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makingmusic476 said:
pakidan101 said:
lol as informative that video was AoA, it doesn't even cover half of the real reasons as to why sooooo many people believe 12/21/12 will be the last day (funny how those numbers the date is....12/21/12...). Apparently there is the Mayan calendar that was made a long time ago that predicts when good events or when bad events occur, like the Great Depression, the World Wars, and 9/11. And according to their calendar, it stops after Dec. 2012...doesn't go any further.

Then there is this Chinese Fortune book, I Ching, where it predicts the fortunes of the world. As hard as it is to believe in these kind of things, some mathematician took the book, compared its predictions to what events actually occurred, created a graph and found all the dips that signify the good and the bad....and apparently it stops after December 2012.

For me, personally, I don't believe we will ever know the day the end of the world will happen. If you believe in these "scientific" evidence, which includes all of the above (and computer evidence, which the weirdest one), then start preparing for it. If you are religious, then just live out your life well and if the sun rises from the West, you will know what's happening.

Or maybe the Mayan's just stopped charting out the calendar? They had to stop somewhere. They couldn't just keep going forever.

Well, like I said, I don't believe could mostly likely be that the calender is incomplete, like most ancient artifacts...remember, this is all predictions and suppositions.....just like the theory of evolution

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

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All I can say is that day will be an interesting one.

Shall i spend all my money before that day?

December 21st 2012 will be definatly much more interesting then January 1st 2000.

I'll bet everyone that wants to take it:

50,000,000 vg$
Lifetime ban

That the world doesn't end in 2012 :P

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This thread reminds me of mine
It's fun to talk about 2012 especially as we approach closer and closer to it. They are also making a movie about it you know. The War of Souls or something like that.



I have a feeling that December 21, 2012 is the first day sales of "Wii Sports 3"
That's why Mayan so nervous about that day

It's the day we all find out we are characteers in a video game being played by two great friends called GOD and SATAN.

12/21/12 is just the end of the Mayan long calendar, which doesn't signify anything at all except that you start the calender over.

As for some of the other stuff that's tossed around for this date, magnetic poles switching, crossing the galactic plane, sun activity... please!! These are all things which have already happened repeatedly through human history. Sun activity being 11 years, and the others in tens of thousands of years, but still, humans are estimated to be 1m years old on the planet, so obviously, none of this will matter in the big scheme of things or we'd have died out long ago.

I haven't seen one convincing bit of evidence that that date means anything at all, except I now only have 4 more days to shop before Christmas, and that will probably be the biggest calamity.


Username2324 said:
Yeah we're all fucked, SO GO BUY A PS3 AND ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!!!!

 I'd rather spend my remaining days having fun.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229