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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft could benefit from purchasing both Crytek & Capcom

Well, I would buy 10 Xbox One consoles just for Timesplitters alone...

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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The fan base is split between different console owners.
The best thing for Capcom would be to sell to someone that will release their franchises on all consoles. I don't see gamers in the millions going out to buy xboxes just so they can play their games. Sound good in paper, but they would be better off if they were able to get their biggest games in the hands of all gamers across all platforms otherwise they cut their user base down by tens of millions overnight.

Crytek, not so much, they can go exclusive and not hurt their fan base.

If MS was really serious to make progress in the console space, then they should.

+ Cryengine
+ new Ips
+ Japanese market penetration
+ increased 1st party muscle

+Most importantly..........asset denial for Sony/Nintendo.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


They bought the rights for gear of war and exclusive rights for Titanfall. I bet the sales right now won't even justify those purchases, so why not pay another few billion for Crytek and Capcom, because the whole xbox division will make enough profits to justify it. Capcom and Crytek are already struggling with a much wider market. Imagine if they have only the xbox market available... Won't be smart for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony

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There is value for Microsoft, sure, but not as much as for Nintendo or to a lesser extent, Sony. Nintendo desperately needs content. MS and Sony don't, since they have full third party support. MH is also extremely valuable to handhelds in Japan, an area MS doesn't really compete in anyway. So the case is worst for MS of any 1st party, but they do have the most money.

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ImmortalHelixFossil said:
They bought the rights for gear of war and exclusive rights for Titanfall. I bet the sales right now won't even justify those purchases, so why not pay another few billion for Crytek and Capcom, because the whole xbox division will make enough profits to justify it. Capcom and Crytek are already struggling with a much wider market. Imagine if they have only the xbox market available... Won't be smart for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony

The smartest thing to do for anyone is bid on the Ips and leave the talent. 800 employees in Crytek and once bought they would be cut to a normal developing studio or else the company is paying tons of money on inefficient employees and redundant positions. Property tax on buildings, maintenance, everything that comes with buying property. It would be a waste of money to touch either company in its entirety.


I'm sure timesplitters Ip can be obtained on the cheap even though it won't be big in helping the fanbase. The engine would be pretty much useless for any first party. Crisis and homefront would probably fetch a pretty penny and most likely only be worth it if the companies make it a franchise like AC or CoD

They can buy Capcom but not Crytek. They should just buy some of Crytek's IPs when that company goes out of business.


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Anfebious said:
Why stop there? Square Enix, Nintendo, Sony, Sega, there is no limit here.


It looks like that article was written by a naive xbox fan. Everything it says is "let MS buy studios, IPs, everything, the xbox one will benefit from all the exclusives".

You don't say. We could write the same article replacing MS with Sony or Nintendo to appease a different fandom.

yes let Microsoft buy all tese 3rd parties and bury their IPs for years to never be relevant again.



I remember hearing that Japan would never let an non-Japanese company buy one that is Japan based. Not sure how true it is, but somewhat plausible.

Regardless out of the big three console manufacturers, Microsoft is the one in the best financial position to buy both of them and owning Capcom would certainly help them in the Japanese market.

Although I dont want M$ to buy either of them....

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