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AoA thats the hardest I've laughed all night

without Sound

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1
Around the Network

That video has no evidence, just predictions that have been said lol.

Enya's the reason I even watch this video, you of all people dissing Enya Stof, I'm disgusted.

I'd do her, tbh.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I want to say so many things right now but...


No one knows **** when it will end. NO ONE. Period.

I don't want a signature.


Around the Network

Well. The conspiracies have been fun. But I'm off for the night.

Hopefully the world won't have ended from Y2K before I wake up.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

The video was ehhh, liked the bit about the antichrist though i would add a few people to the list in addition to those mentioned.

lol as informative that video was AoA, it doesn't even cover half of the real reasons as to why sooooo many people believe 12/21/12 will be the last day (funny how those numbers the date is....12/21/12...). Apparently there is the Mayan calendar that was made a long time ago that predicts when good events or when bad events occur, like the Great Depression, the World Wars, and 9/11. And according to their calendar, it stops after Dec. 2012...doesn't go any further.

Then there is this Chinese Fortune book, I Ching, where it predicts the fortunes of the world. As hard as it is to believe in these kind of things, some mathematician took the book, compared its predictions to what events actually occurred, created a graph and found all the dips that signify the good and the bad....and apparently it stops after December 2012.

For me, personally, I don't believe we will ever know the day the end of the world will happen. If you believe in these "scientific" evidence, which includes all of the above (and computer evidence, which the weirdest one), then start preparing for it. If you are religious, then just live out your life well and if the sun rises from the West, you will know what's happening.

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

The world will not end on that date...the twin psychic sisters who predicted the fall of the twin towers said so.

Hey.......they got me believing

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I really don't think that many people actually believe this. I think its fun to say and talk about but I don't think they sencerly believe it.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1