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Euphoria14 said:

In the real world the Vita problem is that it costs $200 to buy it and then you need to spend $40-$50 to buy a game and also need to buy overpriced memory cards, meanwhile people having phones that give them great gaming for $1-$5. Vita is still stupidly expensive for what it is. Sony should revamp it entirely, with an Android based OS and give it full access to the Play store. I would love to move over to the Vita to play Brave Frontier instgead of my iPhone and it's smaller screen. Not going to happen though...

Vita pricing is terrible, but mobile isn't giving great gaming. The level of quality I see on games in my Nexus 7 is basically pathetic and actually the best games are puzzles and other simple things. Control quality is a big issue that still is without solution on mobile and most genres won't go well with that.

About Android OS, I think that their next handheld will probably be a return of the XPeria Play. It wasn't a decent idea, but they simply didn't want to brand is as a PlayStation to protect Vita and PSP. They tried to race 2 horses and one of them died while they could just have united it in a single strong horse. A PS Phone (branded as PS), acting as Vita sucessor and smartphone running Android but with a SDK that allowed them to change specs with the years but keeping games compatible with all gens of devices (at least for the time a gen would run) and had all of their 1st party and 3rd party games, still allowing people to carry a single device to use as phone ans play quality games. Add carrier subsidies and people would buy it for US$ 99 with contracts.