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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Zelda U: The Zelda title the Wii U deserves, but not the one it needs?

amak11 said:
VanceIX said:

I JUST quoted actual sales numbers. You expect a game on a console that will sell a lot less than either the Wii or even the Gamecube to match Twilight Princess sales? OK. You're wrong though, I 100% guarantee it. Call me worse than the CoD kids if you want (and isn't that their "opinion" that CoD is the next best thing? Why are you bashing them for an "opinion"?), it won't change the fact that your statement is delusional. Especially on a site that deals with sales, you can't get away with "opinions", especially when they're so far off from what will happen.

And yes, I was aware that Aonuma wanted to play around with the art style. What I wasn't aware of was that it would be an upgraded Skyward Sword. 

Continuing with the "I'm wrong" game. I wont argue with a person as dense as you. You aren't even worthy of any more decent thought

And you aren't? You said it would match Twilight Princess in sales (7 million sold). To do that, 100% of the current Wii U owners would have to purchase it. Unless Nintendo gives it away for free to every Wii U owner, it will never reach that level. Even if you factor in lifetime sales, almost 50% of all Wii U owners will have to purchase it. Ain't happening. To put in perspective, only 20% of GC owners bought Wind Waker, and less than 10% of Wii owners bought TP. Less than 5% of Wii owners bought SS.

You're right though, it's time to end this argument. You obviously won't listen to facts or reason, so feel free to be disappointed when the sales don't come close to what you expect. 

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

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Art styles are very versatile...we've seen the outside fields in the day. That is it. I believe that they could easily pull off something similar to the tech demo in some of the dungeons. We really need to see more of the variety in the game (most notably more enemy designs) to see where they are going with this game.

VanceIX said:
amak11 said:
VanceIX said:

I JUST quoted actual sales numbers. You expect a game on a console that will sell a lot less than either the Wii or even the Gamecube to match Twilight Princess sales? OK. You're wrong though, I 100% guarantee it. Call me worse than the CoD kids if you want (and isn't that their "opinion" that CoD is the next best thing? Why are you bashing them for an "opinion"?), it won't change the fact that your statement is delusional. Especially on a site that deals with sales, you can't get away with "opinions", especially when they're so far off from what will happen.

And yes, I was aware that Aonuma wanted to play around with the art style. What I wasn't aware of was that it would be an upgraded Skyward Sword. 

Continuing with the "I'm wrong" game. I wont argue with a person as dense as you. You aren't even worthy of any more decent thought

And you aren't? You said it would match Twilight Princess in sales (7 million sold). To do that, 100% of the current Wii U owners would have to purchase it. Unless Nintendo gives it away for free to every Wii U owner, it will never reach that level. Even if you factor in lifetime sales, almost 50% of all Wii U owners will have to purchase it. Ain't happening. To put in perspective, only 20% of GC owners bought Wind Waker, and less than 10% of Wii owners bought TP. Less than 5% of Wii owners bought SS.

You're right though, it's time to end this argument. You obviously won't listen to facts or reason, so feel free to be disappointed when the sales don't come close to what you expect. 

Do you really want to know why I don't believe you? Because you are being a total asshole in this situation and most people here would agree with that fact. You are not listening to reason and facts here. I'm coming at you with an opinion you are telling me i'm wrong. I take offense to that, and I tell you that your opinion is NOT a damn fact. You're being a dense... grr... forget it. This whole thread is the blind leading the blind. You need to see someone about your ego because one day you'll be put in your place by someone who just doesn't like you. I'm evaluating this situation and you are agrovating it. 

On a side note, if a moderator wants to ban me. Please PM me before banning so I can at least explain the situation. I hope this ____ gets a ban for flame baiting. 

