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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X is not impressive graphically.

thread is even less impressive.

Tsubasa Ozora

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It looks fine to me, to be honest, but ... yeah, it's always kind of puzzled me when people rave about how great it looks.

The monsters look nice, though.

damn.. its definitely no graphical beast. but many seem to love the artstyle though.

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Maraccuda said:
Is this a troll thread?

Either way it looks good to me. Obliviously not the best but if its on par with FF13 than ill be happy.
(I see FF13 as one of the most stunning looking games of last gen).

It's not the most impressive Wii U game, but it's not as bad as FFXIII.

Damnnn, love how the foliage buffets in the wind as you run through it. . . . .

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roboplato said:
Vasto said:
It looks good for a Wii U game.

it looks good for a wiiu game but its not impressive, wiiu could do much better graphically.


Its looks impressive to some. I have not seen alot of the game but from what I have seen I think the game looks really good.

Ninjablade 2.0

Lololol, NInjablade is here. You had to have RDR in your sig.

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that video makes me want to replay red dead

Whether you find it impressive or not really depends on what you focus on. Just like the first game, X offers an impressive looking world thanks to the large scope, art style and level design, but it comes at the cost of less impressive models.