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VanceIX said:

Wow, you're saying that I'm flame bating, but in just one post you called me a "dingus" and a "jackmonkey"? Wow man. Wow. Stay classy.

Most sales of a game happen in the first year. I doubt the Wii U has too much over ten million units sold by the end of 2015, so 7 out of 10 people would have to buy it. Even if you assume that most sales will happen later, the Wii U probably won't ever reach 18-20 million. Do you honestly believe that almost 40% of Wii U owners will buy the game?

So saying that pointing out that realistic Zelda titles sell more (which is a fact) makes me ignorant? And pointing out that your nonexistent logic for a game selling 7 million units when its base console hasn't even reached 7 million is wrong?

This is a sales community, not a Minecraft community. People call out other's sale predictions all the time, and tell them why they simply aren't possible. If you take offense to that, not my problem. You should be ready for criticism when you post it.

Now, what we don't do here is resort to childish name calling, as you are here. I've tried to keep it relatively civil, but now you're just flat-out insulting me. 

You take offense to me calling you a dingus? I'm calling out your "fact" as it's not a fact that can be verified by any evidence. You're bringing an objevtive argument (One that is 100% based on opinion) and comparing it to sales data. That's stupid like your "stay classy" insult.

The Zelda community has evolved and frankly a good majority aren't Zelda purist like you seem to be. No one wants a linear, dark toned Zelda game (because that's the only way that would work, TP was very linear). The reason TP sold as much as it did was because it was a cross-gen Zelda title. The reason Skyward Sword didn't sell as much was because it's an end of cycle Zelda title on a dying platform. It's not because of how it looked, never was. Remember the Wii was damn near impossible to find for the first couple years of it's life. The fact this new game will be truely open world tells me that it will sell like hot cakes. There is a lot you can do with 25gb of storage per disk. 

This is a game community who's core is statistics (Video Game Chartz). I can predict that your next response to me will tell me again that my opinion is wrong.  You can for fact use trends here, and the trend seems to be that Zelda game sales on home consoles have been slowing/shrinking and a game, regardless of art style, that fan-services the community might be enough to push Wii U sales and potentially have life sales of the software anywhere between 5 and 7 million. You seem to forget that games can go on sale, consoles can bundled with the game. With all these announcements, there is no reason Nintendo wont be able to sell another couple million or more Wii Us by the end of the fiscal year, but neither I or you can predict what will happen.

You act like some big cheese here in this community and it's obvious that you wrong and this entire thread was stupidly made. The fact that you titled this thread "Zelda U: The Zelda title the Wii U deserves, but not the one it needs?.This tells the reader that you have a opinionated response. One that is not factual but completely based on your own opinion. You are trying to argue stats in a thread that should be opinion only. You better listen here because I'm giving you advice on naming a thread on a forum. If you have named this thread something like "The statistical reason why Zelda U won't sell in large numbers" then you have a thread about what you are currently talking about. You derailed your own thread to attempt to prove an opinion wrong. Go learn to write, god knows I have taken enough English and writing courses to know at least how to name something properly.