strange. You wouldn't want a gourmet meal if you had the option? Ok.

Stick around long enough and you'll help a full helping of weird.


When Vita released people complained that the problem was that it tried to have full console like games on it when handheld gamers wanted bit sized gaming.

Now people hate mobile games because they aren't full sized console like games and are bit sized.



Arguements shift left and right to fit agendas.

Enjoy your stay here at VGChartz.

Who are those people i only see people on Internet saying that but in reallity no one hate console like games on Vita when i show my Vita to my friends i show them super stardust my friend said how could you buy this crap and when i show them AAA games many of them want to buy a Vita

Of course you only see people on the internet saying that. That was the point of my post. It is in regards to VGChartz. Mainly in the days before the Vita users migrated to the Official Vita thread.


In the real world the Vita problem is that it costs $200 to buy it and then you need to spend $40-$50 to buy a game and also need to buy overpriced memory cards, meanwhile people having phones that give them great gaming for $1-$5. Vita is still stupidly expensive for what it is. Sony should revamp it entirely, with an Android based OS and give it full access to the Play store. I would love to move over to the Vita to play Brave Frontier instgead of my iPhone and it's smaller screen. Not going to happen though...

I love mine, especially for remote play and free PS+ titles. Can't beat free.

People who buy PSP didn't have problem with buying the console then a memory card and a 30$-40$ it's the same for Vita,people already have a smartphone why would they buy a Vita then.

You're problem and many other people is you don't understand that Vita audience is not like Nintendo consoles audiences or Smartphones audiences, child games won't work on Vita indie games won't push Vita sales ,making Vita a smartphone won't solve the problem because Sony smartphones can't compete with Apple and Samsung.

People want AAA games on Sony handheld and you don't have enough proof that people don't want AAA games on Sony handheld i think the top selling games on Psp and Vita is an enough proof that people want AAA games

Nintendo 3DS sell well because of child games...?

I think so but i want you to talk about Vita not Nintendo consoles

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

KLXVER said:
AZWification said:

Yes. God forbid original and fun games made by smaller studios get some love and attention!

I mostly see the original and fun indie games get all the love ( No Man's Sky, Journey, Bastion, Below, etc...) which shouldn't be a bad thing by ANY means!

They all get love and attention...

I mostly see the original and fun indie games ( No Man's Sky, Below, Bastion, Journey, etc...) get all the love and attention which shouldn't be a bad thing by any means!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

small44 said:I think so but i want you to talk about Vita not Nintendo consoles


Nothing to say about the Vita...Its dead in the west I guess...

KLXVER said:
small44 said:I think so but i want you to talk about Vita not Nintendo consoles


Nothing to say about the Vita...Its dead in the west I guess...

For what reason?I think it's because of the lack of AA and AAA games

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m