Edit: Moderated - Starcraft

amak11 said:
VanceIX said:
amak11 said:
VanceIX said:

I JUST quoted actual sales numbers. You expect a game on a console that will sell a lot less than either the Wii or even the Gamecube to match Twilight Princess sales? OK. You're wrong though, I 100% guarantee it. Call me worse than the CoD kids if you want (and isn't that their "opinion" that CoD is the next best thing? Why are you bashing them for an "opinion"?), it won't change the fact that your statement is delusional. Especially on a site that deals with sales, you can't get away with "opinions", especially when they're so far off from what will happen.

And yes, I was aware that Aonuma wanted to play around with the art style. What I wasn't aware of was that it would be an upgraded Skyward Sword. 

Continuing with the "I'm wrong" game. I wont argue with a person as dense as you. You aren't even worthy of any more decent thought

And you aren't? You said it would match Twilight Princess in sales (7 million sold). To do that, 100% of the current Wii U owners would have to purchase it. Unless Nintendo gives it away for free to every Wii U owner, it will never reach that level. Even if you factor in lifetime sales, almost 50% of all Wii U owners will have to purchase it. Ain't happening. To put in perspective, only 20% of GC owners bought Wind Waker, and less than 10% of Wii owners bought TP. Less than 5% of Wii owners bought SS.

You're right though, it's time to end this argument. You obviously won't listen to facts or reason, so feel free to be disappointed when the sales don't come close to what you expect. 

Do you really want to know why I don't believe you? Because you are being a total asshole in this situation and most people here would agree with that fact. You are not listening to reason and facts here. I'm coming at you with an opinion you are telling me i'm wrong. I take offense to that, and I tell you that your opinion is NOT a damn fact. You're being a dense... grr... forget it. This whole thread is the blind leading the blind. You need to see someone about your ego because one day you'll be put in your place by someone who just doesn't like you. I'm evaluating this situation and you are agrovating it. 

On a side note, if a moderator wants to ban me. Please PM me before banning so I can at least explain the situation. I hope this ____ gets a ban for flame baiting. 

Flame baiting? I said your idea of it selling 7 million was wrong. In a community BUILT on sales discussion, you honestly expect that not to get called out? I don't know how new you are to VGChartz, but people get entire threads dedicated to their predictions getting called out. You have to learn to deal with it. If you want everyone to play fair with your sales opinions, you're posting on the wrong site.

That being said, where are these "facts" you mentioned? You've been going on and on, even after I gave you numerical sales figures. Tell me, what in the world can you say to support the Zelda U matching Twilight Princess's success with 7 million sold? TP sold more software units than the Wii U has managed to sell hardware units in roughly the same time. C'mon.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

VanceIX said:

Flame baiting? I said your idea of it selling 7 million was wrong. In a community BUILT on sales discussion, you honestly expect that not to get called out? I don't know how new you are to VGChartz, but people get entire threads dedicated to their predictions getting called out. You have to learn to deal with it. If you want everyone to play fair with your sales opinions, you're posting on the wrong site.

That being said, where are these "facts" you mentioned? You've been going on and on, even after I gave you numerical sales figures. Tell me, what in the world can you say to support the Zelda U matching Twilight Princess's success with 7 million sold? TP sold more software units than the Wii U has managed to sell hardware units in roughly the same time. C'mon.

It's a lifetime sale prediction ya dingus. Doesn't mean in the first god damn 24 hours of release. I gave you opinions, like I said multiple times. The only fact I gave you was f'n sourced. Show me once, where I declared my all my statements as fact. I argue opinionated logic and you come at me with something 1000% irrelavent to the discussion at hand. "Oh look at these sales of other games, you're wrong". Know what jackmonkey? The fact here you are a dense and are hiding from the opinions of others. Does your mother know you are like this? You declared several times that your opinion was fact. You have no valid evidence to support your claim and you assume that half as many people will buy the f'n game. Just because I called your "fact" out as an opinion does not give you the damn right to claim my opinion as wrong. That's the fucking point of an opinion, it can be disproven later through evidence and since you have ZERO evidence on the matter I suggest you drop it. 

