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That was like that omen crap, "6/6/6"

It's all useless shit and it shouldn't scare you

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



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thekitchensink said:
J said:
O-D-C said:
December 21st 2012 will be definatly much more interesting then January 1st 2000.

HAHA! Yea, Definitely! I remember a lot of my friends freaking out about y2k and then when it didnt happen...

though this date seems to have more 'possibility' behind it.hehe Although I don't believe the world will actually end, I can't really prove nothing will happen and there are many interesting theories on it ( some already mentioned).

My dad turned off the power to the house when the countdown hit zero :'(


I was scared...

 Oh wow, really? I heard a few of my friends talking about going through similar things. I really didn't think it was going to be a big deal but that was after I did some research into it, before hand I was worried about what would occur. Regardless, it was an interesting moment but 12/21/12 will be more so!

well, I ain't no friggin fortune teller.

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

its like the Mayans. they said that their calender will end on December 21. but just cause they say the calender ends then, it doesn't mean that the world does.

i personally just think it will be another cold day in December.

well, the world will least for the next xbox when the next playstation is (expected) to be released in 2012. its power will crush all others under its boot!

Wasn’ t it going to end in 06 I actually made a bet with a guy in my school that the world was going to end in june 06 ,I lost so people laught at me for talking bs, so this is fake nobody can predict the end of the world.

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Urrrgggghhh, people pick out dates and hope to make money off this stuff,
guess what there have been other dates people we're sure it'd be the end of the world, the year 2000, 1980,6/6/2006, and others, though my favorite is 1994 when and asteroid breaks the moon in half causing massive and catastrophic tidal shift destroying civilization, but hundreds of years later humanity would begin to rebuild and the hero THun-dor with his sun sword would be mankind's greatest protector for the poorly drawn threats to the newly rebuilding civilization
oh yeah and a city of criminals survived from the past for some reason


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the love of pancakes, you people should know by now that it will be not an asteroid, earthquake, tsunami wave, hurpies or anything else that will change earths history forever. It will be that one sole event in 2012 during the summertime, in the middle of Europe...... The Euro 2012 finals that will be held in Poland and Ukraine. We will see the end of sport as we know it.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




ctk495 said:
Wasn’ t it going to end in 06 I actually made a bet with a guy in my school that the world was going to end in june 06 ,I lost so people laught at me for talking bs, so this is fake nobody can predict the end of the world.

If you thought the world was gonna end, why would you need money?

And that's the only thing I need is *this*. I don't need this or this. Just this PS4... And this gaming PC. - The PS4 and the Gaming PC and that's all I need... And this Xbox 360. - The PS4, the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360, and that's all I need... And these PS3's. - The PS4, and these PS3's, and the Gaming PC, and the Xbox 360... And this Nintendo DS. - The PS4, this Xbox 360, and the Gaming PC, and the PS3's, and that's all *I* need. And that's *all* I need too. I don't need one other thing, not one... I need this. - The Gaming PC and PS4, and Xbox 360, and thePS3's . Well what are you looking at? What do you think I'm some kind of a jerk or something! - And this. That's all I need.

Obligatory dick measuring Gaming Laptop Specs: Sager NP8270-GTX: 17.3" FULL HD (1920X1080) LED Matte LC, nVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M, Intel Core i7-4700MQ, 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3, 750GB SATA II 3GB/s 7,200 RPM Hard Drive

^ LOL.....That's what I was thinking


12 / 21 / 2012, the day the PS4 has enough power to divide by 0 destorying the universe.