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Forums - PC Discussion - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. spiritual successor on Kickstarter! (Multi-Plat Confirmed)

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sundin13 said:
Includes Wii U...color me surprised o.o I may actually throw in a few bucks for this

That was my reaction heh, not sure how that'll work out, but the more platforms the merrier, as long as the engine scales.

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This looks promising. The first two games were great.

This definitely looks interesting but I hope they can make the atmosphere more eerie than STALKER did.

Won't contribute, but this looks good.

Looking forward to it, sad that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 didn't make it.

Don't like that they are clearly focusing on the multiplayer, i know it sells, but this kind of games is really more about single(or coop).

Nintendo 2018

English is not my native language.
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The game is also coming to the WiiU?! Yeees!!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

The game is also coming to the WiiU?! Yeees!!

Have you played STALKER or metro before ? 

fatslob-:O said:
AZWification said:

The game is also coming to the WiiU?! Yeees!!

Have you played STALKER or metro before ? 

I have played the original STALKER and it was great! I never cared about the other STALKER games or the Metro games though!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:

I have played the original STALKER and it was great! I never cared about the other STALKER games or the Metro games though!

You should probably give call of pripyat a try though ... 

That being said I don't know how it'll work out for consoles but all I want them to do is put in a shit ton of effort onto the PC version. Push the graphics and push it to being an open world FPS like far cry 3. 

Hmmmm...I might chip in. Always wanted to try the Stalker games. Wasnt a huge fan of Metro 2033, but this looks great.