On a side note, as a moderator of a large minecraft community. Calling someone out on opinions and predictions and arguing with them to try and prove your opinion as fact is flame baiting and as a result both parties would be banned temporarily until they cooled off. You're asking to be called things of a questionable nature, which you obviously are these things. They just can't be said in this forum. 

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VanceIX said:

You don't think Twilight Princess being heralded by the fanbase as the second coming of OoT due to the art style and adult Link had anything to do with actual sales?

I'll give you this- Majora's Mask didn't do as well because it was released at the end of the generation. But you have to keep in mind that it still did amazing for an N64 game (seeing as that there weren't that many N64s sold anyway, at least compared to the Wii). Nintendo's Gamecube had already been announced by the time the game came out as well, taking some steam away from it.

Now, Skyward Sword launched before the Wii U had launched, and at a time when 90+ million people owned the console. And it still flopped. For comparison, 1/10 N64 owners bought MM. 1/30 Wii owners bought SS. 

When Twilight Princess came out, it was released on a fledgling system, just like how WW was when it first came out. (TP also came out on GC, but it sold much, much more on Wii). TP did much better in sales and ended up moving more units. Why? I was a huge member of the Zelda community and I remember going on forums where people were excited about the OoT-esque art style. The similarities to OoT, especially in the graphics department, certainly helped the sales a considerable amount.

Adventure of Link just wasn't that great to begin with. It's suprising that it even sold that much seeing as that it was completely different from the original in every single way but the original.

I truly believe that the Wii U has the potential to reach 25 million units. A realistic Zelda alone would probably push 500,000 more units than a cartoon one.

Now don't get me wrong, once again, I'm really liking this art style. In the end though, the game may see relatively bad sales for a 3D Zelda title, as many people will ignore it outright for the SS graphics, as sad as it is. 

That is correct, I don't think that had as large of an effect as being a massively praised launch title on the Wii did. I think if it had released solely on Gamecube in 2005 sales would be less than Wind Waker's. In 2006 they would have been even lower, I think a little ower than Skyward Sword's (which is going to end up like 3.85). Though it's hard to deny it obviously had some effect, Ocarina was fondly remembered by millions and anyone saying "this game is like Ocarina of Time again" would indeed draw attention. Maybe more than I'm accounting for. But I really don't think realistic Zelda 3.0 would have the same effect. I don't think the same "Return of OoT" situation would happen and so I don't think there would be a buzzword trigger like that to drive sales this time.

Skyward Sword was launched right when Wii really lost its steam. Even without a new console announced more attention was turned towards the HD twins. And that doesn't change the fact that it required an additional peripheral and had the other characteristics I mentioned earlier. To be honest SS didn't feel all that technically impressive visually, not like Mario Galaxy did in 2007 for example, (or feel as clean as WW did to me in 2003) which this new Zelda game still does feel like to me even with cel shading.

1/10 N64 owners may have bought MM, but not even 1/10 Wii owners bought TP, so I don't think the Zelda sales base scales with install base accurately. Also Wind Waker did not exactly launch on a fledgling system. A full year after release in Japan and a year and a half later in the US. And the GCN system did a lot poorer than the Wii or even N64 so I'm still not sure it did bad relatively, especially with all the changes NOT related to art style.

I know, I'm always kinda surprised AoL sold even that much. I'm going to chock it up to many fans generated by LoZ and information/reviews not being as freely available as today.

I understand that you like the art style. But I don't think, especially in WiiU's situation, that a realistic Zelda would give that much more of a push. I'll admit I might be wrong, but it looks like I won't get the chance to find out. And the signs I see say it would not be reliable to bet on dark Zelda being a savior. I think we all want this game to sell a lot of copies, so I think the good thing to do is advocate to friends to get interested. Word of mouth still does things, it's why I bought a WiiU.

Skidonti said:
VanceIX said:

You don't think Twilight Princess being heralded by the fanbase as the second coming of OoT due to the art style and adult Link had anything to do with actual sales?

