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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Diablo 3 is 1080p on PS4, 900p on XBO

Ok, that's just stupid. How the hell does Diablo not manage 1080p, 60fps on the Xbox One? Crappy optimization.

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Well parity lasted for about a day then.

At least the frame rate is good on both

Well obviously, they did not get the June XBox One SDK yet.

But seriously, I am sure they will both play the same and be just as fun.

I will never get tired of these threads.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Maybe they did not use the new development kits.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

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I know 1080p is optimal and definitely better than any other "p". However, would it not being 1080p make anyone who wants the game want it any less?

Now this is surprising because Diablo has some pretty bad graphics.

I'm honestly confused as to why its not easily 1080p 60fps on both.

The rop/compute difference is massive. SDK/dx12/10% diskinect boost isn't going to ever bridge the gap. Aside from intentionally nerfed ps4 versions and REALLY undemanding titles, ps4 multiplats will be flat out better. Even many titles that hit the same res will have better framerate and image quality on ps4.

That said, someone who only has an xb1 will still have great games, just weaker multi plats. But even though I have 770 4gb sli, it doesn't mean my buddy with a lowly single 7870 doesn't have just as much fun blowing people away in bf4.

This would be news except for the fact that Battlefield Hardline, and Destiny among other games will run at 1080p on both systems. Not surprised that this is happening on a game that also created exclusive content from a Sony First party game. i.e. The Last of Us Dungeon with clickers.

Damn it's sad seeing gamers getting excited over this news lol