I'll give you this- Majora's Mask didn't do as well because it was released at the end of the generation. But you have to keep in mind that it still did amazing for an N64 game (seeing as that there weren't that many N64s sold anyway, at least compared to the Wii). Nintendo's Gamecube had already been announced by the time the game came out as well, taking some steam away from it.

Now, Skyward Sword launched before the Wii U had launched, and at a time when 90+ million people owned the console. And it still flopped. For comparison, 1/10 N64 owners bought MM. 1/30 Wii owners bought SS. 

When Twilight Princess came out, it was released on a fledgling system, just like how WW was when it first came out. (TP also came out on GC, but it sold much, much more on Wii). TP did much better in sales and ended up moving more units. Why? I was a huge member of the Zelda community and I remember going on forums where people were excited about the OoT-esque art style. The similarities to OoT, especially in the graphics department, certainly helped the sales a considerable amount.

Adventure of Link just wasn't that great to begin with. It's suprising that it even sold that much seeing as that it was completely different from the original in every single way but the original.

I truly believe that the Wii U has the potential to reach 25 million units. A realistic Zelda alone would probably push 500,000 more units than a cartoon one.

Now don't get me wrong, once again, I'm really liking this art style. In the end though, the game may see relatively bad sales for a 3D Zelda title, as many people will ignore it outright for the SS graphics, as sad as it is. 


I understand that you like the art style. But I don't think, especially in WiiU's situation, that a realistic Zelda would give that much more of a push. I'll admit I might be wrong, but it looks like I won't get the chance to find out. And the signs I see say it would not be reliable to bet on dark Zelda being a savior. I think we all want this game to sell a lot of copies, so I think the good thing to do is advocate to friends to get interested. Word of mouth still does things, it's why I bought a WiiU.

We can agree there. I'll be rooting for its success all the way. It may not have quite the impact of a realistic Zelda, but hopefully it'll be such a great title that word-of-mouth alone will push units.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

amak11 said:
VanceIX said:

Flame baiting? I said your idea of it selling 7 million was wrong. In a community BUILT on sales discussion, you honestly expect that not to get called out? I don't know how new you are to VGChartz, but people get entire threads dedicated to their predictions getting called out. You have to learn to deal with it. If you want everyone to play fair with your sales opinions, you're posting on the wrong site.

That being said, where are these "facts" you mentioned? You've been going on and on, even after I gave you numerical sales figures. Tell me, what in the world can you say to support the Zelda U matching Twilight Princess's success with 7 million sold? TP sold more software units than the Wii U has managed to sell hardware units in roughly the same time. C'mon.

It's a lifetime sale prediction ya dingus. Doesn't mean in the first god damn 24 hours of release. I gave you opinions, like I said multiple times. The only fact I gave you was f'n sourced. Show me once, where I declared my all my statements as fact. I argue opinionated logic and you come at me with something 1000% irrelavent to the discussion at hand. "Oh look at these sales of other games, you're wrong". Know what jackmonkey? The fact here you are a dense and are hiding from the opinions of others. Does your mother know you are like this? You declared several times that your opinion was fact. You have no valid evidence to support your claim and you assume that half as many people will buy the f'n game. Just because I called your "fact" out as an opinion does not give you the damn right to claim my opinion as wrong. That's the fucking point of an opinion, it can be disproven later through evidence and since you have ZERO evidence on the matter I suggest you drop it. 

On a side note, as a moderator of a large minecraft community. Calling someone out on opinions and predictions and arguing with them to try and prove your opinion as fact is flame baiting and as a result both parties would be banned temporarily until they cooled off. You're asking to be called things of a questionable nature, which you obviously are these things. They just can't be said in this forum. 

Wow, you're saying that I'm flame bating, but in just one post you called me a "dingus" and a "jackmonkey"? Wow man. Wow. Stay classy.

Most sales of a game happen in the first year. I doubt the Wii U has too much over ten million units sold by the end of 2015, so 7 out of 10 people would have to buy it. Even if you assume that most sales will happen later, the Wii U probably won't ever reach 18-20 million. Do you honestly believe that almost 40% of Wii U owners will buy the game?

So saying that pointing out that realistic Zelda titles sell more (which is a fact) makes me ignorant? And pointing out that your nonexistent logic for a game selling 7 million units when its base console hasn't even reached 7 million is wrong?

This is a sales community, not a Minecraft community. People call out other's sale predictions all the time, and tell them why they simply aren't possible. If you take offense to that, not my problem. You should be ready for criticism when you post it.

Now, what we don't do here is resort to childish name calling, as you are here. I've tried to keep it relatively civil, but now you're just flat-out insulting me. 

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

VanceIX said:

Wow, you're saying that I'm flame bating, but in just one post you called me a "dingus" and a "jackmonkey"? Wow man. Wow. Stay classy.

Most sales of a game happen in the first year. I doubt the Wii U has too much over ten million units sold by the end of 2015, so 7 out of 10 people would have to buy it. Even if you assume that most sales will happen later, the Wii U probably won't ever reach 18-20 million. Do you honestly believe that almost 40% of Wii U owners will buy the game?

So saying that pointing out that realistic Zelda titles sell more (which is a fact) makes me ignorant? And pointing out that your nonexistent logic for a game selling 7 million units when its base console hasn't even reached 7 million is wrong?

This is a sales community, not a Minecraft community. People call out other's sale predictions all the time, and tell them why they simply aren't possible. If you take offense to that, not my problem. You should be ready for criticism when you post it.

Now, what we don't do here is resort to childish name calling, as you are here. I've tried to keep it relatively civil, but now you're just flat-out insulting me. 

You take offense to me calling you a dingus? I'm calling out your "fact" as it's not a fact that can be verified by any evidence. You're bringing an objevtive argument (One that is 100% based on opinion) and comparing it to sales data. That's stupid like your "stay classy" insult.

The Zelda community has evolved and frankly a good majority aren't Zelda purist like you seem to be. No one wants a linear, dark toned Zelda game (because that's the only way that would work, TP was very linear). The reason TP sold as much as it did was because it was a cross-gen Zelda title. The reason Skyward Sword didn't sell as much was because it's an end of cycle Zelda title on a dying platform. It's not because of how it looked, never was. Remember the Wii was damn near impossible to find for the first couple years of it's life. The fact this new game will be truely open world tells me that it will sell like hot cakes. There is a lot you can do with 25gb of storage per disk. 

This is a game community who's core is statistics (Video Game Chartz). I can predict that your next response to me will tell me again that my opinion is wrong.  You can for fact use trends here, and the trend seems to be that Zelda game sales on home consoles have been slowing/shrinking and a game, regardless of art style, that fan-services the community might be enough to push Wii U sales and potentially have life sales of the software anywhere between 5 and 7 million. You seem to forget that games can go on sale, consoles can bundled with the game. With all these announcements, there is no reason Nintendo wont be able to sell another couple million or more Wii Us by the end of the fiscal year, but neither I or you can predict what will happen.

You act like some big cheese here in this community and it's obvious that you wrong and this entire thread was stupidly made. The fact that you titled this thread "Zelda U: The Zelda title the Wii U deserves, but not the one it needs?.This tells the reader that you have a opinionated response. One that is not factual but completely based on your own opinion. You are trying to argue stats in a thread that should be opinion only. You better listen here because I'm giving you advice on naming a thread on a forum. If you have named this thread something like "The statistical reason why Zelda U won't sell in large numbers" then you have a thread about what you are currently talking about. You derailed your own thread to attempt to prove an opinion wrong. Go learn to write, god knows I have taken enough English and writing courses to know at least how to name something properly. 

A game in the style of the E3 2011 demo would have sold more, but overall I found this is a surprisingly good compromise between the two camps; colourful and whimsical, but not a mass of blank slabs of colour where you play a bobble-head.

Best of both worlds.